There Is Now A Massive Rift Between Conor McGregor And Dana White

Or, he'll just co-promote with the UFC like most of the big boxers. They have their own promotions and hook up with a big name to co-promote an event so there can be decent competition.
i doubt it, UFC will never co-promote imo
He takes the heat for Lorenzo's decisions.
Lol. People think Dana is a habitual liar, but I honestly think his bosses are micromanagers. I could be dead wrong but I think Dana has no more power than Magic Johnson does with Dodgers.
If Conor set up on his own, who the hell would he fight? Who would fund the marketing that goes with a promotion? How would they avoid burning through piles of cash? How would they deal with UFC counter-programming?

And oh yeah he has a contract - with a champions clause. Zuffa can tie him up in court for a long time - potentially years - if he seeks to break it.

He's not bigger than the sport or the UFC. Not remotely.

And to those hoping someone breaks the structure of MMA, I hope they realise that if their wishes were fulfilled they would get contemporary boxing. Which would be terrible. Infrequent meaningful fights, lots of stay-busy bouts against bums, and a constant feeling of frustration and treading water. No thanks.
I have noticed over the years that plenty of fighters deal directly with Lorenzo

Well, Lorenzo is the real owner of the UFC, along with his brother Frank, who I suspect doesn't get himself involved that much.
Dana is just the front face.
A man goes and buys a baby snake. Feeds it, takes care of it. Shows it love and devotion. Once the snake is full grown it bites the man who showed it nothin but devotion and love. When the man asks the snake why did you bite me the snake replies. Im a snake bro.... what did you expect.
The UFC is a business, not a mommy.
UFC has to hope RDA smashes him. Pettis too. Khabib. Etc.

Conor is turning into a dangerous force.
Well, Lorenzo is the real owner of the UFC, along with his brother Frank, who I suspect doesn't get himself involved that much.
Dana is just the front face.
Dana just comes across as someone who cannot deal with not being in control, he will not be able to accept someone like Conor pushing back, whereas Lorenzo knows it's just business and is far less likely to cut of his nose to spite his face.
Dana just comes across as someone who cannot deal with not being in control, he will not be able to accept someone like Conor pushing back, whereas Lorenzo knows it's just business and is far less likely to cut of his nose to spite his face.
Funny how the guy who the Zuffa haters saw as the incarnation of UFC favoritism, hype and bullshit might actually be their biggest Champion in breaking the perceived Zuffa monopoly and opening the door for better fighter pay.
He can be both.
Funny how the guy who the Zuffa haters saw as the incarnation of UFC favoritism, hype and bullshit might actually be their biggest Champion in breaking the perceived Zuffa monopoly and opening the door for better fighter pay.

I am one of those guys but I dont believe this bullshit coming from this Botter dude.
Yeah cos a bunch of mafia goons running a billion dollar company would never resort to anything underhanded. Totally on the level.

Please take your tinfoil hat off before reading this post.

You don't risk your business over something that dumb.

They're not billionaires because they're thugs. This isn't Mexico or Colombia.
Conor barely cracks one million buys with "the biggest fight ever" while also being on a main card with another title fight and one of the most anticipated main cards in history and he's gonna start his own promotion?


No kidding, Conor acts like he's pulling ufc 100 numbers every time.

His fights are silva sonnen 2, rampage vs rashad, gsp vs penn/Diaz , Brock ppv's. Nothing more. Still amazing numbers but nothing new.
yeah, youre getting a fucking pre selected pic to make your argument valid

if you pick a video and starts taking prints of each frame of it, you will get TONS of different reactions from the same person

Dana had the same face the entire time with Conor. Go check it up if you don't believe me.

"Oh my god he's not smiling in this 1 frame of evidence. He must totes hate Rondas guts!"

Dude, I was not trying to create something out of nothing.
Believe me, if Dana was smiling all the time with Conor and not smiling just for 1 frame - I wouldn't pick it.
If you are such a non-believer just take time to watch post fight belt ceremony with Conor Aldo. Dana is like that all the time. I was trying to be objective. Yeah, maybe you will find him smirking here and there but rather when someone talks to him about something.
Stop being that dude.
Fuck Botter, this is the guy who was talking shit about RDA in the lead up to the Cerrone rematch. Saying RDA wouldn't look as good with the new testing, he would come into this fight looking softer, just basically implying he was on PEDs constantly. The guy is a shit "journalist" from one of the worst mma media sites. I won't trust anything from this guy unless there are other legit sources
Conor has to lose the title and not regain it during his contract to get free of the UFC. He's kind of screwed unless he uses his power to help create a union.
What's going to be funny is watching Conor being unable to fight 'cause he's tied into a multi-fight contract with teh UFC.

If Conor's goal is to run his own small promotion in Ireland and fight scrubs once in a while, he can probably manage that, but if he thinks he's going to compete with teh UFC, he's taken a few too many to the coconut.

In a few months, after RDA dispatches him, there will be an entirely new narrative.

Conor could rematch Dennis Siver under McGregor promotions and do better numbers than 95% of UFC events without him. If Ronda retires, he is the ONLY draw. People forget just how bad UFC PPV numbers often are. Aldo V Mendes II did 200k buys for God's sake. Conor could afford to see his numbers drop from 1.45m to 800k buys and still make much more than what the UFC are offering.
Conor may think he is big enough to have his own promotion but he isn't

What would it be Conor headlining a card every few months with a bunch of amateur circuit guys filling out the rest of the card? I don't see it Conor needs the UFC

If he wins his next 3-4 fights, there will be no one left to beat.