Henry Cejudo Questions Aspinall's Emotional Reaction to Interim Title Win, "It's Not the Real Thing."

Jon isn't going to fight Tom, So the title should belong to Tom. This is the many shit shows the UFC pulls
I mean people can have their opinion on it,but he should walk a mile in Aspinall's shoes and look at the big picture.

Tom was a guy who wanted to come up slow,and take his time. He was given two huge oppurtunities that rapidly ascended him to the top spot and he took the risk took those fights (UberVolkov and Sergei) and it paid off gloriously. Also he came back from what could have been a career ending injury and spectacularly defeated the scariest guy there was to beat.

If he wants to have a lie-down and a cry,he's fuckin earned it.
That allusion to Olympic medals kinda got under my skin. Like, "I won a gold medal, I  earned my right to cry." His ego kinda showing. It's an amazing accomplishment to even qualify for the Olympics, and making it on a podium at all is a legendary accomplishment. That year, you were one of the absolute best in the world at whatever you did. Yeah, gold is the goal, but silver and bronze is pretty awesome. Tom effectively the bronze medalist here, all said and done, but no one understands the road traveled to get there better than Tom himself, and I respect his reaction to his achievement. He could have very well got KTFO.
That allusion to Olympic medals kinda got under my skin. Like, "I won a gold medal, I  earned my right to cry." His ego kinda showing. It's an amazing accomplishment to even qualify for the Olympics, and making it on a podium at all is a legendary accomplishment. That year, you were one of the absolute best in the world at whatever you did. Yeah, gold is the goal, but silver and bronze is pretty awesome. Tom effectively the bronze medalist here, all said and done, but no one understands the road traveled to get there better than Tom himself, and I respect his reaction to his achievement. He could have very well got KTFO.
Yeah that shit was wackadack.

Its like Jones sitting out for 3 yrs and getting mad and throwin shade on twitter whenever anyone achieves anything that he feels threatens the fake roid-achieved legacy he built in his mind for himself
Yeah that shit was wackadack.

Its like Jones sitting out for 3 yrs and getting mad and throwin shade on twitter whenever anyone achieves anything that he feels threatens the fake roid-achieved legacy he built in his mind for himself
Makes sense that Jones moved to Henry's camp, they probably spend a decent amount of time amping up each other's egos
Defend or Vacate,Jon!

He will. Against Stipe. Who has a win over the lineal champ. Aspinall doesn't have win over lineal champ. He is the future for when Jones is gone.
For all intents and purposes,Tom is the real world champion since the current belt holder won't fight him and his next opponent won't either. That may change but that's the situation now. Jones didn't beat Ngannou for the belt so his belt really isn't more legitimate than Tom's in any way.

Yea, I’m a big JJ guy. But Jon won a vacant title because rhe champ was gone, and Aspinall won a belt because Jon had to miss. It’s basically two interims till one of them defends against the other or moves on. But either way, it takes no shine off Aspinall’s he won his against another top contender and not the actual champ…. Just like Jon did. They have the same title basically.
Yea, I’m a big JJ guy. But Jon won a vacant title because rhe champ was gone, and Aspinall won a belt because Jon had to miss. It’s basically two interims till one of them defends against the other or moves on. But either way, it takes no shine off Aspinall’s he won his against another top contender and not the actual champ…. Just like Jon did. They have the same title basically.
Not exactly the same. Jones and Stipe basically exist outside of the active forward moving division. Tom is willing to take on the mantle of a real defending champion.
UFC should stop giving Interim champions belt,they later parade around with it like it's the real deal. Give them a trophy or a medal.
I respect Cejudo but this isn't the first time he's acting like a punk bitch. Especially due to professional jealousy.

He is competitive to a fault. I guess that what comes with the territory when you’re talking about Olympic gold medalists…..

Maybe his mom should tell him that it’s not a good look!
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Jones vs Stipe shouldn't be happening in the first place. Why does stipe who has been sitting out for an eternity,get a title shot? Jones got a title shot for the same. They did nothing at all to earn these shots. Aspinall did.

This is a unique situation,where the "champ" will only fight one guy who did nothing to earn a title shot while the rest of the division are forced to fight for nothing. Aspinall is the real champion to anyone with a brain if Jones refuses to fight him. He should be stripped.

You’re right but you know the UFC is always trying to make the next big money fight. Jones v Stipe fits that bill with the whole GOAT vs GOAT HW thing going on. At this point it’s would be more of an exhibition fight.

The belts aren’t meaningless but the casual fan base doesn’t give a shit about meritocracy and neither does the UFC (when it suits them)!
Let the man have his moment. I also remember Poirier crying when he got his fake belt. Still a hell of an accomplishment.
Normally I'd agree with him, but Tom is the real champion. Jones is going to fight Stipe then retire, and good luck to him. It's just a formality to wait till they upgrade Tom's belt.