Media *** Tyson Fury vs. Francis Ngannou Post Fight Discussion MEGATHREAD ***

How does the fight go?

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Francis had the bigger moments for sure, but most rounds were a lot of nothing. In those rounds, Tyson was usually the one doing a smidge more. Sometimes a close fight is just a close fight.

Frank shoulda went for broke in the last round.
That's actually a good argument, need to rewatch. I don't remember either guy causing any significant damage that round, looked at stats and Ngannou landed 5 significant strikes vs Gane's 7, but had 2min44 sec of control vs Gane's 39 seconds. I mean we're splitting hairs on dog shit, lets be real that round was really lackluster. But I don't see that being enough to equalize control time. Although I'll say some interpret judging should strictly be strikes and damage first, and control after if they are equal. Ngannou has 13 strikes vs Gane's 7 in total though.
Control time isn’t even a factor in effective grappling. Ngannou’s effective grappling was his reversal and his transition to full mount. Ganes was a takedown and 2 submission attempts
Allegedly $4m plus per fight in PFL. He says he'll do both. Why not? He's the biggest name in the HW division of the sport.

Also, it's hilarious that his doubters used to say he can only do one boxing fight before he's laughed out of the sport. Now they're saying he should ONLY fight boxing. These are hilarious times.

Why fight for $4m when you can fight for double or more in boxing?
Dan Hardy said Fury would beat Francis in MMA :p
I genuinely dont believe he trained - he looked liked a fat fuck and thought it would be quick, easy money

So who does Francis face in those 2?

Fury has Usyk early next year, does he still fight Francis when he loses?

And if Fury wins and is the undisputed HW champ and fights Francis - whats the deal with the belts?
There's so many scenarios now it's hard to say. I just know that we'll see Francis box some top HW probably around the end of 2024. Also, the WBC said that Francis will be ranked in the top 10 now, so the belts would definitely be on the line should they ever face each other again.
na… your extreme hyperbole immediately hampers your credibility off the bat, but Fury did not perform wildly out of character or out of shape. He looked like himself very much. His punches were sharp. His movement was quick. and his stamina held up for 10 no problem. the only time he looked depleted was in the round where Francis was looking to finish him, he absorbed a lot of shots and was hanging on creating clinches to stave it off. Could Fury perform better, for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if Francis were not able to replicate the quality of this performance against Fury in a rematch, but that doesn't matter at all to me. This fight happened. This is the result and it is no less real.

The result was a win for Fury

I also had money on Fury getting knocked down and Francis winning because i knew this wasn't going to be straight forward for Tyson
Fine, the correct statement would be, recent events did not affect the truthfulness of Jones’s statement

Recent events make Jones' statement a god damn joke is what it does.

Francis Ngannou "ran away" from Jon Jones to fight the heavyweight champ in boxing....yes, I'm sure Francis was shaking in his size 16 boots.
Nothing racist at all, I simply posted a picture of a fighter who was bruised and busted up. You’re the one claiming black don’t crack, i simply used a picture to prove that is false.
it's just light chatter. its no absolute. we're just talking relative tissue damage and the difference not being simply limited to impact absorbed.

your anxiety to share a black man with his face beaten like some re-run of Medgar Evers in the face of a light cheers-ing of mine to another poster about the often amazing quality of darker complexioned people's resistance to wear and also age, as the colloquial phrase more often applies, is what makes it feel weird, sinister and with racially motivated angst.
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Funny how Tyson says Francis didn't land much, when the best shot that Tyson landed was an illegal elbow. That was his best and most accurate blow by far
He did have a few straight rights that landed, one directly on the tip of Francis's chin that had zero effect, nothing. The punched that knocked down Fury, Fury was moving away from, Fury's lucky he saw that hook coming. Lol
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oh man.. it's a saying with some truth to it is all. dark complexioned fighters often are less prone to cuts and showing of damage. just watch a bunch of fights and don't cherry pick seeking to discredit the idea, just watch it objectively. some very light skinned fighters have great resiliency as well, it's not without exception, and I really don't know the science for what makes ones tissue more durable or elastic than another's. if its subject of great concern for you, you're welcome to research the science on it and present it back here. I'd be interested so long as its not some racially motivated propaganda topic.

Melanin, among other things, does appear to have positive influence on skin mechanical resistance.

There are some papers that try to take it on this hypothesis.

The theory is that paler skin tones evolved among populations that started to wear lots of clothing not only to allow more vitamin D3 synthesis due to UV radiation, but also because tougher skin wasn't that advantageous with lots of cloth cover.

It's probably strictly visual in many cases, though. Ngannou's face was pretty damn swollen after first Miocic figth, but it's not as easy to notice as very visible hematomas.
I don’t mind admitting I didn’t think he would succeed in even getting the fight, let alone looking this good in it. But I don’t really see this as mma’s win. Maybe a little I guess. But this is Francis’s win and his alone. I don’t mind admitting I was wrong, but definitely not going to try and hijack his win to save face.

"Definitely not going to try and hijack his win to save face."

And that's what makes you a real mothafucka sir, and one of the top posters on this site.
I mean he lost to the black beast and hasn't looked like a super-technical fighter in his UFC fights (imo) despite having massive power.

So the Tyson performance is definitely a shocker.

Some of ya'll are just fucking insufferable, though. For real.

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