Media Due To Coronavirus, Weili Zhang Says She Is Extending Her Stay In The USA. UPDATE GOING HOME

What does this say about China proclaiming the virus is under control yet one of their citizens feels it more prudent to stay in USA of all places? That seems pretty fucking backwards all things considered.

China proclaims many things.
She will pick up English quicker if she stays longer which is great and good for her brand.
She will pick up English quicker if she stays longer which is great and good for her brand.
Yes, but I don't suppose she will be going out and meeting English-speaking people much under these coronavirus conditions in the U.S. But she can watch TV, and hopefully use the internet to pick up English.
IIRC fried chicken joints like KFC and Popeyes are super popular in China, and not considered cheap shitty food but instead has a more "premium" reputation. They did a great job entering the chinese market super early on, and marketing themselves as fancy western branded restaurants.
Of course Popeyes and KFC are considered premium food compared to the nasty unsanitary stuff they eat.
The Virus will kill more in the US than anywhere else in the world.
Once this thing blows over she should do a meet and greet of sorts. I imagine that she's become more popular after the last two fights.
This is a masterful cover-up to get Weili some actual real MMA training. Incredible lengths they've gone through so that they can still claim the world champion is out of china even though she's clearly rocking US based training now.

Her natural abilities have gotten her this far with that Kung Fu n shit that don't really work, so now they're trying to get her some real skills.
My point was if it’s so under control...why does one of your citizens feel safer in the US where it’s blowing up as we speak? It doesn’t sound like Zheng has much faith that it’s under control.
She never said she feels safer in US I don't know where you got that from. Use some logic if things wasn't under control why would China ships millions of medical aids supplies all over the world every day ? why would they send all their medical scientist and doctors overseas, why would they lift quarantine most cities if the outbreak is still not contained ? so more people gets infected and die ? yeah that would really help the economy.
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What does this say about China proclaiming the virus is under control yet one of their citizens feels it more prudent to stay in USA of all places?.

what it says is that you didnt bother watching the video.

She said the reason shes not flying home is because she would have to go in 14 days isolation and it would affect her ability to train, affect her diet, and affect her availability for drug tests.

but way to go making a conclusion without actually watching a 50 second video.
My point was if it’s so under control...why does one of your citizens feel safer in the US where it’s blowing up as we speak? It doesn’t sound like Zheng has much faith that it’s under control.

this is literally nothing to do with what she said.

why are you commenting and drawing conclusions if you couldnt even be bothered to watch a video that lasts less than 1 minute?

jesus christ. watch the video then either delete your posts or just admit you are talking bollocks. :D
this is literally nothing to do with what she said.

why are you commenting and drawing conclusions if you couldnt even be bothered to watch a video that lasts less than 1 minute?

jesus christ. watch the video then either delete your posts or just admit you are talking bollocks. :D
Late to the party I see. I left additional comments. Why get so worked up buddy? I could just as easily throw a shit fit like you for not actually reading those additional comments. But I won’t.
She never said she feels safer in US I don't know where you got that from. Use some logic if things wasn't under control why would China ships millions of medical aids supplies all over the world every day ? why would they send all their medical scientist and doctors overseas, why would they lift quarantine most cities if the outbreak is still not contained ? so more people gets infected and die ? yeah that would really help the economy.
Use logic with a communist country still pushing out propaganda that the US military created this virus? Really? I don’t trust their government for one second, they’ve lied during this entire outbreak and proclaiming that it’s been contained and sending doctors to help other countries could be part of the same lie. I’m not saying that’s the case but don’t tell me to use “logic” when it comes to China. They were still people to go back to work before it was even contained.
Use logic with a communist country still pushing out propaganda that the US military created this virus? Really? I don’t trust their government for one second, they’ve lied during this entire outbreak and proclaiming that it’s been contained and sending doctors to help other countries could be part of the same lie. I’m not saying that’s the case but don’t tell me to use “logic” when it comes to China. They were still people to go back to work before it was even contained.
How can sending doctors and supplies to other countries is a lie when the those countries confirmed and thanked China for it ? how is that fake ? did China pay them off ? if so I don't think those countries mind getting paid right now LOL. China only pushed the propaganda theory when your warmonger mike pompeo started pushing his own conspiracy theory about how this was a bio weapon China released it to the world. Yeah so sending people back to work killing them will really achieve made in China 2025 and belt road project. Yeah is not like American government never lied about anything lol they lied about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years now with nothing to show for. I'm not even going to talk about all the other shit US government done over the years should you not trust them anymore ?
Weili looks bummed that she can't be with close family & friends back in China just yet. Definitely the safest thing for her to avoid flying right now. It's a tough time for many social distancing ain't easy. Fortunately we have technology to stay in touch. Keep your spirits high everybody - this too shall pass.

it will pass after leaving a tsunami of dead bodies if people don't follow the proper prevention methods

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