BJJ and Corona Virus

The odds of catching it with a small circle of grapplers, maybe 50-100 people maximum using the mats in a day would logically be lower than taking a packed train for example.

I don't disagree - but if one of your training partners goes on said train or business trip, then spends the next 7 days rolling with you in a humid gym, I don't think the issue here is wide expose, but the persistent contact with individuals that could pick it up elsewhere ... I don't think we should be spreading panic, but I also don't think we should be naive to what we do. I know in London we have both very busy confined public transport, a lot of international visitors, and also a lot of people cross training at different BJJ clubs.
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TS has made multiple outlandish claims in this thread.

What is your "formal" science background you claim to have?

You called this the worst / biggest global pandemic in 100 years, lol. But the death count in places other than China is extremely low currently. The death toll is 2 in Italy, and 2 in Japan. South Korea is the only country having an actual problem right now with the virus and their death toll is 11.

You're making it seem like this is the black plague. It's not. This is extremely similar to the h1n1 scare years ago, and SARS years back as well (this is a SARS virus).

Also the "chance of death" raising on double infections line is absolute fucking bullshit. How is it even possible for someone to be infected twice by this virus at this point?

I have to agree with @nefti on this, you are here to spew some conspiracy theory / political bullshit. This isn't about grappling. You might as well suggest that no one take a train, or go to airports, or go to a supermarket. Because the way you are framing this is that this coronavirus outbreak is the bubonic plague. It's not. This has been going on for weeks, probably a month+ now and again, what has happened?

The media wants to sell, it wants views and clicks. They will hyperbolize and fantasize. Anyone taking main-stream media stories without a grain of salt are simply naive. Perhaps the virus will spread here, but it's not much different from the flu. That's the simple fact here, it's a glorified flu outbreak. And specifically to link it to BJJ gyms or grappling is retarded. It's an airborne disease. The odds of catching it with a small circle of grapplers, maybe 50-100 people maximum using the mats in a day would logically be lower than taking a packed train for example.

just a question, it seems no different that a flu, h1n1 also takes a many lives every year, yet never ever I’ve seen cities a isolated due to any type of other flu type, the measurements governments are taken to avoid corona hitting them Doesn’t seem like they’re just trying to avoid a flue outbreak, something just don’t add up. May be is the potential of the virus to mutate? I mean oms warns about a new pandemic, basically we live with. A constant pandemia of h1n1 every year, shit I have a young relative that passed the way due to it, yet this seems something to be treated different from all other flues type.
just a question, it seems no different that a flu, h1n1 also takes a many lives every year, yet never ever I’ve seen cities a isolated due to any type of other flu type, the measurements governments are taken to avoid corona hitting them Doesn’t seem like they’re just trying to avoid a flue outbreak, something just don’t add up. May be is the potential of the virus to mutate? I mean oms warns about a new pandemic, basically we live with. A constant pandemia of h1n1 every year, shit I have a young relative that passed the way due to it, yet this seems something to be treated different from all other flues type.
I have no idea, but I think it’s because of how quickly it’s spreading. My guess is that it’s just as bad as all the other types, but also super contagious
It's what both victims of Corona and epidemiologists are telling us at the moment.
It doesn't matters. You can hope that these old are more in danger if you wish.
In 2006 th media and analysts told us that mortgage prices will continuously rise.
In 2009 th they dropped….
Did media told you in 2005, 2006 that gold prices will rise and will be higher than they were in 2007 even when mortgage prices dropped in 2009 th?
And about these previous diseases too ppl liked to tell, that older does have higher death risk etc.
Maybe, if they catched it and already have other diseases.
The problem with dreams versus reality is that not rarerly these olds doesn't suffer from fly etc.
Media also told us that old style light bulbs consume too much electricitiy and our future is light elements with mercury.
Later media told us that they consume more electricity than LED elements and appears that their recycling isn't cheap.
Our today and future now is light elements with LED.
& For no one is secret that if casual fly have complications, for example pneumonia, death % from pneumonia higher is… for persons that have immune system and lungs, hearth already in bad condition.
Regardless of age from casual fly complications more seriously suffer people with other diseases, for example asthmatic or hypertonic will suffer from pneumonia more seriously regardless of age.
* Yes, risk for older with casual fly that have complications too is higher.
& Question is, really this older population does have higher % of casual fly cases than young population?
It doesn't matters. You can hope that these old are more in danger if you wish.
In 2006 th media and analysts told us that mortgage prices will continuously rise.
In 2009 th they dropped….
Did media told you in 2005, 2006 that gold prices will rise and will be higher than they were in 2007 even when mortgage prices dropped in 2009 th?
And about these previous diseases too ppl liked to tell, that older does have higher death risk etc.
Maybe, if they catched it and already have other diseases.
The problem with dreams versus reality is that not rarerly these olds doesn't suffer from fly etc.
Media also told us that old style light bulbs consume too much electricitiy and our future is light elements with mercury.
Later media told us that they consume more electricity than LED elements and appears that their recycling isn't cheap.
Our today and future now is light elements with LED.
& For no one is secret that if casual fly have complications, for example pneumonia, death % from pneumonia higher is… for persons that have immune system and lungs, hearth already in bad condition.
Regardless of age from casual fly complications more seriously suffer people with other diseases, for example asthmatic or hypertonic will suffer from pneumonia more seriously regardless of age.
* Yes, risk for older with casual fly that have complications too is higher.
& Question is, really this older population does have higher % of casual fly cases than young population?


