International ***COVID-19 Breaking News v19: U.S. coronavirus deaths top 100,000***

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UK is a shithole with terrible weather. No wonder you guys stay inside. Do you guys even know what a sunbathing is? when I think of the UK, I think of wet wind and icy farts blowing from the west to the east.
Just a question: if in a few weeks the hospitals aren’t overrun what does that do to arguments in favor of the lockdowns?
By now many realize that the virus spreads more inside homes and public transport (subways, buses), and many of the infections occurred in NY, NJ, and MI in elderly nursing homes that took in COVID patients along with family members quarantined in their homes infecting each other.

The lock down was justified in the beginning - we were getting bogus information from China and WHO, and we didn't know nearly as much back then.

Now we see what is key in surviving this virus if you are one of the vulnerable (elderly, obese, or immune compromised):

-get lots of Vitamin D(natural sunlight the best way)
-Be active physically
-Continue getting regular exposure to everyday germs outdoors to keep your immune system strong

The lock down was almost like a recipe for how to weaken everyone's immune system.

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And by people I mean America. It seems to have just completely been forgotten. Lockdowns ended entirely, no social distancing whatsoever because of these mass protests. I don’t live in the USA so I come on here or watch American news channel CNN, we only get cnn here, to get latest update on virus in America. And yet literally nobody is talking about it. You guys realise there’s still a deadly virus out there yeah?

This virus still dominates the UK news here, it’s all we talk about.

In a couple weeks in America there’s going to be a massive increase in the number of infections because of what’s happening this week and none of you all seem bothered. Watch in a couple weeks, hospitals are about to get overrun, you might even have to go into full lockdown again.

I certainly haven't forgotten about the virus & I'm with you in thinking that there's going to be a big new wave that hits in a couple of weeks. And it could be devastating & lead to the need for another lockdown. But I don't know if the various state governments will even mandate one again or if the majority of people will comply. But of course, if people start dying in the streets because the healthcare system is overrun then I suppose they won't have a choice. Will they?

Yeah, I'm happy that I live in northern Arizona well outside any major cities, but all three of my kids live in them. My oldest daughter's in Long Beach, CA, my son's just moved to Nashville, TN. & my youngest, she's in Buffalo, NY. So, I'm worried sick about them.

We could be in for some bloody hard times in couple-three weeks. As if we need yet more strife on top of everything we've already been through, right?
Most of the folks I see are A) outdoors B) wearing masks which are two effective precautions. I also I think most logical folks, especially those who realize they haven't experienced what is being protested, urged people to stay at home from things like the gym, bars, as soft re-openings began. Urging folks to not protest events like what has occurred over the last two weeks is a much different ask. Especially if you expect people who don't endure what is being protested to demand it.

If conservatives wanted to go outdoors and wear masks and protest something right now I'd be okay with that too.

Yeah, of course it'll be soft reopenings but as long as things are reopening, I'm happy for now. This can't go on as it has been, its nonsensical. It's apparently not a problem for me to spend 1-hour on a Saturday in a supermarket 2-metres away from 100-150 complete strangers, but it's completely against the rules for me to spend 3-hours sitting in a park 2-metres away from my best mate having a couple of beers.

It makes no sense at all. I get it, people had to be corraled to stem the flow of the virus, but now that most countries have flattened the curve and gotten through the peak, it's time to take the shackles off slowly but surely.
The African American community has already been the hardest hit when it comes to Covid-19 related deaths.

By crowding into the streets like this those same communities are putting themselves at risk. It will likely lead to a new spike in cases, which is unfortunate since the last thing they need is more suffering.
I have to admit it's surprised me a bit because I was convinced that (in the UK for example) - our government was going to be delivering some absolutely appalling news bombshell which would conveniently coincide with lockdown and it being illegal to form large groups in the street. Two birds, one stone essentially. I thought the same would apply to the USA but clearly I was wrong on both fronts.
2020 is a dynamic year, now bum riot must be covered to be there in time when the asian killer bees rampage starts in mid June

Post COVID car manufacturing to dealers "We are moving more of our sales direct to consumers via the web." I am sure car dealers will be scratching their heads over this news. Apparently car manufacturers are getting ready to at least for a time to have a lot fewer people walking car showrooms and they have to reach these people online. The car dealers will act more like enablers who will bring the car to the homes with a hands off sale. At least how it is being sold to dealers who have already lost billions and billions of dollars. Car manufacturers have some hard days to come.
Post COVID car manufacturing to dealers "We are moving more of our sales direct to consumers via the web." I am sure car dealers will be scratching their heads over this news. Apparently car manufacturers are getting ready to at least for a time to have a lot fewer people walking car showrooms and they have to reach these people online. The car dealers will act more like enablers who will bring the car to the homes with a hands off sale. At least how it is being sold to dealers who have already lost billions and billions of dollars. Car manufacturers have some hard days to come.

That is shitty news.
How much worse can things get?
. COVID-19
. Economy tanks
. Riots on the streets

* War with Iran?

2020 has been a MOTHER of a year! I've been kicking around this ol' planet for awhile now. I remember Challenger, Mt. St. Helens, and a whole bunch of massacres both home and abroad. I don't remember tragedy, after tragedy, after tragedy, like this. :(

I'm praying for us all.
So here I was, thinking the flu bros are a problem.

Turns out, the Gates bros are the problem. Are you people really this fucking stupid? I've seen a couple on here, but they are actually flooding the streets in protests here now.
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