What are you currently playing? v.5

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After bad RNG where i couldn't get Sysiphus to spawn for like 15-20 runs, i finally got him and thus got the plat for Hades.
Just polished off the Back 4 Blood campaign on recruit.

I'm not going to give a big review on this, as I'm on mobile.

The gameplay is enjoyable and the combat feels fun. It can be intense, as even on recruit, you can be beaten down very quickly. The length of the campaign depends on how you play. As somebody who has 500 hours on Left 4 Dead 2 versus mode, I chose to go for mobility and polished it off in very little time. The end boss was exciting, but probably a little basic.

Technically it's solid. It runs smoothly and didn't crash or freeze on me once.

There is an issue with matchmaking, as finding a team to go with you on your campaign is nigh on impossible. I was using bots from the beginning of Act 2 to the end of Act 3. Luckily, the bots are good.

In terms of design? I'd pick three levels that are memorable and that's about it. It makes sense considering the story, but some of the levels are quite unremarkable. Also, the characters aren't as...iconic...as they perhaps could have been. It's a little disappointing, but nothing offensive.

I'm not sure if I can sink hours upon hours going through the campaign again, just for the sake of completing it on high difficulty. I'm hoping that more campaigns are added to this game in the future, to make it far more meatier than it is now. Also, there isn't all that much to Fort Hope. It's a bit dull.

I haven't tried Swarm yet, but looking at the write up, it looks fun, but I don't think it'll be as good as the L4D versus. I don't see myself spending hours upon hours on it, but I'll see how it goes.

It's probably a bit early to give a score, but so far, I'd give it a 7/10, worth a £20 purchase if you're a fan of the genre.

I started playing last night. I am in act one. There isn't a sense of gradual progression. It's just a swarm of many zombies at certain areas. I am a bit confused about weapons. Apparently you don't get to keep them or something? Cards are more important than weapons? Not sure what the cards do. It is weird but I can't keep playing this type of game for long time. I would play maybe quarter of an act and I have to take a quick break. You are dealing with just too many swarms and you get tired.

I tried multiplayer and I experienced an hour of weird players. I went from a black dude who kept on chatting on his group chat about his life but kept his mic on to some obviously white kids who kept on calling me a F A G 6 () T N-word. The game gets a lot harder when it is multiplayer as opposed to playing with bots. It sort of makes no sense to use guns that have low capacity. Every normie zombie seems to die with one shot so more bullets are better?
I started playing last night. I am in act one. There isn't a sense of gradual progression. It's just a swarm of many zombies at certain areas. I am a bit confused about weapons. Apparently you don't get to keep them or something? Cards are more important than weapons? Not sure what the cards do. It is weird but I can't keep playing this type of game for long time. I would play maybe quarter of an act and I have to take a quick break. You are dealing with just too many swarms and you get tired.

I tried multiplayer and I experienced an hour of weird players. I went from a black dude who kept on chatting on his group chat about his life but kept his mic on to some obviously white kids who kept on calling me a F A G 6 () T N-word. The game gets a lot harder when it is multiplayer as opposed to playing with bots. It sort of makes no sense to use guns that have low capacity. Every normie zombie seems to die with one shot so more bullets are better?

I find the weapon system strange too. I'm told that I can upgrade my weapons at the armory, but all I can find are weapon skins. I'm also not a fan of the card system, as the difference doesn't seem to be particularly dramatic. It's just...there...

I played through most of the game with bots, and I only struggled with the end of Act 3, but only a little. I'm wondering how they perform when the campaigns are taken on higher difficulties.

The difference with ammo capacity really comes into play in Act 4, as the final boss is a bit of a bullet sponge. I used a sniper rifle for that, but generally, I found that I had the most success using a SMG and Machete, though my favourite weapon is the Ranch Rifle. Movement is important in this game.

I'm fond of the swarms, as it racks tension up, and I liked gunning them down. My biggest problem was with the Tallboys.

I think I'm getting too old for online gaming. I have a few friends, but randoms are generally little, squeaking twats that I have no connection with at all...
Finished up Control a little while back. Very interesting game with a heavy X-Files vibe. I rather enjoyed it. Well worth a purchase if you can find it on sale too.

I find the weapon system strange too. I'm told that I can upgrade my weapons at the armory, but all I can find are weapon skins. I'm also not a fan of the card system, as the difference doesn't seem to be particularly dramatic. It's just...there...

I played through most of the game with bots, and I only struggled with the end of Act 3, but only a little. I'm wondering how they perform when the campaigns are taken on higher difficulties.

The difference with ammo capacity really comes into play in Act 4, as the final boss is a bit of a bullet sponge. I used a sniper rifle for that, but generally, I found that I had the most success using a SMG and Machete, though my favourite weapon is the Ranch Rifle. Movement is important in this game.

