Half Life: Alyx (critically acclaimed across the board)

he’s always had shitty opinions but for the last decade he’s decided to sit back and rake in billions off paid mods, microtransactions, & steam sales rather than use his resources to develop a game that’s worth a shit. he’s never been scared to voice his garbage opinions but never listens to the worthwhile opinions of his paying customers.

Isn't that what he is doing now?


Next on their Half Life agenda:

Half-Life: Eli

Half-Life: Dr Breen

Half-Life: Barney

Half-Life: A Vortigaunt
Would prefer another Left4Dead honestly. HL1 was great and Black Mesa was a fun trip down memory lane but I absolutely hated HL 2 and its over reliance on physics gameplay instead of creepy and cool environments throughout. There were bits and pieces like Ravenholm and the city level but mostly it was meh.
This is fucking awesome:

Who is gonna pay a grand to play this middle finger? Most cynical play ever made.
So did anyone here actually play it? I’m skeptical of the perfect scores but I’m sure it’s a good game

You could add Techcrunch to the list:
Half-Life: Alyx delivers the watershed moment VR gaming needs

You can already tell a lot of gamers are pissed because they can't play it, and that's understandable, because it's quite ambitious-- one might even call it arrogant-- to demand a $2K+ expenditure just to play one game.

But it's also bold, and that's what you would expect from Valve. So far VR has been a gimmick because nobody has taken the software side that seriously, and that won't change until someone does. Valve has.
But it's also bold, and that's what you would expect from Valve. So far VR has been a gimmick because nobody has taken the software side that seriously, and that won't change until someone does. Valve has.

Check out their IGN interview if you havent already:
I saw it on Steam today during lockdown.

Went with Doom instead.

Didnt even know it was a vr only game.
Who is gonna pay a grand to play this middle finger? Most cynical play ever made.

I dunno, they would have made more money releasing a standard HL3 and selling millions of copies.

They're trying to innovate here, its not like Valve is hurting for cash.
Picked it up for The Rift S. Played the first two chapters. For the people who were on the fence about VR, this should definitely change their mind.

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