Who else started getting withdrawals from not being able to Post?

No. I have a life and a family.
I joined 2 other groups even said things to get people upset had to wait long time to get an upset response which took away the fun.

Just goes to show how we take things for granted.

No Sherdog for 5 days and I was already having to talk MMA with casual fans form my community. Conor Fanbois... HAH

Thank you SherStaff for putting in the time over what must have been a long week, to get everything running.

The layout looks great.

I honestly was checking in everyday. Waiting for the good news. How about you SherBro?
How often did you visit Sherdog Forums while it was being upgraded?

Hmm, I don't seem to know how to add a Poll :eek:

I thought my Dbol and meth had stopped working. And now I have to file an insurance claim on my house and car. Goddamit Sherwood.
We got our search function working again so that is good.
I thought my Dbol and meth had stopped working. And now I have to file an insurance claim on my house and car. Goddamit Sherwood.
I laughed extra hard at this one <45>
I just use reddit ufc and mma subs. Jesus. There are other platforms out there. Don't be such a dinosaur. There are options.
Are they as good ? No but they are OK

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