Rumored Ngannou to earn $20 million, not including PPV and sponsorships against Anthony Joshua!

Funny thinking he lost to the black beast, too, lol.
Black beast fumbled the bag!

He has a win over Francis and the most knockouts in ufc hw history but Francis makes more a night than BB makes his entire life in ufc. That’s very inequitable pay by U FIght Cheap
Nobody says something like "well over $11 million" lol Nobody talks like that. We work in a base 10 numbering system. "Well over" doesn't mean more than 10, but less than 11, lmao. That's such a ridiculous take I seriously am dumbfounded. This isn't the Price is Right

Check my post history. I literally never posted about the Francis situation until recently. I'm far from an anti-UFC person. The UFC is great, it made the sport what it is today and without it we wouldn't even be here arguing about this.
Well, it is fight promotion hype so “well over 10 million” could end up being well less than 10 million in reality.
It doesn't generate any profit. Not sure about the revenue. They were paying celebs to come to the event.
So at the end of the day like, from a business standpoint why do this lol
@orca please tell these fools how passing on $8m for at least three times more a night is indeed the same as ducking jones.

Jones is the one who sat out for 2 years and turned down 10 million but somehow his shills argue Ngannou was supposed to take it for 8 and lock himself into a long term contract for the rest of his career.
I don't get it why people are so hung up on "take that, Dana dickriders!!".

Did it look like Ngannou had failed big time? Yes. Did anyone actually believe that he was gonna fight Fury? Not many. Did ANYONE believe that he was gonna make it a close fight and thereby immediately establish himself as a serious contender in boxing? No.

Most of the "haters" weren't and aren't haters - they were simply being realistic by saying that Ngannou fucked up.

They were being realistic that Ngannou fucked up. I don't know what realit you are talling about. And they did not choose a respectful tone mostly.

Crow tastes good
Please explain to me how he is now "worth that" ??

I mean the PPV with Fury did very poor. From my understanding, the fight itself wasn't highly profitable.

Furthermore, for you guys that think the UFC made an error in letting Francis go, I don't think you quite understand the complications of keeping Francis signed. He's not the easiest guy to deal with as history has shown. If they did agree to his terms and let him box, it would create a whole different set of possible problems down the road.

I personally think the situation worked out well for both sides.
He is now worth that because he knocked down one of the best HW boxers of this generation. Before his fight with Fury it's understandable why the PPV numbers were so low. Francis was coming over from MMA, had no boxing record and people figured that if other MMA guys like Woodley, Askren and nate were getting their ass kicked by Jake Paul, Francis would have absolutely no chance against an actual boxer like Fury so it wasn't worth paying for when they could just watch the highlights of what they expected to be Francis getting rolled and possibly KO'ed. Now that Francis has shown that he is a legit threat to LEGIT boxers, people are going to actually want to see Francis fight Anthony now, so the PPV numbers will most definitely be much better next time.

They did make an error letting him go. The entire reason why they didn't let him box is because like I said, they didn't think he was worth that much and that he would ever have a chance against any top guys in boxing. If they had known Francis would have the kind of success he's been having that they wouldn't let him box? You're out of your mind if you think so as the UFC could easily make a ton of money co-promoting and it would be a HUGE boost to their brand having the guy who knocked down the HW champ of boxing as their undisputed HW champ. I agree if the UFC accepted his terms it would not be in their favor immediately, but it would have paid off significantly down the road. But due to Dana and the brass being short sighted they fumbled the bag and have to live knowing that they fucked up.
Bro you are moving the goal posts. People like yourself hated Francis for not signing with the ufc. Francis stated himself he wanted to box and signed with a promotion that allowed him.
And now he's not fighting for them either. Hence the problem and why the UFC was right not to re-sign him.

God forbid MMA fans be upset they're no longer seeing the former #1 HW MMA fighter fight in MMA.
So yes, Francis blew his load on your face and now you’re trying to back peddle. It’s ok bro
Backpedal? Before lying about something not even a year old, you should go back and re-read the threads when he signed with PFL. Everybody was bewildered as fuck as there was nobody to fight there.

When he got the Fury fight everybody said good for him he got his payday, but he still needs to go back to PFL where there's nobody to fight.

Now here we are where he's once again boxing, and afterwards trying to line up another after that, instead of fighting for PFL. Because there's nobody to fight in PFL, and more importantly the dude's pretty clearly just done with MMA just as he's indicated from every turn since his injury.

