International Pentagon UFO Report

How does it change anything? It doesnt… UFO culture is basically a recreational activity. The world is facing serious issues and aliens arent one of them..
People would care if they felt the future of our civilization looked okay.

They don't. Even the people who buy the MSM narrative that we are doing much better now that Trump is out.....are behaving like we are in an "every man for himself" disaster scenario and investing in all sorts of shit they normally wouldn't be investing in.
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You've had decades of sillyness, blurry pics, videos, hoaxes, etc. that have turned off the masses. Also, unless stuff affects you on a daily basis, it's hard to care.

People would absolutely care and be enthralled if a craft landed in a public space or we were having random, confirmed, documented cases with alien creatures. Lights and weird objects in the sky are only going to be interesting to people that care about the subject.

I agree though. This kind of stuff should be frontpage headlines and we should all be invested. Sadly, people are more interested in Britney Spears than other potentially other life.

Come on, people. Don't let your credulity get the better of you.
They’re setting us up for something. Don’t buy it.

You really think the US govt is coming out with this shit just wanting to be honest with us?

i think it has to do with the pressure other governments have put on us to admit it after they already have combined with the rise in sightings that are credible and caught on film and the fact that robert bigelow convinced harry reid to push for it.
The people who care already knew these things exist, the government has never been more obviously untrustworthy, people are afraid of other things and distracted, with no explanation of what they are or might be leaves people (*un)interested, and other reasons...

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Because I have zero reason to trust anything the Pentagon says. Them confirming or denying the existence of UFOs means less to me than Alex Jones doing it.
I think that people like the TS are grossly misunderstanding what the report actually said.

It was just a list of incidents that they cannot confirm. It wasn't certification of mystery tech, let alone extraterrestrial ones. So to answer your question, the majority of the public are waiting for something more concrete than eyewitness accounts that cannot be corroborated.

some of the accounts were corroborated friend, by multiple instruments even. also-- the report says that this is NOT our tech and not our allies tech

that is a lot more than what the gov was admitting to before the report.

here is a summary to set the record straight. 3 minutes in for the rundown on multiple sensor reports and unusual moving patterns and flight.

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I love YouTuber's who think high-level military analysts never considered things like mylar balloons or Bokeh and paralax effects. <45>

And I almost feel sorry for full grown folks who still believe anything much less everything that their government tells them, almost.

some of the accounts were corroborated friend, by multiple instruments even. also--

that is a lot more than what the gov was admitting to before the report.

here is a summary to set the record straight. 3 minutes in for the rundown on multiple sensor reports and unusual moving patterns and flight.

Bro, look at the video I linked above.

And these two:

the report says that this is NOT our tech and not our allies tech

Birds and run of the mill out of focus subjects are NOT our tech and NOT our allies tech.
Is it a coincidence that it is the 25th anniversary of Independence Day !!!!
Bro, look at the video I linked above.

And these two:

Birds and run of the mill out of focus subjects are NOT our tech and NOT our allies tech.

Yeah but that is NOT the context of the report and nobody thinks that and i think you know that.
Yeah but that is NOT the context of the report and nobody thinks that and i think you know that.

Those videos represent the best of the best when it comes to UFO footage released from the Pentagon.

Out of focus cameras

Those videos represent the best of the best when it comes to UFO footage released from the Pentagon.

Out of focus cameras


This is now disingenuously bad faith posting from you and you know it. The report rules out that kind of thing and you know it unless you haven't read it and then you shouldn't be discussing it.

If you just want to make fun of something don't reply to me or post to me friend. Im not here to argue for fun.

Im here to discuss this inteligently and in good faith.
This is now disingenuously bad faith posting from you and you know it. The report rules out that kind of thing and you know it unless you haven't read it and then you shouldn't be discussing it.

If you just want to make fun of something don't reply to me or post to me friend. Im not here to argue for fun.

Im here to discuss this inteligently and in good faith.

Can you quote the section of the report that rules out airplanes, birds, and out of focus cameras?

Here's a couple snippets:

In a limited number of incidents, UAP reportedly appeared to exhibit unusual flight characteristics. These observations could be the result of sensor errors, spoofing, or observer misperception and require additional rigorous analysis.

There are probably multiple types of UAP requiring different explanations based on the range of appearances and behaviors described in the available reporting. Our analysis of the data supports the construct that if and when individual UAP incidents are resolved they will fall into one of five potential explanatory categories: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, USG or U.S. industry foreign adversary systems, and a catchall “other” bin

So, no, I'm not being disingenuous at all. I'm directly addressing the footage of birds and airplanes shot using infrared cameras, or footage shot on out of focus optical cameras.
Unidentified doesn't mean extraterrestrial, therefore nobody cares
- the report says that this is NOT our tech and not our allies tech

The report made no such declaration. These were instances that could not be identified. There certainly was no statement identifying the tech. At best you had a summary that IF the equipment recording the phenomena was accurate, then it couldn't be explained with what we have available to us.

If you believe otherwise, than point to the part in the actual document that you believe says otherwise. Not a "summary" by a youtube channel.
TS aliens could start leveling cities from orbit and half the people would be too busy watching the masked singer to notice. The other half would say it is a liberal scam. They would call it a scamvasion or a planvasion or something stupid like that.
The people who care already knew these things exist, the government has never been more obviously untrustworthy, people are afraid of other things and distracted, with no explanation of what they are or might be leaves people interested, and other reasons...
Agree. People have been hearing about UFOs for so long that they dont pay attention when there is actual evidence. I usually dismiss the UFOs with lights. I would think they wouldnt require lights if they have figured out time travel. You know damn well there have to be many more photos and video. They could at least release some of this info. They dont have to mention the word alien. This was on another thread. Ive never seen this pic before. Regarding the gubmit report. I will never expect much from a group that steals my money then uses it against me.