Social More of a threat? Trans activists or Christian nationalists?

Yeah not wanting crossdressing men in women's and children's spaces is such crazy behavior.
You’re a shithead, and probably way more dangerous than the average “cross dressing man”.

Deal with your own problems first
"About 1.03% of the nation’s adult population identifies as transgender, according to the Household Pulse Survey.[1] This is equivalent to approximately 2.6 million Americans."

"Christianity is the most prevalent religion in the United States. Estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 63% is Christian (210 million)."

1.03 percent of the population in the US versus 63 percent in the US. Guess which group commits more crime? Guess which group focuses on changing our lives and gets away with it more than others? What group focuses on tiny closets that hardly make a dent in the evils of society and doesn't focus on their own closet which is full of bones?

Christians have and always will be much more of a threat than the moral panic spot light they put on the minority flavor of the time...
1.03 percent of the population in the US versus 63 percent in the US. Guess which group commits more crime? Guess which group focuses on changing our lives and gets away with it more than others? What group focuses on tiny closets that hardly make a dent in the evils of society and doesn't focus on their own closet which is full of bones?
I was with you here.
Christians have and always will be much more of a threat than the moral panic spot light they put on the minority flavor of the time...
But then you did a 180 from where I thought you were going.
If you ever want to dance again, let me know. I have room on my card.
"About 1.03% of the nation’s adult population identifies as transgender, according to the Household Pulse Survey.[1] This is equivalent to approximately 2.6 million Americans."

Thats what makes me laugh and sad about sherdog. There all so hateful and afraid of such a small number, youd think these trannies were in every school. in every neighbourhood. EVEN IN YOUR OWN HOME.
Thats what makes me laugh and sad about sherdog. There all so hateful and afraid of such a small number, youd think these trannies were in every school. in every neighbourhood. EVEN IN YOUR OWN HOME.

A tranny never knocked on my door unannounced and tried to convert me to tranny-ism...Christian sects on the other-hand, over 40 years in multiple States.
First, this needs a poll badly. Second, it depends on what type of threat you are talking about.

Christian Nationalists (cn) vs Trans activists (ta) offer very different/polar opposite types of threats. I will lay out the specific threats each group poses with a brief explanation and then in the conclusion, I will offer my final answer on who is the bigger threat.

Christian Nationalists-defined as a group of religious fundamentalists that seek to insert Christianity into the government to create a theocracy and believe that Christianity is under attack

1. Much more likely, if not an outright absolute to be conservatives/republicans
2. More likely to support trump or believe that Jan 6 was a peaceful protest and the election was stolen
3. As a threat between the two groups, I see CN more likely to pull off a larger scale attack such as the bombing of an abortion clinic. Also, if we had a mass shooting and asked me if I believed it was a cn or a ta, my answer every time would be cn, with the exception being that trans cunt in Memphis that shot up a Christian school
4.if you were to describe their style of protest, I believe of the two groups, cn are much more peaceful and the worst they would do is pray. Hell, there was a video of a cn rally in cali (hey, nice rhyme) where they wanted to give a sermon and pray when they were attacked by antifa twats and they did absolutely nothing to either defend themselves
5. Much more likely to own a gun and/or believe in the second amendment

Trans activists or trantifa as they are often called are defined as a group whose main priority is to seek equal rights for trans individuals and to end what they perceive to be an all out war against trans lives
1. Almost exclusively dems
2. Protest style is in your face and to insult, provoke, or attack those they see as anti-trans
3. Less likely to carry out a large scale attack, however, are much more likely to engage in small skirmishes
4. Very predictable and easy to troll into being violent
5. Much more likely to engage in other forms of activism
6. More likely to be involved in other crimes such as destruction of property/vandalism
7. Of the two groups, I believe they are more likely to resort to violence

Oh man, this one’s tyÿttLike watching a power puncher take on a Diaz brother with their “pitter-patter” punches. I think they are quicker to turn to violence. They are also much more likely to organize counter protests that often end up devolve into violence. However, despite my contention that ta are much more likely to attack those that they perceive as enemies (most certainly cn) while I feel that cn’e are more likely knives
as a devout christian that has major issues with transactivists dishonest and insane anti woman thinking and philosophies i must say that it is christian nationalism that is the greater threat by far. i read a whole breakdown of it by chris hedges last year and while presently they are not causing all that much raucous they are absolutely prepared to in the future should the right conditions unfold.

they literally believe in a bloody end times war between christians and non christian ffs and hope the end times come soon.
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Christian Nationalists by far. These are the pro-fascist, anti-science conspiracy theorist nut bags that voted Trump into the White House. They are a real, tangible threat to the future of our country.

The fact that there are people who view Trans people as any kind of real threat is hilarious to me.
Considering that the house speaker is a young earth creationist and you’ve got republicans desiring a theocracy it’s not even close to which one is more of a threat. You might think trans people are annoying or whatever but they hold no power in office. Scary times ahead of they get even more power
Christian Nationalists by far. These are the pro-fascist, anti-science conspiracy theorist nut bags that voted Trump into the White House. They are a real, tangible threat to the future of our country.

The fact that there are people who view Trans people as any kind of real threat is hilarious to me.

Most people who view trans people as any kind of real threat have only seen trans people on TV
Considering that the house speaker is a young earth creationist and you’ve got republicans desiring a theocracy it’s not even close to which one is more of a threat. You might think trans people are annoying or whatever but they hold no power in office. Scary times ahead of they get even more power
no group scares me more if they get into a majority of power than right wing christian nationalists... they would not even recognize many christian's as being actually christian because they are narrow minded black and white thinkers.

i love religion so much... its so beautiful and it offers a kind of transformation unlike anything else but its dark unevolved dark side can be VERY scary.
no group scares me more if they get into a majority of power than right wing christian nationalists... they would not even recognize many christian's as being actually christian because they are narrow minded black and white thinkers.

i love religion so much... its so beautiful and it offers a kind of transformation unlike anything else but its dark unevolved dark side can be VERY scary.

I cant vibe with you on the religiosity, but you're very right in that if Christian Nationalists like Johnson actually took power, the first thing that will happen will be all the religious sects turning on each other. No way Evangelicals share power with Catholics, etc

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