International Two dead, multiple injured in a gun attack on a gay bar in Oslo

Actually, Norway has one of the highest gun ownership per capita stays in the world. But the vast majority of Norwegians use them for hunting and sports shooting, and do not own them out of ridiculous fantasies about standing up to a tyrannical government.
First, I only said that Norway heavily restricts firearm ownership, which it does.

Second, it's a ridiculous fantasy to stand up to a tyrannical government?

You liberals have really lost the plot.

I was there less than an hour before the shooting, but didn't go in because the queue was too large.

Just to avoid any confusion, the pub is called "London", but is located in Oslo.

Happened during the Pride Festival too, people fucking suck.


The Pride Festival and the parade have been officially cancelled, but thousands of people are showing up anyway to show support.

Maybe there is some hope for humanity after all. ❤️

It is tragic someone had to be so filled with hatred they would resort to shooting other human beings. It is fortunate you were unharmed.
First, I said that Norway heavily restricts firearm ownership, which it does.

Second, it's a ridiculous fantasy to stand up to a tyrannical government?

You liberals have really lost the plot.
You should post that picture of your gear again so he can see how badass you are.
Guy was arrested. No name released. Wanna bet on his religion/ethnicity?

Herein is the conundrum of the Left. Claim to represent every single minority group, yet those groups all have opposite views and desires.

Put a bunch of devout Muslims in an environment where something they consider to be sinful is rammed down their throats, one nutter will end up doing something horrific.

I guarantee this guy is Muslim. If it was another Anders Breivik we'd have already seen his name and mugshot.
Information has already been released that the guy is a Norwegian citizen, born in Iran. I don't think they have interrogated him properly yet, but the motive seems to be Islamic extremist terrorism.

If you want to bash Muslims or the left, you can can go make your own thread since mine has nothing to do with either the left or Islam.
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But the Christian right is generally ok with judgement in the afterlife and not meting out corporal punishment in the here and now. Besides believing in the god if Abraham and Jesus being a key figure in both religions, there's not much similarity between the doctrines or the person they're to emulate.

- an atheist

Legalism is deprecated in mainstream Christianity (the five solas), whereas it's the basis of mainstream Sunni Islam.
There's exceptions of course though. Joel's Army, the New Apostolic Reformation, The Seven Mountain Mandate, Catholic Integralists etc, etc.
It's a spectrum of dominionism which a lot of the independent Churches fall on. Of course even then legalism doesn't necessarily mean capital or corporal punishment for sin.
There's really no religious justification in Islam or Christianity for some random individual to murder a bunch of people for what they consider to be sexual immorality.
People go to Norway to be safe from shit like this. Unfortunate.

You should post that picture of your gear again so he can see how badass you are.
How about I post this instead. Because it's relevant to what I said and the thread:

Despite a significant portion of the population owning and using firearms, they are rarely ever seen outside the
settings of their uses, such as in marksmanship or biathlon meets or during hunting seasons.

Permits and requirements
Norway has some of the strictest gun control laws around today. It is only possible to obtain permission to own
a weapon by having officially documented a use for the gun with the local police and taken extensive training
relevant to the intended use of the weapon. Generally, this falls into two categories: hunting and sports shooting.

The first step to owning a firearm in Norway is to get a Våpenkort – a firearm permit that is specific to what you
plan to use the firearm for.

For hunters, it is required to complete a 30-hour course, and pass an exam that covers a variety of topics such
as responsible gun handling, and the environmental impacts of hunting.

Once the course is completed and exam passed all that is left to do is to register with the government and
receive a hunting license. This license needs to be renewed each year by paying a fee, and in some cases,
spending a day at a certified firing range.

Hunting in Norway
For a hunter that wishes to purchase a firearm, the hunting license is brought to the police station, where it is
required to fill out an application to purchase the proper firearm for the type of hunting one wishes to do. After
the application is evaluated and approved, the applicant can take the returned form to the store and make
their purchase.