I'm fond of the swarms, as it racks tension up, and I liked gunning them down. My biggest problem was with the Tallboys.

I think I'm getting too old for online gaming. I have a few friends, but randoms are generally little, squeaking twats that I have no connection with at all...
It depends on the game I think. I was playing other shooters like Remant from the ashes and didn't get this type of annoying people. Granted that game is a lot harder than Back for Blood. My other friend tells me it's a XBOX toxic player trait thing. He is a playstation stan though.
Try more multiplayer; the game is actually a lot harder. They spawn a ton of tall boys and fat guys. I found myself running low on bullets sometimes. I am trying to read guides to see if I can actually upgrade weapons or keep them throughout the playthrough. Also if I can make sense of the card stuff and drawing stuff.
The first one was really good. I don't know why but when I tried the open world ones. I couldn't play them even though by default they should be better since they were newer. They just didn't hold my attention and the storyline was a bit all over the place

Im the same way. I’ve tried to get into City like three times I always give up.
Im the same way. I’ve tried to get into City like three times I always give up.
Pretty much the same, they captured magic with Arkham Asylum but then lost it with the open world games. Sure the scope was always gonna get bigger but it became crazy boring and repetitive. I liked the smaller scale of the first one. Felt more personal and Arkham was awesome.
Pretty much the same, they captured magic with Arkham Asylum but then lost it with the open world games. Sure the scope was always gonna get bigger but it became crazy boring and repetitive. I liked the smaller scale of the first one. Felt more personal and Arkham was awesome.

Yea I would have never thought going open world would ruin the game but it did. Arkham was something special.
Metroid Dread Review.

Story: Basic story, with a simple villain and a crappy plot twist. Nothing to write home about except the way it was told was pretty poor. Expositional story dumps in the middle of the game lets us know more about the game until we get to the end. Meh.

Graphics: Okay for a switch game. The art direction is mediocre and to me looks meh, but other may enjoy it. Looks better than the other metroid games though. Not the best looking game on the switch like some say it is. Areas look nice when you enter but then have no identity afterwards. Couldnt tell you a single interesting thing about the areas in the game lol.

Sound: The music here is unmemorable and legit couldnt tell you one standout song from here. The sound design is decent and the game is mixed pretty well. Probably one of the better aspects of the game (not including the music which is ehhh).

Gameplay: The overall game design is a hit and miss. Basic enemies are easy and just fodder so they quickly become boring. The exploring isnt fun and you never feel the need to explore since the game puts you in a linear path, some fucking blocks are so obnoxious. Had to look up a guide a few times since I missed the one little fucking square that I missed and didnt bomb. I absolutely HATE looking up guides to get through a small section of a game, and I had to use one like 3-4 times here. My interest dropped after that.
Emmi sections are cool for the first 2 or 3 but become repetitive and boring. Youll have to do another 3-4 Emmi sections and by then I legit fucking hated them. The same thing goes on for the mini chozo soldier, they became so fucking boring, and the way to beat them is the same basic thing. Fucking boooooring after the first 2-3, and then they toss in 2 at a time, with the final Golden Chozo being a fucking chore. It legit takes like 10 mins to kill due to its health and the amount of damage it does is fucking insane. Basic strat works here but you pretty much have to be perfect.
The main bosses are my favourite things from the game, but be prepared to die a billion times till you get the perfect strategy. The final boss was visually awesome but again was a fucking chore. Takes 20 damn minutes to beat and a painful wrist + thumb. So many attempts till I got the strat. I never understood games that think large health pools and large damage attacks are fun in boss fights.

Overall: Will I go and 100% the game? Hell fucking naw. Ive experienced it and I dont want more. People are rating this as the best Metroid game. Thats fine, the series is far inferior to many of the other games and genres its inspired. Took a week and a little bit to beat due to the game being meh. Around 9.5 hours as the final time with most of the time being me repeating boss fights and I bet half the time being spent on the Golden Chozo and then the final boss. Would recommend to Metroid fans only. I also dont understand the "Dread" in the name, lol, Emmi sections were the furthest thing from scary. "Annoying" wouldve been right.

6.5/10 (barely would consider a 'good' game).

Lets face it, Hollow Knight shits on this game. Not playing another Metroidvania or Metroid game until Silksong. My thumb will only be worth destroying for that game.
Just beat Resident Evil 7 for the first time and as Resident Evil fan for the last 25 years, all I have to say is fuck this game. I don't care that it's in first person. I don’t care that it basically has zero do with any previous mainline RE game. Fuck this game because of its retarded characters and plot. It's just bad. If the only goal was to make the game scary. Mission accomplished. But why did they need to make the plot so fucking convoluted and stupid? Everything in the house was borderline stupid but don't get me started with the ship. Did the developers have a fucking stroke 75% of the way making this game?

