Media Mackenzie Dern poses with the Brazilian Flag on UFC's IG


i'm triggered, cause i would love to know why not more people have called her out for this. her evolution in accent has been well documented....I just can't have respect for someone that does that...

I have an accent and I speak more than three languages.... I was also born in the usa...

How many language do you speak ?
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Dana wants people pandering to certain demographics. She's just doing what the bald man says.
Her father is Brazilian.

Not sure why people are so salty about this.
I'm not mad but typically the fight gear is where you were born but I guess this isn't much different from Mexican fighters representing Mexico when they were born in the states. Her accent is the thing that gets me.

I for one am outraged she did this!!


She shouldn’t have done that, that was the wrong thing to do.
Not saying that She is one of them , but Its a fact that tons of us born people hate the us and or at least feel ashamed of being “ muricans” and if given the chance to disassociate from said country they will do it in a heartbeat.
Look at the news, how many citizens of the us burn their own flag, hell.... I am from a third world country and even the poorest people living in the worst conditions put the national flag on top of their crumbling house. They love their nation. They would cry of joy if they had access to half of social services or aid that muricans get. What i see in the us of a is mind blowing, tbh.
Was hoping she'd be turned around so we can get a booty shot.
Not that she isn’t exaggerating the accent but when you move elsewhere your speech can be affected. My buddy came back after a few years in Texas and sounded like a dumbass Texan.
Why is that a problem?

I'd rather see pics of her ass though

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