Social Blacks attack Asians = White people's fault.

There is more white people living in these areas than black folks, and a lot of these areas are in fact suburbs that are near metropolitan areas. Like the Bay Area isn't all big cities.

Blacks and Asians both tend to live in metropolitan areas. This doesn't excuse the violence, it simply explains why there are more encounters between these two groups since they are within close proximity to one another. As far as who commits more crime towards Asians? I'm not sure, do you have any data on that? It may be too early to tell.

I don't entirely agree with the comments made from these hosts but I do think that the whites who have supported Trump and his rhetoric and partially to blame for what we're seeing.
We all have personal accountability, regardless of race. If you decide to do peace of shit things you're a POS. Being black doesn't change that. There's a reason why successful black people don't live in majority black neighborhoods in U.S, it's not safe. There is issues in the black culture today in the U.S.

personal accountability is a racist social construct developed by white people to oppress blacks
this fucking thread, my god
I don't know how much stock to put into this broken family stuff. I've see tightly knit families produce criminals and lazy ass low achieving students while at the same time have seen kids from single parent homes reach the highest levels of academic and professional success in their chosen fields.
Do you live in a minority heavy state/city? I do and I'm telling you from personal experience this is the case. I'd be willing to bet that crime rates dramatically sky rocket when a child comes from a broken family. How often are you around people of color? I went to majority black middle schools and high schools growing up. I'm not denying black people have been shit on by our government for quite some time now. However, at this moment in time, black people need to take personal responsibility when it comes to raising children right (you can easily tell who's been raised right and who hasn't). I'm all for actually investing in underprivileged communities. I work with a construction company teaching minority kids trades while they are still in middle school. A shit ton of these kids have absolutely zero guidance and it pisses me the fuck off/saddens me (awful parenting). I'm in New Orleans btw.
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Blacks and Asians both tend to live in metropolitan areas. This doesn't excuse the violence, it simply explains why there are more encounters between these two groups since they are within close proximity to one another. As far as who commits more crime towards Asians? I'm not sure, do you have any data on that? It may be too early to tell.

I don't entirely agree with the comments made from these hosts but I do think that the whites who have supported Trump and his rhetoric and partially to blame for what we're seeing.
This is what zero personal accountability looks like.
Do you live in a minority heavy state/city? I do and I'm telling you from personal experience this is the case. I'd be willing to bet that crime rates dramatically sky rocket when a child comes from a broken family. How often are you around people of color? I went to majority black middle schools and high schools growing up. I'm not denying black people have been shit on by our government for quite some time now. However, at this moment in time, black people need to take personal responsibility when it comes to raising children right. I'm all for actually investing in underprivileged communities. I actually work with a construction company teaching minority kids trades while they are still in middle school.
I lived off and on in vegas since i was 11. I'm a Serb from Croatia. I lived on the east side and right behind Palms casino growing up. I live now in mostly asian/ethiopian/white neighborhood now. I'm around people of color everyday as my friends are mostly latino and black. My coworkers are mostly latino and black. I see my nieces everyday and they are biracial. Broken families often produce broken people, you are right.
Blacks and Asians both tend to live in metropolitan areas. This doesn't excuse the violence, it simply explains why there are more encounters between these two groups since they are within close proximity to one another. As far as who commits more crime towards Asians? I'm not sure, do you have any data on that? It may be too early to tell.

I don't entirely agree with the comments made from these hosts but I do think that the whites who have supported Trump and his rhetoric and partially to blame for what we're seeing.

the trend of violence against asians have been increasing, well before trump was in office. article below states "Between 2008 and 2016, the percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander victims of robbery rose from 11.6 percent to 14.2 percent; felonious assault from 5.2 percent to 6.6 percent; and grand larceny from 10.3 percent to 13.5 percent, figures show".

article below states "Hate crimes against Asian Americans have also increased over the years. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the number of bias-motivated hate crime incidents against Asian Americans had an annual rate of increase of approximately 12% from 2012 to 2014".

