The WMMA GOAT likes her fries with ice cream

For me, the essence of this is a Wendy’s Frosty with fries.
There isn't much fast food near me, but every time I see a Wendy's I get a hankering for a Frosty and some fries.
I don't care for fries. I think it's a waste of a tasty potato.

I'm on keto, so I don't eat either.

I can honestly say I don't enjoy food. I think it's a waste of time. As I wrote elsewhere, I eat 8 soft boiled eggs every day. I eat more than that, but it's my staple along with avocado, tomato, and a few other things.

Funny thing. When you stop eating sweats, you stop caring about them. I do eat 90% chocolate. Just one piece.

A side note. Keto isn't so much a diet as a lifestyle. It is primarily about putting a stop to compulsive eating. Breakfast wasn't a thing for 99.99% or so of human history. You had to pick or catch your food before you got to eat. Breakfast is the first thing everybody should stop doing.

Most things we are taught about food come not from doctors, but the food industry. The aforementioned breakfast. Food groups aren't a thing.

This thing is absolutely insane.


Even if you remove the craziest things on this chart, it's still not a thing. Eggs and tuna aren't comparable. Eggs are the healthiest things humans can eat. Tuna is garbage, The white bread of fish.

The healthiest dairy you can eat is not even on the list. Butter. Organic butter. It's so healthy, you can eat as much of it as you want. Bulletproof coffee.

GMO corn next to avocado?

That's the main point. The food industry and the FDA don't make any distinction between poison (e.g. corn, cereal, farmed salmon) and food (e.g. tomatoes, eggs, non-farmed salmon).
Oh god, a keto dork. Let people enjoy shit food without your diatribe lol

Keto is not sustainable for most people, and I wouldn't be surprised if it causes you serious issues down the line.

I say this as someone who lost 50 lbs from Keto back in like 2010 when no one knew what it was, and has experimented with keto/carb cycling since then.
I don't care for fries. I think it's a waste of a tasty potato.

I'm on keto, so I don't eat either.

I can honestly say I don't enjoy food. I think it's a waste of time. As I wrote elsewhere, I eat 8 soft boiled eggs every day. I eat more than that, but it's my staple along with avocado, tomato, and a few other things.

Funny thing. When you stop eating sweats, you stop caring about them. I do eat 90% chocolate. Just one piece.

A side note. Keto isn't so much a diet as a lifestyle. It is primarily about putting a stop to compulsive eating. Breakfast wasn't a thing for 99.99% or so of human history. You had to pick or catch your food before you got to eat. Breakfast is the first thing everybody should stop doing.

Most things we are taught about food come not from doctors, but the food industry. The aforementioned breakfast. Food groups aren't a thing.

This thing is absolutely insane.


Even if you remove the craziest things on this chart, it's still not a thing. Eggs and tuna aren't comparable. Eggs are the healthiest things humans can eat. Tuna is garbage, The white bread of fish.

The healthiest dairy you can eat is not even on the list. Butter. Organic butter. It's so healthy, you can eat as much of it as you want. Bulletproof coffee.

GMO corn next to avocado?

That's the main point. The food industry and the FDA don't make any distinction between poison (e.g. corn, cereal, farmed salmon) and food (e.g. tomatoes, eggs, non-farmed salmon).

You sound 100% insane
She’s up there for sure, but I think Nunes has her beat. I think you’ve gotta put Rose up there too.
I always cringe when I see professional fighters destroying their body with sugar. I mean, your body is your everything, you have to take care of it meticulously and you're poisoning yourself with sugar? My liver hurts just from seeing this.
I highly doubt she eats those foods regularly
You cringe when they act human and eat some of their favourite foods but you have no issue when they take a kick to the head? Keep living underneath the bridge you judgemental goof.