The game looks and plays fine and there is actually a Resident Evil game buried under all the nonsense which probably annoys me even more because I feel like the game could have been great had it not been written by a group of autistic millennials.
But why did they need to make the plot so fucking convoluted and stupid.
Thats pretty much every RE. Its why we love it haha. I have a feeling you'd like RE8 more though. I think theyre both marvellous games.
Thats pretty much every RE. Its why we love it haha. I have a feeling you'd like RE8 more though. I think theyre both marvellous games.
Yes, most Resident Evil games have bad plots and acting but they're relatively basic. A company made a bio weapon. There's a zombie outbreak. Throw in a little family drama. But nothing this stupid in my opinion. The story didn't really get bizarre until Code Veronica. But I just found this one to be painfully stupid. I dont know why they couldn't have kept the Texas Chainsaw Massacre rip off theme but stuck to a plot that was both a little less convoluted and maybe tie it more to Resident Evil. Maybe throw in a zombie or two?!

I get that they wanted to refresh the formula of Resident Evil but keep the name for marketing purposes but it still annoys me. RE2make was a big hit so clearly they can still milk that cow without having to completely rewrite the book.
Yea I would have never thought going open world would ruin the game but it did. Arkham was something special.
The gliding and even the driving was pretty tedious after a while. There were two open worlds ones and I got both of them. I can't even remember the storyline to be honest.
Must be the only guy on here who loves all the Arkham games. Origins is a weird one for sure but i still liked it overall. Asylum, City and Knight are all golden for me and i'm thoroughly looking forward to Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad: kill the justice league.
Must be the only guy on here who loves all the Arkham games. Origins is a weird one for sure but i still liked it overall. Asylum, City and Knight are all golden for me and i'm thoroughly looking forward to Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad: kill the justice league.
I started with City, which I absolutely loved, and by the time I went back to play Asylum it felt too linear and boxed in and I didn't enjoy it. I skipped Origins because I didn't hear great things. I think if you take out the tank battle shit in Knight it's a fantastic game. Unfortunately you seem to spend more time doing that than anything else. I still can't understand what the fuck they were thinking there. Has to be one of the most unnecessary boneheaded additions to a game ever. I dont know what's worse, tank battles in Arkham Knight or stealth missions as Mary Jane in Spiderman? Both left me wondering what the fuck they were thinking.
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I started with City, which I absolutely loved, and by the time I went back to play Asylum it felt too linear and boxed in and I didn't enjoy it. I skipped Origins because I didn't hear great things. I think if you take out the tank battle shit in Knight it's a fantastic game. Unfortunately you seem to spend more time doing that than anything else. I still can't understand what the fuck they were thinking there. Has to be one of the most unnecessary boneheaded additions to a game ever. I dont know what's worse, tank battles in Arkham Knight or stealth missions as Mary Jane in Spiderman? Both left me wondering what the fuck they were thinking.

I played them all at launch and i thought City improved on Asylum in a big way. I can't remember Origins too much apart from Joker's voice actor was Troy Baker instead of Mark Hamill, and the Deathstroke boss battle which was absolutely terrible, but i loved Knight to the point i made sure to 100% it, and then went straight into NG+ to 100% it again and got the plat, loved it.

Along with Bioshock, the Arkham series is very special to me and i'm hoping Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad live up to the expectations.

Hold up! I got the plat for both Spidey games and i don't remember MJ stealth sequences... perhaps they were so bad i've blocked them out of my mind haha.
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Going at Returnal for Halloween week. I bought it day 1 but I’ve yet to get over putting my PS5 to sleep to save & not play SMB 3 in between.

I’ll see how it goes.
Started Dying Light. Only a few hours in but Im really liking it. It looks damn gorgeous on Max settings with things like Film Grain/Chromatic Aberration and Motion Blur turned off. Im seriously impressed that this game is this good looking when its like 6-7 years old.
I hear the co-op for this game is particularly good but Im playing solo.

I really dislike the checkpoint system/save system and a game with shaky parkour needs it. Its not mirror's edge level in terms of movement but its good. The game does seem a bit annoying since youre underpowered as hell and everyone seems to be able to fuck you up.
Started Resident Evil Village a few days ago.

Games great so far, just got out of the doll house, which was quite freaky. Wont say much as not to spoil it.

I love the setting of RE8 so far, it's like RE4 in first person.

Hopefully I'll beat this by the end of the week, and then I will start Returnal.
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