Social "Systemic Racism"

If those major crimes are lowering every year, why is the prison population rising every year?
Perhaps those who commit crime are more likely to re-offend than those who don't?
So again, can you clarify? What percentage of white LEOs do you think are white surpemacists?
What purpose does that question even serve? He has to pull his number out of his ass, neither of you will know the real answer but you'll say it's lower than the number he stated, and the conversation doesn't get anywhere.

Meanwhile you've ignored an actual legitimate answer in @panamaican's post that might actually lead to a true productive conversation for both sides.

And in regards to that question, white officers are overrepresented and black officers are underrepresented in their communities. In areas where this ratio is particularly skewed, you have police forces that are perceived and perceive themselves as outsiders which is particularly problematic when they have training that pushes a "warrior" mentality.

We need to see some effort to make these police forces closer mirror the communities they are a part of and serve. We can't force it and it will take time, but we need to see that effort made.
This sloppy answer doesn't address anything in my post.

As far as white racism goes, there are several flavors.

You've got the right wing redneck racist, who is much maligned, sometimes unfairly, but sometimes deservedly. You've got the gated community rich white liberal who encourages and defends the destruction of black businesses and communities. That type overlaps with the paternalistic white liberal like the lady we saw in the park calling the cop and lying that a black man was threatening her. Neither would consider themselves racist, probably more as allies, but they certainly look down on blacks and have low expectations for their success or decency. You've also got the white guilt liberal, who reflexively opposes the perceived white side and takes the perceived POcolored side in any confrontation. Plenty of them on these boards, as evidenced by the racism displayed in the Covington incident.

Overall, I'd say American whites aren't notably racist and haven't been for at least a generation, though there are the above mentioned exceptions.
I think you underestimate the population of white rednecks
Systemic racist countries dont elect a minority President, nor appoint multiple minority professionals in charge of a Federal Dept (Holder, Carson, Condy Rice, C Powell, etc), or have them as Senior head military leaders

Thry also dont have millions of people vying to get here, themselves ethnic minorities
I'd bet military is around 25% and manual labor 5%
Again, I appreciate your honesty. You should lend @KONG-D'SNT-TAP your nuts for a second, so he can provide an actual figure.

Going back to your figures, though, how racist do you believe these officers, soldiers, manual laborers to be? Enough to act upon their beliefs? Just enough to engage in inside jokes with buddies of theirs? Varying degrees? It’s not that black and white. I’ve got gay friends, muslim friends, black friends, etc., etc., but I’m guilty of saying black jokes, gay jokes, Muslim jokes, etc. I’m Mexican, and I naturally love to poke fun at my own culture. Would you categorize me as a racist?
At face value, it’s about as close as you can get to systemic racism WITHIN one PD...can you name any other agency that mirrors these actions? Is Ferguson PD still operating in this manner, or have the bad weeds been yanked out?
I don't know what the FPD is like today but its important to remember the history of the PD. From the report
Until the 1960s, Ferguson was a “sundown town” where African Americans were banned from the City after dark. The City would block off the main road from Kinloch, which was a poor, all-black suburb, “with a chain and construction materials but kept a second road open during the day so housekeepers and nannies could get from Kinloch to jobs in Ferguson.”51During our investigative interviews, several older African-American residents recalled this era in Ferguson and recounted that African Americans knew that, for them, the City was “off-limits.”
So a town that enforced segregation in the past has a PD that today exhibits systemic racism. I don't think that's an accident and I don't think the FPD is the only such PD in America.
Again, I appreciate your honesty. You should lend @KONG-D'SNT-TAP your nuts for a second, so he can provide an actual figure.

