What is going on with Frank Mir's head?

Looks like he is receding and it’s making his head look weird. Also his head is getting fatter. Probably gained some weight
Because of my frenchness I didn't really understand that part of your post, I suppose you're saying the guy who will accept the fight is gonna regret it a few seconds after the fight starts, is that correct ? ( because I guess it's some regional event level at most - I looked it up they seem to be looking for "young talents" lol, is it some kind of cheap TUF ?)

It's not a TUF it's a one night team vs team thing, but yeah Mendes isn't an ordinary 6-3 fighter.

Lol wtf too good..
receding hairline is making his weird shaped head look more weird that's all.
Whatever these guys are taking that makes their heads bigger, they need to stop. That's also what causes all these bodybuilders to die early as well. Got to look in the mirror and look at the effects it's having on your body instead of ignoring it.

Joe Rogan head got massive as well
could his cheeks just be more puffy giving that appearence?
That can't be real :eek: ?