I'm sorry Francis conned you and PFL into thinking he was doing anything other than simply leaving for boxing. Good for him and his con job, but being a fan of this behaviour is just bizarre. Especially given how corrupt boxing is to the point he's already arguably lost a decision he should've won and without a KO it's just going to happen again and again like it always does in boxing. Nobody gives a shit about boxing precisely because of that blatant corruption, but you'll tune in and then bitch all over again at what a joke it is and Francis won't care cause he got paid.

He abandoned you and you're the ones with the load on your faces, and your still lapping it up asking for more instead of asking questions why you took the load in the first place.
So yes, Francis blew his load on your face and now you’re trying to back peddle. It’s ok bro
I feel like this quote essentially sums up this thread. Ah, it's sweet to see....

Pause. Not the blowing of loads! I mean the chewing of crow meat. Damn, that sounds bad as well, lol.

He is now worth that because he knocked down one of the best HW boxers of this generation. Before his fight with Fury it's understandable why the PPV numbers were so low. Francis was coming over from MMA, had no boxing record and people figured that if other MMA guys like Woodley, Askren and nate were getting their ass kicked by Jake Paul, Francis would have absolutely no chance against an actual boxer like Fury so it wasn't worth paying for when they could just watch the highlights of what they expected to be Francis getting rolled and possibly KO'ed. Now that Francis has shown that he is a legit threat to LEGIT boxers, people are going to actually want to see Francis fight Anthony now, so the PPV numbers will most definitely be much better next time.

They did make an error letting him go. The entire reason why they didn't let him box is because like I said, they didn't think he was worth that much and that he would ever have a chance against any top guys in boxing. If they had known Francis would have the kind of success he's been having that they wouldn't let him box? You're out of your mind if you think so as the UFC could easily make a ton of money co-promoting and it would be a HUGE boost to their brand having the guy who knocked down the HW champ of boxing as their undisputed HW champ. I agree if the UFC accepted his terms it would not be in their favor immediately, but it would have paid off significantly down the road. But due to Dana and the brass being short sighted they fumbled the bag and have to live knowing that they fucked up.
Francis fought 1 boxing match, then signed another, and is now angling for a 3rd in a row. All while already signed to another MMA promotion where he was supposed to debut in early 2024. AKA now.

It's ridiculous to say the UFC made a mistake letting him go when he's not even bothering to fight for the promotion he's actually signed to instead.

They both did what made sense for them. The one who made a mistake was PFL and his MMA fans who thought he would ever come back.
He most definitely cares cause they did him want him. They just weren't willing to agree to Francis' terms because they felt he was not worth that. Now that he is worth that Dana knows he fucked up letting him go.
I'm 100% team Francis and always have been. That said, I don't think UFC fumbled the bag here. The UFC could not do for Francis what the Saudis can and are doing. It wouldn't have worked in the UFC. The Fury fight would probably never have even gotten made. The UFC would be an extra (MASSIVE) cog in the machinery that would only slow things down or stop them outright with their angles and their needs.

This, to me, was a case of both parties going their separate ways because that was the best way to generate income, overall. What I fault them for is not parting ways with Francis to let him work with ppl who could make his dream come true - I fault them for shitting on him publicly and privately and trying so hard to hurt him to bend his knee.

But I blame the fans MORE for turning on him and calling him names, predicting his failure, etc.. Luckily, he is not someone who can be turned away from his goals so easily.

Francis, for his part, was not being reasonable with the UFC. Throwing out ideas like health insurance is just asking to be cut and that is exactly, 100%, what Francis was trying to achieve. They just thought they could force him to stay. But they were wrong and he was right, and he got himself cut like he wanted.

Cutting him wasn't an offense - it was what he wanted. Shitting on him and trying to break him is what he hated.

This guy literally came across desert and sea for this. Without owning a boat. Dana was NEVER going to have a stronger will than Francis. Dana would NOT have made it through Francis' odds in life. VERY few humans would have. Francis was always the more determined player here. He was always going to win.

He is not like we are. We would all still be in Camaroon, probably. And for the few of us who would have proven to have the determination to get to Europe, none would then become UFC champ and then be the first fighter to FORCE the UFC to let them go on their terms (wow) and then go knock down Tyson Fury in boxing shortly thereafter.

This is legendary, fairy tale, movie plot shit. Real life doesn't really happen like this unless you have the brain and the heart that Francis has. And VERY few humans have that in this world.
Francis fought 1 boxing match, then signed another, and is now angling for a 3rd in a row. All while already signed to another MMA promotion where he was supposed to debut in early 2024. AKA now.

It's ridiculous to say the UFC made a mistake letting him go when he's not even bothering to fight for the promotion he's actually signed to instead.

