There Is Now A Massive Rift Between Conor McGregor And Dana White

Conor does not have the power over the UFC that people think he has and once he is pulverised by RDA, he will have even less. Full respect and credit to what he has accomplished but this run of his is not sustainable.
What confirm this is the lack of footage of UFC 194 compared to the other event. Even Conor vs Mendes was more promoted than the rematch.
A man goes and buys a baby snake. Feeds it, takes care of it. Shows it love and devotion. Once the snake is full grown it bites the man who showed it nothin but devotion and love. When the man asks the snake why did you bite me the snake replies. Im a snake bro.... what did you expect.

But why are you telling a Dillashaw story in a thread about Conor?
What's going to be funny is watching Conor being unable to fight 'cause he's tied into a multi-fight contract with teh UFC.

If Conor's goal is to run his own small promotion in Ireland and fight scrubs once in a while, he can probably manage that, but if he thinks he's going to compete with teh UFC, he's taken a few too many to the coconut.

In a few months, after RDA dispatches him, there will be an entirely new narrative.
Only an idiot would think that Conor's goal is to compete with the UFC, if he is promoting cards it will be for him to fight in, there are plenty of MMA fighters and Boxers who would be more than happy to fight on a big card in front of 80,000 people, and it wouldn't surprise me if other organisations like WSOF and Bellator would be willing to allow some of their fighters to fight on certain one off cards if they can get a bit of exposure out of doing it.
I love McGregor and I don't blame him for trying to get paid. There's formula in there somewhere and I'm sure they'll come to an amicable agreement at some point. In the end, the UFC still holds the bulk of the negotiating power though. McGregor needs them more than they need him.
except he's the UFC's cash cow. They would rather have him fight and make money than not

Exactly. I think this is being blown out of proportion. No doubt Conor is asking for more money in his next contract, and rightly so. Bu that's just business. He's their top star, he deserves the most money.
Trust me, the ufc would rather have Conor than not. And I bet they want him to beat RDA too
I can see there being issues about how large they want to let Conor get...all this talk about him being the company or being the show, I'm sure Dana and company are in the back laughing as they count their money but at the same time being like "who does this little MF'er really think he is"
Conor has zero plans of being another one of the UFC's slaves.

He may be the factor that cracks the power the ufc has over the fighters.
Even though i hate conor I do hope that is the good that comes out of the circus that surrounds him.
conor-alone can't shift power to the fighters. it would require all the top stars, a good amount of the regular fighters, and tons of money from another organization to make a difference. no one cares about the ufc name. i don't think i've ever seen anyone wear ufc-gear in real life. so the fighters don't have that to worry about. they just need a promotion that is willing to give the fighters a larger piece of the pie, and the faith of the majority of the fighters to switch sides and hope that things work out.
I'm sceptical but we will see how it plays out


That pictures makes me rage! Conor save us all!
This smells like hack journalism to me.

Lots of speculative inference.

For all we know their relationship is fine & it's just business.
A.) I doubt it.
B.) If so, one loss will change everything.
C.) Viacom is going to have to pay out the fucking ass for Conor.
I wonder if Lorenzo fell out with Dana? Or realises Dana can be more damage than good sometimes? Maybe Lorenzo and Conor are discussing tings.
Unlikely, but hilarious if true. I don't mind Dana at all, find him entertaining
Yup! I am not not the least bit surprised by this "rumor", in fact I have been saying that this entire King Conor take over would most likely start to go bad. Conor and every other fighter on the roster should absolutely be out to make the most money, and have the greatest success possible, however, ... When it comes to running a business at no point should the owner/ceo/president of that business allow another King to sit on their throne.

You can tell that Conor is relatively ignorant when it comes to business as he is trying to do way too much, too soon. He hasn't had the unified belt but for a split fekkin second and he already wants to be a business partner, hold 3 belts, and go off and start his own promotion? Ahahahahaha .. pure comedy, and most of his plan will fail and not because his goals are unattainable, but because Conor is not the savvy businessman that he is currently pretending to be.

Conor is fixing to be the next Tito Ortiz.

Where was anything rumoured about him starting his own promotion? I'm sure the interview will be up on their site now. All he done is trademarked a name. And like someone said a few posts back, it'd most likely be a management group. Why would Conor start from scratch his own promotion and try compete in a minority sport against the UFC? He'd have to put in a fortune building the thing up. Unless he can entice some rich Middle Eastern investors to throw their money at starting a promotion up.

All the hassle that goes along with promoting as well; he just has to alllow brands, gyms, etc, use his name while he sits back and earns money from that at the very least. I wouldn't be getting quite excitable as you are now believing what you've being saying in the past is coming true. At least wait till he's asked the questions next week.

And thinking he wants to hold the WW belt at the same time as the other two. He mentioned that's something down the line before and Kavanagh said he wouldn't be surprised if he was challenging for a 3rd belt this time next year - what Kavanagh and Conor say doesn't always go hand in hand together.
McGregor Promotions:
Conor vs somebody
Pendred vs retirement
Aisling Daly vs some chick
Gunnar Nelson vs a guy

no thanks lol
Or, he'll just co-promote with the UFC like most of the big boxers. They have their own promotions and hook up with a big name to co-promote an event so there can be decent competition.
Dude this is business. They'll all love each other again when Conor brings in the $$$
I wonder if Lorenzo fell out with Dana? Or realises Dana can be more damage than good sometimes? Maybe Lorenzo and Conor are discussing tings.
Unlikely, but hilarious if true. I don't mind Dana at all, find him entertaining
I have noticed over the years that plenty of fighters deal directly with Lorenzo, I get the feeling his temper will have cost Zuffa a bit of money in the past and he is probably been asked to step aside more than a few times in the past.