Law Ron DeSantis sends two planes full of illegals to Martha's Vineyard upsetting rich Democrats

I've had bullshit deletions in this very thread. I think the mod bias is going the other way.
Not from my experience, I wonder why the over active work. Do you like the way Obama handled the border more then Biden is ? Or you like Biden’s better ?
The problem with the stories Rolling Stone got wrong was how easily they were proven wrong. Rolling Stone didn't even do basic fact checking that journalists are supposed to do for anything they publish

The people that automatically dismiss a topic because of a source on here are the first to jump on someone's back about them doing the same. Nevermind it's a music magazine that tried to ruin a bunch of college kids lives smearing them as rapists. Probably one of the worst fuck ups I've ever seen in modern journalism.
Also I find it weird that since Dodd is killing the GOP in polling (Look at Kansas last vote for abortion, lots of first time women voters, and a pretty blue state abortion bill got rejected) that now they whip up the Rubes with immigration.
It’s not weird. When everything fails blame the refugees. It’s been a longstanding tradition on the right. I believe it even has an “official” name.
I love how you ignore the 660,000 "got aways" - which is more than the population of the 26th largest city in America.

But nope, the border definitely isn't open, says the biggest liar partisan hack on Sherdog.

For someone who talks about honesty in every single post, you sure do lie and obsfucate a lot.

Only a dishonest partisan hack (read:you) would think a border that allows almost 700,000 people to escape capture per year is "secure“.

Don't ever try lecturing another person on these forums about honesty or dishonesty, you hack.
Imagine how many would make it in if the border actually was open
Not from my experience, I wonder why the over active work. Do you like the way Obama handled the border more then Biden is ? Or you like Biden’s better ?

I think their approaches are pretty similar, though there have been additional complications lately (pandemic, misinformation, courts, etc.). It's not really an issue I think about much.
The people that automatically dismiss a topic because of a source on here are the first to jump on someone's back about them doing the same. Nevermind it's a music magazine that tried to ruin a bunch of college kids lives smearing them as rapists. Probably one of the worst fuck ups I've ever seen in modern journalism.

Is it worse than trying to photo shop a famous photo because a judge signed a warrant to have Mar A Lago searched. I mean this is a supposed News Channel (well news channel until they get to court, then entertainment channel and their defense is always that nobody with an IQ above 80 would believe our bullshit) running a photo shop of the judge that is not even a good shoop or at the very least find a photo that Ghislane's boobs were not so memorable from the first time any straight man saw it.
I mean the Judge could not even go to his synagogue to worship because of the MAGA weirdos leaving death threats at his synagogue.

Is it worse than trying to photo shop a famous photo because a judge signed a warrant to have Mar A Lago searched. I mean this is a supposed News Channel (well news channel until they get to court, then entertainment channel and their defense is always that nobody with an IQ above 80 would believe our bullshit) running a photo shop of the judge that is not even a good shoop or at the very least find a photo that Ghislane's boobs were not so memorable from the first time any straight man saw it.
I mean the Judge could not even go to his synagogue to worship because of the MAGA weirdos leaving death threats at his synagogue.

Pretty sure pushing a story that could send a bunch of innocent kids to prison for years is worse. But I wouldn't expect someone with brain rot like yourself to be able to differentiate.
Name me one news source that has never gotten anything wrong.
YOu wont find one, but its a convenient excuse binary voters use in order to not accept information they dont like.
My Parents got a couple things wrong but that did not mean I stopped listening to them.
It must be tough to live in your world that if someone gets one thing wrong, from that point out, you think anything they say is a fucking lie.
Hell I have gotten things wrong on Sherdog and typically admit to my mistake and move on.
I bet if I or anyone combed through your post history, you got some things wrong, so based on your rationale, I should ignore your posts because they are fake posts.
Just saying they got things wrong is not a fair representation at all, the reporter behind that story didn't do even bare minimum due diligence. She didn't contact any of the accused and didn't fact check basic parts of the story that would've revealed the holes in the story. Now, does that guy really care about journalistic integrity? Given that he seems to believe in Project Veritas, a propaganda outlet with a far deeper history of deceit and lack of journalistic ethics than Rolling Stones, probably not I'd bet. But even still, no need to defend RS over that terrible, defamatory article.
I think their approaches are pretty similar, though there have been additional complications lately (pandemic, misinformation, courts, etc.). It's not really an issue I think about much.
The really important complications are the regional crises which have fueled the massive migration flows. The two big ones are the collapse of Venezuela and the earthquakes and presidential assassination in Haiti. But even in other countries there's been escalating gang violence and even political repression which is causing lots of migration.

The picture at the border is radically different from the time when most migrants at the border were seasonal agricultural workers from Mexico or the Golden Triangle. Before the flow of migration was almost entirely from Latin America to the US and Canada but now there's much more migration between Latin American countries. Colombia for instance has taken the brunt of the Venezuelan refugee crisis and that pressure is in turn leading to migration from Colombia to other countries. No surprise then that the 50 migrants at the heart of this story are from Venezuela and Colombia but that would've been unheard of 10 years ago.
They might have a case. It is pretty obvious that flyer is a lie. This has made it pretty clear that Massachusetts does NOT welcome illegal immigrants.