how can you say trump's rhetoric caused violence when the trend has been increasing since 2008? did trump go back in time and cause it? why is his rhetoric causing violence in urban areas but not suburban areas or in maga country, where his followers are more prevalent? i would think that the high the concentration of racist MAGA supporters would result in more racist attacks against asians, but thats not the case.
the trend of violence against asians have been increasing, well before trump was in office. article below states "Between 2008 and 2016, the percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander victims of robbery rose from 11.6 percent to 14.2 percent; felonious assault from 5.2 percent to 6.6 percent; and grand larceny from 10.3 percent to 13.5 percent, figures show".

article below states "Hate crimes against Asian Americans have also increased over the years. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the number of bias-motivated hate crime incidents against Asian Americans had an annual rate of increase of approximately 12% from 2012 to 2014".

how can you say trump's rhetoric caused violence when the trend has been increasing since 2008? did trump go back in time and cause it? why is his rhetoric causing violence in urban areas but not suburban areas or in maga country, where his followers are more prevalent? i would think that the high the concentration of racist MAGA supporters would result in more racist attacks against asians, but thats not the case.

Again.... you don't need to be a Trump supporter to be emboldened to attack Asian people.

Also those numbers you listed are insignificant compared to 2019-2020, you know the year that Trump kept obsessing over China and calling it the kung-flu. If you don't understand how that language can damage a community then I can only assume that you have very little experience living among Asian communities because most people here understand what happened after that language started. There's a reason Asians continue to vote democrat despite sharing "family values" in common with republicans.

You're nuts if you can't see the direct correlation.

We're looking at 50% spikes, 200%, 800% in some places. Not the 2 or 3% that fluctuates year to year.

Asians have been attacked by all sorts of people but on this board its only brought to attention when a black person does it. This forum has always obsessed over black crime. Look at what happens when there are threads
The narratives the left creates are so racist and dishonest.

"City officials, including the Police Department, say these assaults are part of a larger crime picture where gangs of kids take advantage of a vulnerable group of small stature. But Mo participated in a 2008 survey by the Police Department in which about 300 strong-arm robberies were analyzed. "In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American," she said.

The squeamishness city officials are experiencing about confronting those numbers doesn't reflect well on anyone. No one is saying the entire African American community is violent. But ignoring the legitimate anger and frustration from Asians is disingenuous and unfair."

Now this is OBVIOUSLY a budget, more "woke" version of the view...but somebody is watching this shit and just goin along the propaganda ride! So before you enter this thread with the wise words of "nobody watches that stupid show". Somebody is watching this shit as it just got renewed. So it's indoctrinating god know's how many idiots into this "hate/blame whitey" ideology.

Skip to the 3:00 mark to see here bend this narrative like a pretzel into shoe horning white supremacy into this shit.


The elderly asian guy who got attacked/pushed and died? Ya...that was from this guy.

Clearly whitey put him up to it.

This is the shit that's only going to both NOT ADDRESS the issue because it doesn't help your woke narrative, but this will also cause more divide!

Ahhh libtard race logic. I love it!

The white man blocked him from going to his phd in computer science classes so he took it out on the old asian man <BC1>
Whats New Orleans like right now? Its been on my list of cities to visit for years now.
Honestly not great man. City is built on hospitality and tourism so right now things aren't looking great. That being said, this summer things should start to pick up. Jazz Fest and all that is happening so it'll be fun again soon. City is definitely worth the visit, I love it.
This is what zero personal accountability looks like.

It goes both ways.

Do black families struggle to keep a father around? Does this contribute to spike in crime? Yes (I'm talking overall crime by the way, not necessarily crime towards Asians but in general)

Did Trump's incendiary rhetoric escalate tensions? Yes
It goes both ways.

Do black families struggle to keep a father around? Does this contribute to spike in crime? Yes (I'm talking overall crime by the way, not necessarily crime towards Asians but in general)

Did Trump's incendiary rhetoric escalate tensions? Yes

Fuck man. Get off of Trump. He has nothing to do with this shit. For you to bring him into this is so incredibly dishonest and stupid. You have a global "pandemic". The entire world knows it came from China. We are all inconvenienced. There was NO WAY IN HELL that there wouldn't be an elevation of attacks on Asian people. But the fact it's coming mostly from ONE DEMOGRAPHIC tells you all you need to fucking know.