You made your point, but no what you really want to do is talk about politics/conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy theories? You have to call me names because you are obviously to mentally weak to face the truth. This virus is 50 times more deadly than the flu. Los Alamos National Labs gave it an R0 greater than 6. That is off the charts. Look up what that means. It can't be stopped. We don't have good numbers because the Chinese communists are lying their asses off. At last count, 750M people were under quarantine / martial law in China. That is twice the population of America. You don't do this for the sniffles. The CDC in America has tested 426 people. This guarantees it will explode in the USA.

But, Nefti, you keep your head in the sand. Maybe this is Darwinism at work. You aren't a martial artist because you do not have the capacity to recognize a real threat. I feel sorry for anyone who is depending on you.

I haven't even addressed the economic shock that will be a consequence to this situation. Stockpile food, water, medical supplies, and a way to protect your family in case of a breakdown in civil order. That is what a real martial artist does.
Conspiracy theories? You have to call me names because you are obviously to mentally weak to face the truth. This virus is 50 times more deadly than the flu. Los Alamos National Labs gave it an R0 greater than 6. That is off the charts. Look up what that means. It can't be stopped. We don't have good numbers because the Chinese communists are lying their asses off. At last count, 750M people were under quarantine / martial law in China. That is twice the population of America. You don't do this for the sniffles. The CDC in America has tested 426 people. This guarantees it will explode in the USA.

But, Nefti, you keep your head in the sand. Maybe this is Darwinism at work. You aren't a martial artist because you do not have the capacity to recognize a real threat. I feel sorry for anyone who is depending on you.

I haven't even addressed the economic shock that will be a consequence to this situation. Stockpile food, water, medical supplies, and a way to protect your family in case of a breakdown in civil order. That is what a real martial artist does.

Now we know who he is: one of those guys. Just close this thread please or move it
just a question, it seems no different that a flu, h1n1 also takes a many lives every year, yet never ever I’ve seen cities a isolated due to any type of other flu type, the measurements governments are taken to avoid corona hitting them Doesn’t seem like they’re just trying to avoid a flue outbreak, something just don’t add up. May be is the potential of the virus to mutate? I mean oms warns about a new pandemic, basically we live with. A constant pandemia of h1n1 every year, shit I have a young relative that passed the way due to it, yet this seems something to be treated different from all other flues type.

"From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus."

"Additionally, CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.** Globally, 80 percent of (H1N1)pdm09 virus-related deaths were estimated to have occurred in people younger than 65 years of age. This differs greatly from typical seasonal influenza epidemics, during which about 70 percent to 90 percent of deaths are estimated to occur in people 65 years and older."

H1n1 continues to circulate ever year as a seasonal flu virus. Source:

So that's a 0.03 mortality rate per infection, there were ~61 million cases of the h1n1 virus infecting hosts.

What I was trying to say is this: How severe is the Coronavirus? and how fatal is it? Who does it specifically target? We don't know how severe it is yet, but based on sample sizes it doesn't seem that deadly, at least in non-"2nd" world esque billions population packed countries right?

The h1n1 virus did not target the "elderly" as in 66+ year olds that much, but if we could see the breakdown it probably did mostly kill babies, young toddlers, and older compromised 50-65 year olds, If I had to guess. I'm just doubting TS because he has provided no information other than mainstream media links, and has said outlandish claims such as "the virus is extremely deadly on a 2nd infection!"

I paraphrased there, but that is comical to say. I doubt anyone has been infected twice so far so how the fuck would this guy know that? Also as a logical, general rule of thumb, after a first infection your immunity should be higher, not worse, specifically to viruses. Then we have this gem:

"I haven't even addressed the economic shock that will be a consequence to this situation. Stockpile food, water, medical supplies, and a way to protect your family in case of a breakdown in civil order. That is what a real martial artist does."

