Crime Headlining Crime Megathread Vol 4.

Yes, much can be blamed on tragic government run public education since the sole purpose of it is to "prepare students (children) for the workplace"...

That being said, their negligent, no good, indifferent parenting birth givers should be neutered too.
I still blame the goofs that DROPPED OUT of school. Personal responsibility is a thing.
I don't mean to play the devils advocate but isn't this happening in like 2 cities? Many Californians have the same answer for this new theft phenomena. "That does't happen in my city here in California.", "That only happens in LA and San Franciso.", "Not all Californians do that,"

I think those 2 Cities drive politically the state. Shocked to see people committing crimes in the open in a rich nation
I still blame the goofs that DROPPED OUT of school. Personal responsibility is a thing.

I agree, bunch of thieving lowlifes. Wouldn't go down that easy in my shop. Dumb ass lefty laws or not.

California needs to nip this dumb ass law in the bud and the revolving door, slap on the wrist, criminal
justice system in our country's lefty run regions is a big green light to today's brazen criminal thugs too.

Can you imagine pulling this crap in Singapore? Their punishment would be a national holiday.
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Examples of breakdown in society. The people in charge of those area need to be march out of their offices
I don’t think you right wing pigs understand that this shoplifting was done in the name of George Floyd!!!

Crisis resolved

"As the casual theft problem continues in California, a video of people walking out of a TJ Maxx with piles of clothes in hand goes viral."

This is wild man. Is there no police anymore in California or something? The sad part is even if they do get arrested they will be back on the street within a month doing it all over again.

Remember next time you hear the beep.......think of the fun that you can have on, Supermarket Sweep!
Examples of breakdown in society. The people in charge of those area need to be march out of their offices
This is the breakdown in society? People will always steal shit.

However, if you drive thru the Bay area, you will see wall-to-wall tent cities. Someone is living under every bridge. This is the breaking down of society.
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Same shit going on with tweakers up here in far northern CA. Just had 2 dudes walk into an ACE hardware and take 2 chainsaws right in front of the cashier in the middle of the day. But honestly unless you've got a gun in their face I don't think anything else would really deter them, and even then who the fuck knows. They're like god damn zombies.

"As the casual theft problem continues in California, a video of people walking out of a TJ Maxx with piles of clothes in hand goes viral."

This is wild man. Is there no police anymore in California or something? The sad part is even if they do get arrested they will be back on the street within a month doing it all over again.

What the hell is happening with your country?
Good thing I can only observe this lunacy from far away.
I hate to say this but they need to have more car stops. Criminals in the west coast figured how to steal cars with remote keyless entry. If you watch a lot of these videos, they tend commit these crimes while driving luxury vehicles.
Obviously you hate to see this, but you also can see how so many there may feel they have no choice but to steal. Costs keep going up, there are few jobs in these cities, and those that are available don't pay a livable wage. I hate seeing in here pass judgement without being in their shoes
it’s called a snatch and run. People been doing that shit for years. those guys were probably ready to fight whoever tried to stop them.
Aren't you allowed to protect your property with deadly force in the US?
I don't mean to play the devils advocate but isn't this happening in like 2 cities? Many Californians have the same answer for this new theft phenomena. "That does't happen in my city here in California.", "That only happens in LA and San Franciso.", "Not all Californians do that,"
sounds like what they're programmed to say to cope with it. "not all Californians. . . " is like just grasping at straws to find something to avoid condemning it. <45>