You sir, are no Carnal Salvation...



30 minutes technique. Then open mat. Left this portion of class after a few rolls gotdammit.
I struggled even in the stand up, and once on the ground I got dominated. Gassing out hard.
I'm pissed at myself. I have to step it up. Not a good session at all.

*Got so irked with myself for wussing out that I had to pay penance this afternoon:
Dead Horse Hill
x 3.
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30 minutes technique. Then open mat. Left this portion of class after a few rolls gotdammit.
I struggled even in the stand up, and once on the ground I got dominated. Gassing out hard.
I'm pissed at myself. I have to step it up. Not a good session at all.

*Got so irked with myself for wussing out that I had to pay penance this afternoon:
Dead Horse Hill
x 3.
We all have bad days at the office mate, don't dwell on it too much.
We all have bad days at the office mate, don't dwell on it too much.

Thanks man, good reminder. In the end, I think the bad session helped me snap out of a complacency that had settled in.



Muuuuuch better day.
I enjoy the easy going camaraderie at this club. So glad I switched gyms.

Followed immediately by
BJJ Strength and conditioning class
A kettlebell circuit several times through and cool down stretching.

*I added a scoop of creatine and a scoop of gms to my gatorade / water, and I think it made a difference in my get up and go.


Warm up
Stack passes
Open mat, in which things went fine.
Uchimata is getting a lot of opportunities in stand up due to the frequent single leg attacks. However, I still have a lot to figure out with the throw as I haven't pulled it off successfully once with these new guys.
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Went in feeling pretty banged up after 6 days of training. Have a big ass painful bruise on my ankle / shin.
Thankfully it was a fairly laid back night. We worked on ippon seoi to kouchi gari for quite while.
Then we were doing some super light randori and I managed to tweak the fuck out of my back picking up a 225 lb dude. We both heard a pop.
The pain went away pretty quickly though, and 90 minutes later typing this there's hardly any pain at all. We'll see how it feels mañana.

I'm traveling to Colorado this weekend and don't see working out again until Monday because I'm bout to get turnt.

Back still a dull pain, and the bruise on my shin / ankle has gotten pretty nasty. Even my toes have turned yellow. Also seemed to pick up a cold or some shit from my travels.
Should have traveled in my airtight bubble.
I'm hoping to get back on the mat Thursday (if the lung crud clears up) and I'll see how the spine and ankle hold up.
Watched Westside vs. the World last night and realized holy shit I'm soft. Those guys were animals.
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Do you go to a different gym for Judo? Is it solely Judo focused? I've been thinking about it for years because I'm never any good at the take downs they teach at my bjj school, that and nobody ever wants to start standing (they get mad when they can't catch me because I "don't engage").
Do you go to a different gym for Judo? Is it solely Judo focused? I've been thinking about it for years because I'm never any good at the take downs they teach at my bjj school, that and nobody ever wants to start standing (they get mad when they can't catch me because I "don't engage").

Yes, I go to a a judo club and a totally separate BJJ club.
The judo club is purely judo focused. My present coach is a Jason Morris prodigy and he's very sport oriented. It's all about preparing for tournaments at this club. 95% of the time we do standup, and in our randori we rarely continue into ground work.
At the BJJ club, we often start in stand up, but guard is usually quickly pulled, though some wrestlers go for singles and double legs. I'm the only Judo guy at the BJJ club, so I feel a certain obligation to not embarrass Judo. But I'm just a brown belt, and an old and mediocre one at that. Also, what's considered a take down is different in BJJ than it is in Judo. The rules are different. In Judo you can't grab legs.
If you take up Judo, I think the big thing you'll notice first (like within 6 months) is that you'll become much more comfortable just moving around in stand up in BJJ class, whether you hit throws or not. Your stand up gripping skills should improve dramatically. Then, probably, you'll start getting some throws. If you combine the takedowns they're teaching you in BJJ with the throws you're learning in Judo, you'll start feeling good about your stand up game IMO.
Sorry for the long winded post man! If you try out Judo let me know. I think combining the two arts is the best.

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