International What has meaningfully changed in America since 9/11?

Women didn't openly dress like whores
Racial relations were pretty solid
Sports didnt involve politics
A single income was enough to get by for the average household
Women dress like boys now, what the fuck are you talking about. Shorts never got shorter than they did in the 70s.
Girls wearing baggy mom jeans and big sweaters now is the exact opposite of what they wore 10-15-30 years ago.
And more people were killed in the Rodney King Riots of 1992 in 3 days than were killed in every protest/watered down riot of last year.
Stop being a bitch.
Probably the most meaningful difference is that the Patriot act passed just in time for the rise of big data. The military industrial complex and the tech sector had a big orgy the end game of which is that privacy will probably never really exist again for the average American.

Their actions were so disgusting and shameful that even telling the American public about it made Snowden an enemy of the state living in exile.

The second thing would be that the American economy has reached a point that can best be summed up as the last 15 minutes of a game of Monopoly where somebody is sitting on all the loot and everyone else is just trying to figure out how to even stay in the game and Gen z is about three moves from flipping the fucking board.
maybe the biggest correction for me was the amount of time we all used to waste taking a shit. Back then you would read the same shitty mag over and over so much it started to smell like shit. It was a drag, such a valuable waste of your life. We couldnt rush quick enough to haul ass out the bathroom and get back to playing video games.

There is a whole generation now that has nearly zero wasted life hours combined from taking shits because they have a smart phone and stay overly productive to make sure they lose none of that precious time... as long as they charged their phones

Irrespective of the source, it's clear Joe is unfit to lead the country.
even his wife 'Doctor' Jill would be more qualified.
The US is in deep trouble.
get a load of this chud trying to spin his own fuck up into something even cornier. thats enough internet for you today pal.

Several Glasgow-based firms are among more than 700 across the UK offering internships to students as part of an expanded programme to increase diversity within 24 professional sectors while also transforming the prospects of young people from African, Caribbean and mixed black backgrounds.


You can’t refute my points. All you do is appeal to ridicule and throw in an ad hominem.

There are thousands of companies across the western world that deliberately discriminate in favor of black and brown people.

But, yeah, don’t let facts get in the way of you spouting lies about how the west are racist.
As an outsider looking in, I definitely noticed how binary your politics have become. It has always been that to a degree, but never to this extent. There doesn’t seem to be any will to find middle ground anymore.

A centrist party is needed imo, although some people are too set in their ways to support it.

this is not true at all. Democrats have reached across the aisle non stop since Obama was president.
Politics has become so tribal and extreme. There's very little middle ground and the far left has trainwrecked into absurdity. The far right is just the same as always.
Despite his name, Obama is as Ivy League as it gets. He's not really the best example to throw around.

Read the post I was responding to.

The guy was basically saying, if you are an ethnic minority or have an Muslim sounding name, you can’t make it in this country.
Probably the most meaningful difference is that the Patriot act passed just in time for the rise of big data. The military industrial complex and the tech sector had a big orgy the end game of which is that privacy will probably never really exist again for the average American.

Their actions were so disgusting and shameful that even telling the American public about it made Snowden an enemy of the state living in exile.

The second thing would be that the American economy has reached a point that can best be summed up as the last 15 minutes of a game of Monopoly where somebody is sitting on all the loot and everyone else is just trying to figure out how to even stay in the game and Gen z is about three moves from flipping the fucking board.
and the patriot act has served as a model of surveillance for societies all over the world, especially in the euro-Atlantic sphere, where the government at least has to make an effort to make it look legal, because of "threats to national security". it's a shitshow now with big data. everything is under control.
maybe the biggest correction for me was the amount of time we all used to waste taking a shit. Back then you would read the same shitty mag over and over so much it started to smell like shit. It was a drag, such a valuable waste of your life. We couldnt rush quick enough to haul ass out the bathroom and get back to playing video games.

There is a whole generation now that has nearly zero wasted life hours combined from taking shits because they have a smart phone and stay overly productive to make sure they lose none of that precious time... as long as they charged their phones

You were lucky if you had a paper imo. When I was growing up my parents wouldn't let me take a magazine in there. I used to know the ingredients to head and shoulders shampoo extremely well.
i have noticed this as well
it doesn't seem like there's much to build on as a centrist in america
the sides have been taken over by the worst people of either.

Yeah, it seems to have descended into some kind of bizarre chuds vs soyboys thing.
Read the post I was responding to.

The guy was basically saying, if you are an ethnic minority or have an Muslim sounding name, you can’t make it in this country.

He was inferring that you'd be more likely to get stopped at an airport.
Irrespective of the source, it's clear Joe is unfit to lead the country.

Source matters.

Fox is hyper partisan propaganda, no matter what a Democrat does, it will be presented as a failure or a catastrophe.

CNN is a smoldering dumpster fire that I don't watch, and they lean so far to the left they're about to fall over, but Fox should be considered a part of the GOP.

It always cracks me up when someone says "even CNN is criticizing this Democrat" because CNN does in fact do that. A Republican could have blown up the White House and Fox would talk about how pretty the lights were.

Biden was always going to be a mediocre president but on his worst day he's ten times as good as Trump, and to be honest, he's been better than I expected.

You can’t refute my points. All you do is appeal to ridicule and throw in an ad hominem.

hurr durr! what points? dated before you made this post, let's hear them! what points did you make einstein? you arent going to play your spin game with me. quote the source or run like a bitch.
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Read the post I was responding to.

The guy was basically saying, if you are an ethnic minority or have an Muslim sounding name, you can’t make it in this country.

That's not even close to what he was saying.
The Bush era was the first time I saw the behavior of the modern left when it came to a republican president. I didn’t like Bush either, and a lot of it was justified. Constant berating, insults, screaming, demanding of removal, etc..

I thought it was exclusive to Bush, until Trump became president. Then I just realize that regardless of who the president is, if they’re a Republican, the left will lose their minds.

what’s funny is during that time bush justified a lot of his stripping away of Americans freedoms as a means for their safety. Democrats were against this and Republicans were for it.

now in 2021 the same thing is happening to an even more extreme degree and the political parties stances on the subject have reversed.

During 9/11 all of the Democrat complaints about the bush administration were correct.
There is no way anything now is more extreme than the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act took away your Fourth Amendment freedoms, after that it was already a wrap.

Vaccine mandates go back to George Washington.

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