UFC 252 PBP/Discussion

Stipe landed the body shot so easily already in first round but just once so far
I won on Vera so happy but also sad cause we didn’t get more tape on OMalley for his future fights
And...here we go. Eye poke.
Nice style DC, real martial artist employing all the tools.
All the goggle memes were warranted
lmao r1 eyepoke. Like we didn't see a DC eyepoke coming
3 fights in a row. Give him a point deduction
DC maybe stole rd 1, not sure. Live lines even.
Uh... Stipe round 1 becuase volume? That stumble at the end has me wondering if judges won't see that as stealing a round
dc is so much lower volume this fight i question if he's going to gas, need stipe to hit the body more or land big shots
Starts rd 3 closes a parlay for me, and I'm on Stipe ML too. Really need this to not be DC finishing in rd 2...