Sport and competitive shooting

The qualification for a permit can be considered slightly easier for sports shooting but requires more time and

Anyone interested in shooting competitively or recreationally as part of a gun club must enroll in a firearm safety
course that lasts at least nine hours and pass an exam – although this differs than the exam hunters take as it
primarily handles on firearm safety.

The passing of the test results in acceptance to the approved gun club, and a license for competition.

While the hunters can obtain their firearm relatively quickly, sports shooters must prove their intentions to compete
by actively training or competing in the gun club of their choice. This means regular attendance (at least 15 times)
at gun club training over the course of six months.

After six months, the applicant may apply for weapon ownership. The license and a written recommendation from
the gun club president are brought to the police station, and the type of competition class is filled out on the

Types of guns owned in Norway
Because of the laws and the culture of firearms, there is a fairly limited variety of guns in Norway. Rifles and shotguns
make up the bulk of civilian-owned weapons in Norway as they are used for hunting. Handguns can also be found in
Norway, generally used by competitive and sports shooters that belong to gun clubs.

Fully automatic weapons, some semiautomatic weapons, and firearms disguised as other objects are banned under
the law. Certain types of weapons not covered by the Firearms Act’s definition of firearms, such as stun guns, are
also generally banned.

Storage and ammunition
The law for storage of firearms is also quite strict in Norway. For shotguns and rifles, it is required to have the firearm,
or a vital part of the firearm, to be securely locked away in an approved gun safe, securely bolted to a non-removable
part of the house.

The police are allowed to make a home inspection of the safe. An inspection must be announced more than 48 hours
in advance, and the police are only allowed to see the safe and make sure it is legally installed.

Ammunition is only sold to persons with a valid weapon license. Unless given special dispensation, no more than
10,000 rounds of ammunition can be stored at a time.

New regulations
Norway plans to ban semi-automatic firearms as of 2021. The ban would require current owners of semi-automatic
weapons to hand them over to the government, as well as prohibiting future sales.
If you want to bash Muslims or the left...
What does "the left" has to do with muslims? I mean, true leftism is and should be strongly AGAINST ALL KINDS OF RELIGIONS and just bans any kind of influence of religious beliefs into politics. I mean, people are so confused nowadays that are actually convinced that having a left wing ideolpgy means having to put up with all kinds of shit and not having a strong stance against certain topics... Being tolerant with these intolerant cultures is just some new age social-democratic thing.
The kind of leftism where I come from always claimed "NO GOD, no homeland, no king".
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Information has already been released that the guy is a Norwegian citizen, born in Iran. I don't think they have interrogated him properly yet, but the motive seems to be Islamic extremist terrorism.

If you want to bash Muslims or the left, you can can go make your own thread though since mine has nothing to do with either the left or Islam.

I was making a point, mate.

You think you're oppressed? Try living outside the west. When that type of oppression lands in the west psychos will emerge. They don't like gay people, even the moderately religious ones. They won't handle this well.

We have a big gay scene here in Wales (Cardiff) and it seems relatively OK you don't hear about hate crimes much, if at all.

Recently a former drag club was reinvented as a "after hours" type techno club, if you get me. Techno, drugs, open til 6am type affair but openly gay. I went there on the first weekend because I love techno, the city really needed that type of club, and I love drugs.

There wasn't a single person there that wasn't white. No black dudes, no middle Eastern dudes, and the city is multicultural.

Face facts. People from outside of the west do not like the gay scene. As much as you'd like to believe its "white supremacy " it's almost always non white western men who commit these atrocities.
Shooting deaths have gone way up this year in Sweden so there might be a change to that if this keeps up.

The gangbangers are learning how to finish the job.
do you think Sweden will reach the same rate as finland? Finland at last count pre covid (covid skewed the numbers a bit all over the place) was at a homicide rate of 1,67. Swedens was at a paltry 1,08.
You want to do this based on population, go do the math on per capita.

How to calculate per capita, for dummies:

Determine how many people are in the population that you want to measure,
then divide that measurement by the total number of people in the population.