Get over it. I said the culture needs to change. Start there and you fix the fucking problem. Don't start there and you dance around the issue with your feelings over facts.
I lived off and on in vegas since i was 11. I'm a Serb from Croatia. I lived on the east side and right behind Palms casino growing up. I live now in mostly asian/ethiopian/white neighborhood now. I'm around people of color everyday as my friends are mostly latino and black. My coworkers are mostly latino and black. I see my nieces everyday and they are biracial. Broken families often produce broken people, you are right.
Right on man. At the end of the day I just want everyone to have a solid chance at succeeding in life. Sometimes I come across as jaded but I don't mean to. I've got love and hate for all people and issues aren't always black and white (no pun intended). I think we can all agree that black people got/get the short hand of the stick. There are historical, cultural, and economic issues we all need to address.
Fuck man. Get off of Trump. He has nothing to do with this shit. For you to bring him into this is so incredibly dishonest and stupid. You have a global "pandemic". The entire world knows it came from China. We are all inconvenienced. There was NO WAY IN HELL that there wouldn't be an elevation of attacks on Asian people. But the fact it's coming mostly from ONE DEMOGRAPHIC tells you all you need to fucking know.

Get over it. I said the culture needs to change. Start there and you fix the fucking problem. Don't start there and you dance around the issue with your feelings over facts.

Talks about feelings....

Never has his feelings under control...

Dude, come on. You are a mess. Everyone on this board knows you're a mental case. You can never bring up feelings until you control your own.
Again.... you don't need to be a Trump supporter to be emboldened to attack Asian people.

Also those numbers you listed are insignificant compared to 2019-2020, you know the year that Trump kept obsessing over China and calling it the kung-flu. If you don't understand how that language can damage a community then I can only assume that you have very little experience living among Asian communities because most people here understand what happened after that language started.

You're nuts if you can't see the direct correlation.

We're looking at 50% spikes, 200%, 800% in some places. Not the 2 or 3% that fluctuates year to year.

Asians have been attacked by all sorts of people but on this board its only brought to attention when a black person does it. This forum has always obsessed over black crime. Look at what happens when there are threads

criminals have been emboldened to commit crimes since last summer when liberal run cities neutered police from enforcing the laws. all crime has been going up across the board, not just racist attacks.

again, why is it that those crimes arent being committed in rural or suburban america at those levels? and why is it that the media reporting these incidences show that the majority of the people assaulting them aren't white? i find it weird that trump's rhetoric struck a tune with blacks, who are 13% of the country, not his voter base, and causing most of the violence against asians in areas that arent republican majority cities.
Fuck man. Get off of Trump. He has nothing to do with this shit. For you to bring him into this is so incredibly dishonest and stupid. You have a global "pandemic". The entire world knows it came from China. We are all inconvenienced. There was NO WAY IN HELL that there wouldn't be an elevation of attacks on Asian people. But the fact it's coming mostly from ONE DEMOGRAPHIC tells you all you need to fucking know.

Get over it. I said the culture needs to change. Start there and you fix the fucking problem. Don't start there and you dance around the issue with your feelings over facts.

Please check yourself. You have to realize that the majority of black gang bangers and/or blacks who commit violent crimes are avid consumers of news and twitter, and most importantly, anything Trump.
Fuck man. Get off of Trump. He has nothing to do with this shit. For you to bring him into this is so incredibly dishonest and stupid. You have a global "pandemic". The entire world knows it came from China. We are all inconvenienced. There was NO WAY IN HELL that there wouldn't be an elevation of attacks on Asian people. But the fact it's coming mostly from ONE DEMOGRAPHIC tells you all you need to fucking know.

Get over it. I said the culture needs to change. Start there and you fix the fucking problem. Don't start there and you dance around the issue with your feelings over facts.

he doesnt believe in personal accountability and its easier to blame trump over a comment he said almost a year ago. a comment, that according to him, is causing the violence which seems to resonate more with a certain minority demographic that trump's white voter base.