Economy 22 Studies Agree Medicare for All Would Save Money

Of course single payer will reduce costs because the single payer will not pay market price. Then the market with deteriorate and there will be doctor shortages, because who wants to go to school til you're in your 30s to make 100k a year. Then hospitals will go out of business because they can't keep up with market prices for things that aren't artificially controlled by the government like their revenue.
Point to some examples of this happening in literally any of ALL the other industrialized nations who've instituted single payer systems with the inglorious exception of the US, which is a national embarrassment.
Of course single payer will reduce costs because the single payer will not pay market price.

"Market Price"

Yeah its completely normal for people to pay 500$ a month then 2000$ before their insurance kicks in.

You guys are so brainwashed its ridiculous. Guess what, thats not the 'market price' thats the mountebank price and in a normal functioning market you wouldnt have to put up with such scams.

"Ermagerd, its not fair if these docs and HMOS dont make a billion billion dollars!!!!"

Your logic and framing are wrong here. No one is forcing anything, we are voting it in because we are a democracy. That's the way this country works. I am sorry you don't like the policy though but in a democracy we all have to compromise.

Having everyone on the same plan and making duplicate coverage illegal means that UHC will be the very best care possible. Health care, dental, vision, end of life care ect.

I think one of the best HIDDEN benefits is how much it will help the true mom and pop entrepreneurs who want to start a business but can't risk losing health care for self and kids.

One other benefit that is small but I think actually really meaningful. It will allow employees to say FUCK YOU to shitty employers and bosses who no longer hold the keys the a families health care forcing these bosses and employers to become better or lose people..
If you vote against something, but it happens anyways, you're being forced to accept it.
It will never save money and our treatment options and number of providers would dwindle and the care would be shit compared to #1 in the world, which is exactly what we have now. And is why when wealthy people from anywhere on the planet have an issue, they pack a suitcase and cash and show up at The Cleveland Clinic, John Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic, etc.
Europe, Japan, China, The Middle East, Africa, South America, Canada and Mexico among others. They all come here. That's odd.
Isn't anybody here from these countries with "free" healthcare going to chime in and tell us how great it is?
How short wait times are?
How you have to pay cash to get yourself actually taken care of in a timely fashion?
Like, the truth?
I mean, I know our clueless Bernie Bros here have no idea, but I know only one person first hand who married a Brit and lives there (friend of my wife's) and it is an absolute horror show. The NHS, at least. Outrageous. So thankful I don't have that "free" care. And a sweet 20% VAT tax on every good or service to pay for my "free" HC. And a long wait.

You mention VAT, a tax on non essential items but in America you have things like state tax, the only difference is we know that we pay the same rate everywhere we go and it's already included in the sticker price.

I think the states may have the best specialist care for the few who can really afford it but so what if the average person cant pay for it? While the NHS may not be on par with the mayo clinic but everyone can use it, decent care is a hell of a lot better than none.
It is also worth noting we do have private healthcare here as an option and it's a damn sight cheaper than it is in America and usually only used by people who get it through their job.

Non Americans will never understand your system and why you defend it...that should tell you all you need to know
im a trump guy, not a republican but a Trump guy for sure and I am 100% for medicare for all. I dont care what the cost is, the fact that there is a stronghold mafia inbetween the physician and the patient has become unaffordable and ridiculous. I think we need to stop the cost conversation and just make them figure out how to do this.
It will never save money and our treatment options and number of providers would dwindle and the care would be shit compared to #1 in the world, which is exactly what we have now. And is why when wealthy people from anywhere on the planet have an issue, they pack a suitcase and cash and show up at The Cleveland Clinic, John Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic, etc.
Europe, Japan, China, The Middle East, Africa, South America, Canada and Mexico among others. They all come here. That's odd.
Isn't anybody here from these countries with "free" healthcare going to chime in and tell us how great it is?
How short wait times are?
How you have to pay cash to get yourself actually taken care of in a timely fashion?
Like, the truth?
I mean, I know our clueless Bernie Bros here have no idea, but I know only one person first hand who married a Brit and lives there (friend of my wife's) and it is an absolute horror show. The NHS, at least. Outrageous. So thankful I don't have that "free" care. And a sweet 20% VAT tax on every good or service to pay for my "free" HC. And a long wait.

Why did Rand Paul have the slaves of Canada operate on him if murkan scam care is#1 in the world?