Based on your logic, we should all smoke cigarettes, overload with alcohol, and do anything else we can find that is less than a kick in the head. Fighters take pictures showing themselves eating ice cream and french fries because they know other "humans" are going to relate to it and like it. This is what is unfortunate considering that all this stupidity and liking it is why our supermarkets are loaded with garbage and misleading labels on food products where we claim we give a damn. This is why about 36 percent of us adults are obese and 10% of us have type 2 diabetes. There are loads of more healthy things available that could also taste good, but we continue to love watching the bad carb gauge go higher and higher.
Processed meat isn't meat.

90% of the "food" in your average supermarket is poison, unsuitable for consumption by man or beast.

"Processed," "fortified" and "enriched" are code words. When a product has any of those words, it means it's the most poisonous, nutrient deficient concoction that they can legally sell as food.

The enemies of the food industry are nutrients, minerals, vitamins and so on, because they oxidize and spoil. White rice first emerged in the mid 19th century. The reason was storage and transportation. Natural/brown rice spoil. White rice does not, because all the nutrients have been removed. This led to beriberi, so they had to "fortify" it. In the US, they have taken it even further and bleach bread. This is done to get rid of even the slightest trace of nutrients. I think we all have seen that Big Macs don't spoil. There's nothing edible in it. Fungi and bacteria are not picky eaters. There's just nothing in a Big Mac for them.

A Big Mac tells us nothing about food, but everything about processing.

^^^^^^^ THIS

THE DOWNWARD FALL (just a few of the things that are pushing us over the cliff)
Cereal arrived in the 1930s
Trans fats arrived in the 1950s
GMO and High Fructose Corn Syrup arrived in the 70s and 80s
There are far too many other nasty chemicals to list.

Now we have the food industry and pharmacy industry satisfied. They have cheap garbage food that last forever and is easy to make. We spend all of our time at doctors getting more prescriptions for medical issues that will likely never be cured because the people who know the most to cure them would no longer be able to make money off of us if they solve the problem.

The only way to solve the problem is to quit eating the crap.
I always cringe when I see professional fighters destroying their body with sugar. I mean, your body is your everything, you have to take care of it meticulously and you're poisoning yourself with sugar? My liver hurts just from seeing this.
Pointed elbows, eats sugar. Would not bang.
Based on your logic, we should all smoke cigarettes, overload with alcohol, and do anything else we can find that is less than a kick in the head. Fighters take pictures showing themselves eating ice cream and french fries because they know other "humans" are going to relate to it and like it. This is what is unfortunate considering that all this stupidity and liking it is why our supermarkets are loaded with garbage and misleading labels on food products where we claim we give a damn. This is why about 36 percent of us adults are obese and 10% of us have type 2 diabetes. There are loads of more healthy things available that could also taste good, but we continue to love watching the bad carb gauge go higher and higher.
That conclusion is based on your fuzzy logic. My logic is kicks to the head are bad and you are a hypocrite. :)
I come to this thread and I see a horde of sugar addicts sperging out, defending their right to die from diabetes in their 50s. Absolute LMAO.

Yes, because your approach was so much better. Calling sugar "poison" for example. If it is poisonous perhaps we should not do things like break down amino acids into glucose via de novo gluconeogenesis, yes? We developed a metabolic pathway to do just that.

You mention fructose and the "load on the liver" despite fructose being converted by a single enzyme and its conversion not only being catalytic in nature but is not the whole, or even the primary function of the liver.

If you are going to argue with everyone it helps if you are correct.

Now if you were to say something like "excess sugar provides not only empty calories but is easily converted to fat and promotes various unhealthy conditions" that would have been one thing.

You also neglect the specific demands of an athlete who trains with both a high degree of volume and intensity. It is difficult for most athletes to sustain peak power output when operating for periods of time above their VO2 max without easily processed fuel, and even you should know what that fuel is, yes?
Jesus fuck the term GOAT gets thrown around here rather loosely nowadays. It's almost like "racist" and "nazi," where it's lost all meaning.

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