That was TS. I mean come on, that is retarded. Is this the apocalypse? TS, no offense but I call a spade a spade, sounds like a hypochondriac or a schizo conspiracy theorist. This isn't about BJJ or grappling, he's using mainstream media ABC news links to make some fantastical jump to nuclear holocaust. Yeah we should all build bunkers, that's what a real martial artist would do...lmao.
I have no idea, but I think it’s because of how quickly it’s spreading. My guess is that it’s just as bad as all the other types, but also super contagious

Is it really spreading that fast though?

The first reports in China were on Dec. 31st, 2019.

The first case in the U.S. was on Jan. 19th, 2020.

It's currently Feb. 26th. So effectively it's been 2 months since the outbreak began in Wuhan. It has not spread here in the U.S. at all, and there are only isolated cases in Italy and Japan I believe. It has only really spread in South Korea, which makes sense geographically considering they are bordering China.

I'm not saying this isn't "serious" but TS is making this sound like the end of the human race. He's clearly some conspiracy crack pot with an ulterior motive to post in a grappling forum. Imo, which I guarantee I have more of a scientific background and "merit" than TS (not that it even matters), this is similar to H1N1.

It's bad but it's not some bubonic plague type shit. It's a bad version of the flu, it's a SARS virus. It's going to become a "pandemic" just like h1n1 was in 2009. Did the world end in 2009? Did we run out of food, water, electricity? Well go look at TS' latest comments here and be the judge of why he's talking about doing BJJ v.s. Coronavirus.

Again like I said initially, simply using trains, planes, being in crowded places like supermarkets, bars, clubs, etc is going to put you at more risk than BJJ would mathematically. And I'm not an expert, but I'd love to hear about TS' alleged scientific credentials.
No skill gap - you have no idea what you are talking about. The numbers are low in the USA because the CDC has tested 426 people. 426! That is complete incompetence. "You can't have an epidemic if you don't test" seems to be the plan. Mark my words. It will fail spectacularly. This virus is 50X more deadly than the flu. It is already meets all the qualifications of a Pandemic. But, the corrupt paid for by communist China WHO (World Health Organization) won't declare it for financial reasons.

Man. Some people are just dumb unto death. No brain gap - keep lying to yourself. Don't prepare. Grapple with 15-20 partners tonight. You will be fine.
Currently, Solidus is correct. Older people are effected more than younger people. But, when a person gets it (old or young) a second time, it is particularly deadly.

Also, there is evidence that it is mutating based on what is happening in Iran. I am 95% sure it is a bio weapon based on the testimony of Dr. Francis Boyle, the author of the US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 . It was probably designed to mutate.

I don't know man but the way China treated it was very sketchy and saying that the same people who let 100000 chinese gather for a guiness record breaking buffet after the disease was going for two weeks are the same people who after 5 days quarantined an area of 53000000 people does not make sense

the symptoms are also random and who gets to be asymptomatic is also random

the one who profits from this is the US so what is this a bioweapon sent to China by the bad Americans? the WHO is mostly controlled by the US... or if this escaped from a biolab in wuhan why on earth did they work on SARS? it's like the trademark for chinese viruses, if they created a bioweapon it wouldn't make sense to work on SARS at all, talk about being inconspicuous
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I don't know man but the way China treated it was very sketchy and saying that the same people who let 100000 chinese gather for a guiness breaking buffet after the disease was going for two weeks are the same people who after 5 days quarantined an area if 53000000 people does not make sense

Actually such inconsistency makes a lot of sense. When the people in power decided to act drastic measures where implemented, before that their goons where to busy taking bribes to do anything.
Actually such inconsistency makes a lot of sense. When the people in power decided to act drastic measures where implemented, before that their goons where to busy taking bribes to do anything.

it doesn't work like this in communist china

taking bribes from who? the virus started giving bribes?
You all most likely had read this, for example.
A select few of the populations at risk include:
People with indwelling implants, prostheses, drains, and catheters[1][5]
People who are frequently in crowded places, especially with shared equipment and skin-to-skin contact
School children sharing sports and other equipment
College students living in dormitories
. At-risk populations include groups such as high school wrestlers, child care workers and people who live in crowded conditions.
Risk factors for CA-MRSA
Participating in contact sports. MRSA can spread easily through cuts and abrasions and skin-to-skin contact.
etc etc
Did we died from this?
Don't worry and be happy.
it doesn't work like this in communist china

taking bribes from who? the virus started giving bribes?

From whoever they usually take them. Didn't mean they where bribed to be incompetent they most likely just didn't give a fuck or didn't feel authorized to take any serious action.