International German Farmers fight back against the government.


Brown Belt
Dec 14, 2020
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Apparently German farmers are fighting back against restrictions placed upon them. I have also seen that this is going on in other areas in Europe. Local governments are putting harsh restrictions on farmers and driving them out of business.

Any thoughts from anyone from Europe? Neat video here:

Good this needs to happen more - I'm sick of western governments trying to prevent people from being able to provide for themselves. They want a blanket nanny state in the west where everyone is 100% reliant on the government for every single thing making it easy to control the population with a social credit system.
Those in power making the decisions effecting the farmers will never relinquish power nor stray from their agendas. The only thing that stops it will be revolution and armed conflict and that's not going to happen any time soon.
Germans doing the Septic Avenger side mission in real life.

Yes, not sure what happened to the once warrior like German people. It seems like they are just yes men to daddy government, and very docile.
losing most of the brave ones in wars certainly didn't help.
but if there's one people in europe that can achieve a miraculous awakening, it's them.
Those in power making the decisions effecting the farmers will never relinquish power nor stray from their agendas. The only thing that stops it will be revolution and armed conflict and that's not going to happen any time soon.

I don't think any kind of armed revolution would fix this. If people got violent, this would allow the people in power to say "See, we told you they were lunatics!" and it would give them carte blanche to brand them as terrorists and use whichever means they wanted to remove them and hold a posture of moral justification in the doing.

Ultimately this is a war of belief and information. The society we have is a reflection of the mindset of the people that comprise it. The angle being used by the people at the top and their lackeys is essentially this: Due to climate change, we have no choice but to impose this and that on you, impose this or that on the farmers, restrict your freedom in this and that way, add carbon taxes (that benefit the rich who own the natural assets), impose carbon counting and CBDCs to monitor your consumption, etc. It's a narrative that's very similar to what they used during Covid. "These things are very damaging and terrible, but we have no choice to enact them." Meanwhile in reality it's a change in system that will perpetuate the hegemony of the people at the top. As long as people perceive these interventions as being justified, it won't end. The only way out is for enough people to realize that the climate issue is being used a justification for a massive power and control grab, and to stop engaging with the narrative and stop participating in the system that promotes it.
Yes, not sure what happened to the once warrior like German people. It seems like they are just yes men to daddy government, and very docile.
I don't think them being docile is untypical at all.

There is a very insightful quote about germans by the founder of Commodore, Jack Tramiel. With him being an Auschwitz survivor, he was once asked whether he resented germans because of it. His answer was "The German people didn’t kill the Jews. The rules killed the Jews. Germans always follow the rules and if the rules are made by madmen, they still follow the rules.".

This is plausible because when you think of historic german states like Prussia, they were always highly militarized, and in a military environment, absolute obedience and loyality is required for effectiveness.

So when Germans are being ruled by people with a WEF agenda, they will own nothing and eat ze bugs without protest. And that can switch immedately back as well, depending on who rules them.
I don't think them being docile is untypical at all.

There is a very insightful quote about germans by the founder of Commodore, Jack Tramiel. With him being an Auschwitz survivor, he was once asked whether he resented germans because of it. His answer was "The German people didn’t kill the Jews. The rules killed the Jews. Germans always follow the rules and if the rules are made by madmen, they still follow the rules.".

This is plausible because when you think of historic german states like Prussia, they were always highly militarized, and in a military environment, absolute obedience and loyality is required for effectiveness.

So when Germans are being ruled by people with a WEF agenda, they will own nothing and eat ze bugs without protest. And that can switch immedately back as well, depending on who rules them.

Pretty much everyone i know described germans as "robotic" and thats really my experience as well generally speaking

Of course exceptions exist and so on
People discovering that big ass vehicles make the ultimate disrupt but don’t hurt anyone protesting tools has been hilarious