Splish Splash - back in the water

19 March
Twice through
30-20-20 pushups, situps, air squats
3-2-1 pullups, dips

50 minute walk/run with dog
20 March

5 rounds
20 pushups
20 situps
20 squats (30 lb weighted bar)

Shoulder mobility drills, hip work
21 March
10 rounds
12 pushups
20 situps
20 squats (with weighted bar)

10 rounds
5x DB thursters (30 lbs)
5x lateral, front raises
5x bent-over lateral raises
10x band pull aparts

2.68 miles (2/3 run, 1/3 walk - with the dog)
22 Mar
2 rounds "longer"
36 pushups, 60 situps, 60 air squats

50 min dog walk

5 rounds
12 pushups
20 situps
20 squats
5 (per angle) pull-aparts
23 Mar
morning coffee: 36 pushups, 72 situps, 72 air squats + 24/48/48

45 min puppy walk

4 rounds
db press, BOR, front raise, lateral raise
band pull-aparts
24 March
since I've worked remotely / from home for upwards of nearly 3 years now, there is very little difference, with the exception of going to a gym. Today was "presentation to clients" among other, scheduled things. Did a series of pushups, situps, air squats, and band pulls before and after each call. Tallied it up and it was:
140 pushups, 232 situps and squats. lost track of band pulls (from various angles)
Also did a dog walk

bummed the stairway is off limits for workouts, even though very few people use the stairs (gimme a break: it's a ground floor + four story building). and the hallway, usually a place for bear crawls and walking lunges is also off limits for that sort of thing. but am enjoying the improved pushup muscle endurance
continuing to combine calisthenics, bands, db/kb work, with dog walks / jogs

I really like how the "desired volume" has caused multiple moments of exercise throughout the day -- am probably more active now than in Jan/Feb

Morning -- accumulation of 100 pushups, 150 air squats, 150 situps, bandwork
Noonish -- 30 min with dog
Afternoon -- plan for some moar BW work and bands
Eve -- moar dog :) (sisi loves it!!!)
really having fun with the "pushups, situps, squats, bands" as a base and mixing in db/kb work, dog runs/walks, etc.

Sunday (5 apr) did "Murph" with strict pullups. great fun!

work will get insane again in a few days (as a couple of things ramp up), and it's been nice having a more level, predictable schedule
still being adherent with the workouts

only had to adjust one day due to crazy work day!

pushups, situps, squats, lunges
then: 4.2k run
then: 40,30,20,10 of (pushups, situps, squats, lunges)
still sticking with it -- BW circuits with DB and KB work
crossed 15000 squats, 10000 pushups threshold
MURPH tomorrow
25 mai
  • no weight vest
  • strict, dead-hang pullups
  • partitioned in 20 rounds of 15 squats, 10 pushups, 5 pull-ups
    • after five rounds, broken into 2/2/1, then 2/1/1/1, then singles, but all from a dead hang
    • only let go of bar after return to dead hang
  • each run was about 10 minutes, both with Sisi the Vizsla, who loved it, and a mask #SocialDistancing
  • 56 minutes and change to complete
26 mai -- lighter calisthenics

27-05 jun
focus more on jogging (1. june, doggie daycare is open, jog Sisi there every morning (4 mi round trip)

06 Jun: Organspendelauf -- 5,2 k, plus 10 rounds calisthenics circuit
07 jun: 100 air squats + 100 knee raises to prime, then: 4.34 miles with Sisi through NW campus along the lake, then 10 rounds circuit
8-22 juni
continuing with the jogging, taking Sisi every morning;
pushups and situps before the jog
afternoon calisthenics, db work, and bands

about to get crazy again with work
jogging through end of June
July is jogging (ca 3.6 miles) and calisthenics
Mid july to mid august will also be insanely busy, work wise, yay! but not sure what this means for the workouts. Will adjust as necessary.
the absolute insane work schedule! things have been going really well, work wise.
running as possible; calisthenics as possible; longer walks as possible
weight is virtually unchanged (ca 87kg) in this time, which is a happy surprise

rogue will be delivering in mid september it looks like, so home gym will be happening soon!
August was a decent month -- finished up the two massive things for work (yay!) and also maximized workout days

per the plan, movement back towards calisthenics and BW work with some running mixed in

Now, sept, packing for the move, but the rogue orders have come through and will be delivered to the new place. already have the trap and straight bars. plates & rack next week. Rower is ordered, yay!

and TX team has helped define "safe swim practice" guidelines, and one person per lane, and stay away from people hanging on the wall in the neighboring lanes (exhalation clouds are large and project quite a distance). Swim season won't happen for me this year; stuff like that is out til a well-tested vaccine is out there, but will be able to do the swim-and-lift program with the rest of the team.
First week with weights, first week post move (still unpacking!)

21-15-9 PVC pipe squats + mobility
25 pushups
50 situps

TBDL EMOM(10)x10
hang clean and press EMOM(5)x10
Pull ups EMOM(10)x AMRAP
band pulls

21-15-9 PVC pipe squats+ mobility
4x16 lunges
25 pushups
50 situps

Squat EMOM(5)x10
Front squat EMOM(5)x5
Hip Thrusts 8,7,...,2,1 (15 sec rest)
TB-BOR EMOM(10)x10
Rowing WoD

Sun: "A"
Mon: 45 min dog walk
Tue: "B" + 30 min dog walk
Wed: "A" + 40 min dog walk

Rower ordered, yay
Last edited:
Mon: 40 min LISS
Tues: "B" + 40 min LISS
Wed: "A" + 45 min LISS
Thu: "B"
Fri: 40 min LISS

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