I will say, I am really enjoying watching the wheels spin, from the clockwork partisan grunts in this forum, right up to the highest offices in the land, to deal with a massive PR defeat and twist it in some way that doesn't make a decades long talking point look like piles of hypocritical horse shit in the face of the public.

Desantis admits to the pamphlet. So the flyer is not a lie, unless you are saying Desantis is lying about saying the pamphlet is true, then that means Desantis is playing 4 D chess.
The really important complications are the regional crises which have fueled the massive migration flows. The two big ones are the collapse of Venezuela and the earthquakes and presidential assassination in Haiti. But even in other countries there's been escalating gang violence and even political repression which is causing lots of migration.

The picture at the border is radically different from the time when most migrants at the border were seasonal agricultural workers from Mexico or the Golden Triangle. Before the flow of migration was almost entirely from Latin America to the US and Canada but now there's much more migration between Latin American countries. Colombia for instance has taken the brunt of the Venezuelan refugee crisis and that pressure is in turn leading to migration from Colombia to other countries. No surprise then that the 50 migrants at the heart of this story are from Venezuela and Colombia but that would've been unheard of 10 years ago.

It's yet another issue that people have very little interest in actually understanding except to the extent that they can use it as a club to hit their perceived enemies with.
It's yet another issue that people have very little interest in actually understanding except to the extent that they can use it as a club to hit their perceived enemies with.
I think their approaches are pretty similar, though there have been additional complications lately (pandemic, misinformation, courts, etc.). It's not really an issue I think about much.
Well being near the border it looks radically different. Hotels are taken over by the government for housing, border patrol checks points are closed. More illegals at gas stations and back roads . Less transportations back to the border overall right ? In the area with Obama none of the above was a thing besides seeing illegals at gas stations but way less quantity. Many top DHS and BP officials are really dissatisfied with Biden’s admin, he said Harris was handling the border right ? What has she done
As a former (and likely future) long term Florida resident, I fully agree. The gay black guy (sorry, forget his name at this point and on my phone and don't feel like looking it up) would have whipped DeSantis if he'd stuck to his guns and ignored the consultants and didn't waffle on M4A and other issues. He was polling ahead, waffled, lost support, and DeSantis still just barely squeezed by...

Yea, if only the guy who was found incapacitated in a room of vomit, drugs and prostitutes hadn't have been found incapacitated in a room full of vomit, drugs and prostitutes.

I'm sure he would have made a fantastic Governor, a real example for people to look up to and aspire to be. I'm sure his wife and 3 kids feel the exact same way.

"In 2022, Gillum was indicted on 21 felony counts, including wire fraud, conspiracy, and making false statements, for allegedly diverting money raised during the campaign to a company controlled by one of his top advisors."


I'd still gladly vote for the gay meth head guy over DeSantis or any other Republican.

Of course you would.

Breaking news: Partisan hack admits he would still vote for a criminal who cheats on his wife with prostitutes , uses meth, abuses alcohol, and just got indicted on 21 felony charges. And all because he's black with a (D) beside his name.

How embarrassing.

Where do you live and have you ever traveled outside of your home state?
Doesn’t really matter where that troglodyte is from. A basement is the same in any state.
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So they were sent from non sanctuary cities to cities that brag they are and will not help NIS in anyway.

So the ones sending them are doing them a favor. But the NIMBY sanctuary cites are bitching its not legal and they lied to them. But the cities they were sent to don't enforce imagination laws. So they can get jobs and welfare.
lol now the tards are floundering about "muh borders closed" can't make this up.
Well being near the border it looks radically different. Hotels are taken over by the government for housing, border patrol checks points are closed. More illegals at gas stations and back roads . Less transportations back to the border overall right ? In the area with Obama none of the above was a thing besides seeing illegals at gas stations but way less quantity. Many top DHS and BP officials are really dissatisfied with Biden’s admin, he said Harris was handling the border right ? What has she done

See KK's post on it. In general, I don't think politics is the angle you want to start with on any issue if you're genuinely interested in understanding it. You might, on some issues, circle back to concluding that it is a political issue, but I think the kind of knee-jerk, "bad things are because the other party" thinking is toxic not just to the discourse but to people's individual efforts to understand what is going on in the world.
I'd still gladly vote for the gay meth head guy over DeSantis or any other Republican. Over former Republican and corporate Democrat whatever his name is, he's also a closeted homosexual, as well. I liked him, especially when he supported M4A (my #1 issue). But to each their own... :)

Edit: Andrew Gillum and Charlie Crist
way to disqualify yourself from being taken seriously in any conversation.
this is a disingenuous argument and merely an attempt to smear the intentions of the left who are just trying protect truly needy and vulnerable people from manipulation.

whoever wrote this ought to be ashamed of themselves. this is the kind of dishonesty that i dislike most of all.

How about the dishonesty that they had no idea where they were going, were hoodwinked and bamboozled and basically kidnapped by DeSatan.

Do you dislike that dishonesty too? Or only when it comes from a story you disagree with?