It's hard to argue with smart people, but it's nearly impossible to argue with stupid people.
- Some smart person
What does "the left" has to do with muslims? I mean, true leftism is AGAINST ALL KINDS OF RELIGIONS and just bans any kind of influence of religious beliefs into politics. I mean, people are so confused nowadays that are actually convinced that having a left wing ideolpgy means having to put up with all kinds of shit and not having a strong stance against certain topics... Being tolerant with this intolerant cultures is just some new age social-democratic thing.
The kind of leftism where I come from always claimed "NO GOD, no homeland, no king".

I don't know, I didn't bring it up. Stop derailing my thread.

I was making a point, mate.

You think you're oppressed? Try living outside the west. When that type of oppression lands in the west psychos will emerge. They don't like gay people, even the moderately religious ones. They won't handle this well.

We have a big gay scene here in Wales (Cardiff) and it seems relatively OK you don't hear about hate crimes much, if at all.

Recently a former drag club was reinvented as a "after hours" type techno club, if you get me. Techno, drugs, open til 6am type affair but openly gay. I went there on the first weekend because I love techno, the city really needed that type of club, and I love drugs.

There wasn't a single person there that wasn't white. No black dudes, no middle Eastern dudes, and the city is multicultural.

Face facts. People from outside of the west do not like the gay scene. As much as you'd like to believe its "white supremacy " it's almost always non white western men who commit these atrocities.

I just went to the Pride parade in Oslo and I saw pretty much every ethnicity there is in there.

I'm really not sure about what weird, racial point you're trying to make, but keep that shit out of my thread.
I was making a point, mate.

You think you're oppressed? Try living outside the west. When that type of oppression lands in the west psychos will emerge. They don't like gay people, even the moderately religious ones. They won't handle this well.

We have a big gay scene here in Wales (Cardiff) and it seems relatively OK you don't hear about hate crimes much, if at all.

Recently a former drag club was reinvented as a "after hours" type techno club, if you get me. Techno, drugs, open til 6am type affair but openly gay. I went there on the first weekend because I love techno, the city really needed that type of club, and I love drugs.

There wasn't a single person there that wasn't white. No black dudes, no middle Eastern dudes, and the city is multicultural.

Face facts. People from outside of the west do not like the gay scene. As much as you'd like to believe its "white supremacy " it's almost always non white western men who commit these atrocities.

I'm sure there's always been a gay scene in my city as well, but even so it was only in the '70s that the vice squad used to cruise the gay pickup spots and gay bash. Only started to reform after they bashed a Uni lecturer, broke his ankle, threw him in the river and he drowned.
No prosecutions of course.
What does "the left" has to do with muslims? I mean, true leftism is and should be strongly AGAINST ALL KINDS OF RELIGIONS and just bans any kind of influence of religious beliefs into politics. I mean, people are so confused nowadays that are actually convinced that having a left wing ideolpgy means having to put up with all kinds of shit and not having a strong stance against certain topics... Being tolerant with this intolerant cultures is just some new age social-democratic thing.
The kind of leftism where I come from always claimed "NO GOD, no homeland, no king".

The modern left = tolerate EVERYTHING. things you might slightly disagree with, government over reach, government dominance. Basically "everyone and anyone can do whatever they like with no repercussions ".

Anarchy Basically.

The modern left are anarchists. Basking in their self proclaimed virtue drinking lattes at Starbucks, using a Macbook to talk down to anyone who dares to defy the dogma and say "hang on, this is a bit weird... "

To add to that. Imagine living your everyday life tolerating EVERYTHING. Imagine being a woman doing mental gymnastics to tolerate why her husband or boyfriend is clearly mentally abusing her. Imagine not leaving a job where your boss is clearly a narcissist taking advantage of you.

We make these smaller judgement calls all the time. Very few of us "tolerate" things we personally feel are a

Yet on the wider scale we're expected to tolerate these wide, sweeping abnormalities.

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