They both did what made sense for them. The one who made a mistake was PFL and his MMA fans who thought he would ever come back.
I agree with everything you said up until PFL and his fans. Only time will tell that part. But I def agree with all you said before that. Fair take.
How much did he make for the Fury fight? I’ve heard others report that he made 10 mil, but he never confirmed this.
And now he's not fighting for them either. Hence the problem and why the UFC was right not to re-sign him.

God forbid MMA fans be upset they're no longer seeing the former #1 HW MMA fighter fight in MMA.

Backpedal? Before lying about something not even a year old, you should go back and re-read the threads when he signed with PFL. Everybody was bewildered as fuck as there was nobody to fight there.

When he got the Fury fight everybody said good for him he got his payday, but he still needs to go back to PFL where there's nobody to fight.

Now here we are where he's once again boxing, and afterwards trying to line up another after that, instead of fighting for PFL. Because there's nobody to fight in PFL, and more importantly the dude's pretty clearly just done with MMA just as he's indicated from every turn since his injury.

I'm sorry Francis conned you and PFL into thinking he was doing anything other than simply leaving for boxing. Good for him and his con job, but being a fan of this behaviour is just bizarre. Especially given how corrupt boxing is to the point he's already arguably lost a decision he should've won and without a KO it's just going to happen again and again like it always does in boxing. Nobody gives a shit about boxing precisely because of that blatant corruption, but you'll tune in and then bitch all over again at what a joke it is and Francis won't care cause he got paid.

He abandoned you and you're the ones with the load on your faces, and your still lapping it up asking for more instead of asking questions why you took the load in the first place.

I think you need some therapy since Francis fighting with a different promotion clearly affects you although you’re trying to deny it.

You’re like that dude who got rejected by the pretty girl and is trying to say you never wanted her anyway. Bro it’s ok.

Me on the other hand I don’t hate on a fighter getting his pocket filled especially with most fighters ending up broke. I’m happy for Francis. He’s fighting 2 outta 3 of the best hwy boxers of his generation and proved he belonged. Good for fuckin Francis.

The Francis haters weren’t bewildered, they were spewing venom, saying he was an idiot. Francis is 37 years old my guy. How many fights does he really have left lol. Who cares if he ever goes back to mma. You got this strange thing about caring about promotions. It’s really odd , it’s not as if you work for the pfl or the ufc. Who the fuck cares.

Francis came on your face and now your crying

I’m sure you’re that guy that makes 45 k a year and when you hear your friend is making six figures you start hating.
He is now worth that because he knocked down one of the best HW boxers of this generation. Before his fight with Fury it's understandable why the PPV numbers were so low. Francis was coming over from MMA, had no boxing record and people figured that if other MMA guys like Woodley, Askren and nate were getting their ass kicked by Jake Paul, Francis would have absolutely no chance against an actual boxer like Fury so it wasn't worth paying for when they could just watch the highlights of what they expected to be Francis getting rolled and possibly KO'ed. Now that Francis has shown that he is a legit threat to LEGIT boxers, people are going to actually want to see Francis fight Anthony now, so the PPV numbers will most definitely be much better next time.

They did make an error letting him go. The entire reason why they didn't let him box is because like I said, they didn't think he was worth that much and that he would ever have a chance against any top guys in boxing. If they had known Francis would have the kind of success he's been having that they wouldn't let him box? You're out of your mind if you think so as the UFC could easily make a ton of money co-promoting and it would be a HUGE boost to their brand having the guy who knocked down the HW champ of boxing as their undisputed HW champ. I agree if the UFC accepted his terms it would not be in their favor immediately, but it would have paid off significantly down the road. But due to Dana and the brass being short sighted they fumbled the bag and have to live knowing that they fucked up.

Perhaps you are correct that he has more worth in boxing since he proved he can box. I would think his next fight will get more attention.

Anyhow, what he's done certainly benefits him in boxing. However, that success would not translate to the UFC. The fact he did well vs Fury wouldn't necessarily mean it benefits the UFC. If you are saying the UFC didn't see the worth in Francis, well, they were right because that fight with Fury didn't sell that well. In boxing he's got more worth cause he can continue to box, but if he was under UFC contract it would be a one and done situation. The UFC would see that he boxed well, but the fact it was profitable, they would not want to entertain another fight in boxing.

It all comes to down to money. While he looked great boxing, it doesn't mean the promoters cash in. And the UFC does not want their HW champ fighting mulitiple boxing fights, they're not in that business.
I feel like this quote essentially sums up this thread. Ah, it's sweet to see....

Pause. Not the blowing of loads! I mean the chewing of crow meat. Damn, that sounds bad as well, lol.


The amount of people who literally said Francis was dumb is astounding. Jesus Christ just be happy the guy made a bag and made his dream of boxing a champion come true.

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