Going back to your figures, though, how racist do you believe these officers, soldiers, manual laborers to be? Enough to act upon their beliefs? Just enough to engage in inside jokes with buddies of theirs? Varying degrees? It’s not that black and white. I’ve got gay friends, muslim friends, black friends, etc., etc., but I’m guilty of saying black jokes, gay jokes, Muslim jokes, etc. I’m Mexican, and I naturally love to poke fun at my own culture. Would you categorize me as a racist?
I'm sure it varies, but everyone snaps sometimes and a cop that snaps has a lot of power and a team behind him to cover him up if he goes too far
Perhaps those who commit crime are more likely to re-offend than those who don't?
Well that means prison isn't doing anything to stop people from becoming criminals. The graphs just show we're increasing the severity of the laws if the rate of crime have been dropping right alongside them for decades. Which implies we have a need for more prisoners, and those prisoners happen to be disproportionately black per capita and per crime committed. Further reinforcing systemic racism.
Subconscious/Conscious racism....but the system by law(word of the law) is not racist, just the people on the system are sometimes racist which leads to systemic racism.

The bias against minorities is obvious as fuck.....Even FBI hate Crimes say that Racial hate Crimes against white people account for only 20% of racial hate crimes...20%, when there's 60% of white people in the United States...It's obvious that being white in America doesn't lead to much hate unlike minorities, so yes racism is a thing and there's plenty of racist in our system that have too much influence regardless if the word of law isn't racist.
If you want to read a really good piece of work that deals with systemic racism in America, I highly recommend "Color of Law" by Richard Rothstein. I've got my criticisms, but overall it's pretty excellent for what it does.
What purpose does that question even serve? He has to pull his number out of his ass, neither of you will know the real answer but you'll say it's lower than the number he stated, and the conversation doesn't get anywhere.
1. I did not answer as you predicted.
2. You can answer whatever questions you want. As far as telling me who I should and shouldn't engage in conversation, fuck off.
Well that means prison isn't doing anything to stop people from becoming criminals. The graphs just show we're increasing the severity of the laws if the rate of crime have been dropping right alongside them for decades. Which implies we have a need for more prisoners, and those prisoners happen to be disproportionately black per capita and per crime committed. Further reinforcing systemic racism.
Could be. Or the crime is dropping because they're correctly (not always, but mostly) arresting people who commit crime.
Not sure where you're getting your "we need more prisoners" implications. We need as many prisoners as there are criminals, so it's logical to see crime rates drop as more criminals are arrested. It seems that blacks commit crime at disproportionate rates and that's reflected in the prison population.
Systemic racist countries dont elect a minority President, nor appoint multiple minority professionals in charge of a Federal Dept (Holder, Carson, Condy Rice, C Powell, etc), or have them as Senior head military leaders

Thry also dont have millions of people vying to get here, themselves ethnic minorities
There’s no transparent in our voting system that would confirm to a certainty that voting is actually the process by which all officials are elected. And even if there were, just google or wiki the term or environmental racism. It is all very real and very well spoken for.
This sloppy answer doesn't address anything in my post.

As far as white racism goes, there are several flavors.

You've got the right wing redneck racist, who is much maligned, sometimes unfairly, but sometimes deservedly. You've got the gated community rich white liberal who encourages and defends the destruction of black businesses and communities. That type overlaps with the paternalistic white liberal like the lady we saw in the park calling the cop and lying that a black man was threatening her. Neither would consider themselves racist, probably more as allies, but they certainly look down on blacks and have low expectations for their success or decency. You've also got the white guilt liberal, who reflexively opposes the perceived white side and takes the perceived POcolored side in any confrontation. Plenty of them on these boards, as evidenced by the racism displayed in the Covington incident.

Overall, I'd say American whites aren't notably racist and haven't been for at least a generation, though there are the above mentioned exceptions.
socioeconomics explain these issues best. You didn't need to prove to me that you understand the nuances of different forms of racism.

Every skin color and cultural background receives some level of racist antagonism towards it.

So a simple question, do you think Blacks are more discriminated against than whites in our country today, and by a large margin (don't quibble the word large)? Further, do you see Blacks as MORE discriminated against than whites over the course of history?

These are simple questions, they don't require explanations.
I'm sure it varies, but everyone snaps sometimes and a cop that snaps has a lot of power and a team behind him to cover him up if he goes too far
I hope that changes, though. Personally, I’ve got zero qualms about pulling aside a fellow officer who may be on the verge of losing it on someone we’ve encountered. I’m not putting my Family’s future in jeopardy, because a fellow officer’s been fighting with his old lady at home and is walking around mad at the world!

I hope George Floyd’s death is not in vain.

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