Law Biden revokes Trump order to punish statue vandals

Well if your a right winger and try to pull down a few leftist statues in blue states will the police give you a exception to?
Stop being stupid. You know the law only works one way. If it’s broken by the right, then they have to be punished and that will be held over all our heads for years to come
Wrong again.

This statues belong in a museum with placards that explain how heinous these people were and how they should never be celebrated.
So like the 54 mass regiment or Abraham Lincoln? Dude your cnn themed dildo reaching your stomach at this point
the only thing biden is cleaning up is the accident he has in his diapers ever couple of hours.
He’s actively making messes like a someone who ate too much bad Indian food and drank 30 beers.
Gas- pipelines and all
Middle East
What will he screw up next?
Nobody knows
I don't think it is that complex. We can get into Republican this, Democrat that. The point is, we have a lot of people being given immunity for the crimes the committed specifically because of their ideology. You want to go down that road? I don't care what side you're on. If you commit the crime, you should do the time. It's insane that people shrug their shoulders at Biden doing this. The White House is literally saying, "If we align with your motivation for committing a crime, you won't go to jail for damaging public and private property."

For the record, I don't mind these statues coming down, if they're on Federal property. I do think the Confederates were traitors. But this was not the right way to do it and it's absurd they don't get charged. One guy got scalped and almost killed when they were tearing a statue down. How in the world is this ok?

Biden rescinded Trump's order to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Racial tensions had come to a boiling point and statues of racists and seditionists were targeted, and Trump did what he does and made things worse.

Mr Trump issued an order in June 2020 instructing the federal government "to prosecute to the fullest extent" any person "that destroys, damages, vandalizes, or desecrates a monument, memorial, or statue".​

If Trump had just denounced the vandalism I'd be OK with that, but he had to play to the cheap seats. This wasn't about doing the time, it was about doing ALL the time.

Is the vandalism OK? No, it's a crime. I happen to think it's justified, but it's a crime. The statues were of objectively bad people and should have come down long ago, but somehow the system (that apparently doesn't exist) kept them up. This isn't about ideology, it's about racists and seditionists.

Most of the statues in question were put up during Jim Crow, and it wasn't a coincidence.
Amazing how the border crisis is being ignored by the media. Its like it doesn't exist as a issue.
Well if your a right winger and try to pull down a few leftist statues in blue states will the police give you a exception to?
Yes you bunk up with Bubba in jail and have the time of your life.
Many of these statues went up long after the civil war during periods of racial unrest. They were an intentional slap in the face to black people.

Fetishizing and celebrating racists and traitors is bad.

The state capitol of Mississippi has a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest displayed. He was a grand wizard in the Ku Klux Klan, and the Republican party had blocked removal of the bust.

How would you feel if you were black and a Klan leader was celebrated in your state capitol?

These trumptards don't get it and stay racist!
I think vandalism is wrong, but the same people that think shitting on a Senators desk is tourism, are also cool with the leader of the KKK having a statue in Mississippi.
Gotta support those who support you, and for democrats that's deadbeats, criminals, teen moms, crack addicts, human traffickers and college kids who can't cut it in real majors.
And for Republicans it's supporters of the Confederacy.
Aren't you the guys always saying the Dems are the party of slavery, the Klan and the Confederacy, so how come you Republicans are supporting the glorification of Confederate leaders.
It's a great message that they're setting - if you're angry about something and you can't get what you want through legal means, just resort to vandalism and public destruction. It's a real heroic thing to do.
Good. 10 years for vandalizing a statue is absurd. People get less time than that for some truly heinous shit.

That sounds to me like the max, which in any case is too long (if actually sentenced to it).

The heavy handedness of the order was clearly an attempt to outright deter the growing trend of vandalism being conducted by democrat enabled factions like BLM.

This move again confirms that the Dems are ok with that kind of destructive protest (when it suits their needs, of course).
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So there were no laws covering vandalism before Trump made his order?

Nobody said that.

Biden rescinded Trump's order to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Racial tensions had come to a boiling point and statues of racists and seditionists were targeted, and Trump did what he does and made things worse.

Racial tensions were not at a boiling point. This was no Civil Rights era change. This was mass vandalism, at the very least. Fueled and applauded by the media. There's nothing President Trump could have said or done that would have changed anything.

Mr Trump issued an order in June 2020 instructing the federal government "to prosecute to the fullest extent" any person "that destroys, damages, vandalizes, or desecrates a monument, memorial, or statue".
If Trump had just denounced the vandalism I'd be OK with that, but he had to play to the cheap seats. This wasn't about doing the time, it was about doing ALL the time.

Well, yeah. That's how you deter this kind of stuff. Who did these people think they were? Why did they think it was okay to trespass and damage private/public property? You believe that, because they believed they were morally right, that gave them exemption from the law? Does that include all the other laws they broke while they were pulling down statues? A responsible President would do exactly what President Trump did here. Why does everyone have to stand aside so these people can trash whatever they want?

Is the vandalism OK? No, it's a crime. I happen to think it's justified, but it's a crime. The statues were of objectively bad people and should have come down long ago, but somehow the system (that apparently doesn't exist) kept them up. This isn't about ideology, it's about racists and seditionists.

It's not justified. I agree, they should have come down. But it's not okay to do it this way and it really is not okay to eliminate any kind of legal deterrent. In fact, that's encouraging this type of behavior.

Most of the statues in question were put up during Jim Crow, and it wasn't a coincidence.

So what?
this is such an important issue.