Will Cigarettes in America ever be phased out?

No, but I wouldn't mind if it was.
Don't see a lot of people smoking cigarettes in my area of the country. You see mostly vapes or hipsters rolling their own b/c it's,....hip.
I think they should have restaurants or bars or places they can go where smoking is freely allowed - not somewhere I would go personally.
That's the correct and healthy conclusion. I would never go to a restaurant packed with smokers because I don't smoke, just like I don't go to bars because I don't drink, or vape bars because I don't vape. But I certainly don't think they shouldn't be allowed to exist, or that people shouldn't be allowed to smoke/drink/vape.

There's already too much government intrusion into our personal lives, and certainly into that of the private industry. No business should ever have to serve anyone they don't want to serve, and they shouldn't be told what legally permissible items they aren't allowed to sell. No product or service can be all things to all people.
Vaping is an embarrassment too.

Like sucking on an electronic cigarette is any better.
The Greatest Generation smoked a lot, Baby Boomers too but some people started to worry, when I was a kid in the 90s it was really frowned upon and me and the other kids would usually say we would never smoke. Around here TV would say we were the "healthy generation".
Late 2000s, a lot of Boomers had stopped smoking but the Millennials started smoking like it was 1940. I never got it, people born in the 1920s had some idea it was bad but not nearly as much as we do, and still, people were smoking. While it has gone down as a whole it seems there is a particular class of people that smoke just as much as people in the past.
Then, when I look at Zoomers it seems the only reason they smoke cigarettes a little less is because they vape.

My point is that, humans are self destructive and the only thing that could kill cigarettes is a strong competitor that causes nearly as much harm. But I doubt vaping will end tobacco, they will probably go hand in hand.
The steep decline in the number of people smoking cigarettes has been obvious in my lifetime (& a boon for humanity and a victory for public health and education)

The long run is a long time but I don't expect smoking to hit effectively zero in my lifetime.

I only know or interact regularly with one person who smokes cigarettes. While my personal experience is clearly not indicative of the overall population it does show that there are already bubbles where smoking is exceedingly rare.
OOOHH no. They can go to the parking lot, further down the sidewalk, or wait until the are driving away in their own car.

Maybe they should go into the sewers or a cave before they light up
I love reading a good sci fi book I picked up from the thrift store and smoking a Kool(s)
They should be banned. They are dangerous by design.
I'm in the mining industry is Western Australia and vaping here is huge. Virtually no one smokes cigarettes anyone in comparison.

Vaping g is much cheaper than cigarettes.
Maybe someday but not in our lifetime
They should be banned. They are dangerous by design.
Tobacco and nicotine are both natural and have been smoked for thousands of years.

Tobacco use wasn’t designed, and no one smoked it, bought it, or sold it because they thought it was dangerous.

Have cigarette companies worked to create a more addictive product? Possibly. But it wasn’t because they harbored some evil intent to murder their customers.

At some point all of you big government shills just need to accept human accountability, human agency, and human responsibility. People smoke because they chose to smoke. And you have no right to force them to stop, or to force tobacco companies out of business. It’s evil, and in un-American.
I was in Vegas last weekend with my wife and I have to say I was shocked how little smoking was going on inside the casinos compared to the last time we were there in 2011, it was like night and day.

When we went in 2011 I remember we just walked around from casino to casino checking them all out to compare their different atmospheres and aesthetic and I distinctly remember the casino in the Monte Carlo being like the smokiest large room I’d ever been in my life. But this trip every casino still permitted smoking but we barely saw anyone doing it all. You might see one person smoking out of every dozen or so blackjack tables.
I think the only way cigarette will not get phased out is if there is a way to eliminate second hand smoking.
Tobacco and nicotine are both natural and have been smoked for thousands of years.

Tobacco use wasn’t designed, and no one smoked it, bought it, or sold it because they thought it was dangerous.

Have cigarette companies worked to create a more addictive product? Possibly. But it wasn’t because they harbored some evil intent to murder their customers.

At some point all of you big government shills just need to accept human accountability, human agency, and human responsibility. People smoke because they chose to smoke. And you have no right to force them to stop, or to force tobacco companies out of business. It’s evil, and in un-American.
I never said tobacco isn’t natural.
That’s not what dangerous by design means. I know tobacco wasn’t designed.
Possibly? No, definitely. As someone who has sat in on dozens of mock trials conducted by Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds concerning law suits that they were currently involved with and being privy to the evidence presented in those trials I can say with great certainty that tobacco companies have worked very hard to make their products more addictive. In fact they are more addictive than heroine.
They also lied about the dangers of smoking to the public while their own internal studies revealed how harmful they are. They did this to continue selling their product to enrich themselves. That’s some evil intent.
You talk about personal responsibility but you don’t address the lies that people have been told about the products.
Actually the government does have the right to force them to shut down and there would be nothing evil or un-American about it.

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