Elections Trump berates, demands votes be found

Thread title is a bit inaccurate.
I’m not a failed writer. I did it for fun, outside of law review.

This place has a bunch of really stupid and immature leftist posters, and multiple account posters. It’s just kind of hitting me how beneath me the stalker crew is. Maybe it’s my recent promotion or something, but it’s becoming kind of glaring.

Jesus fucking Christ
Ugh, Trump buddy, just go out like a winner and keep whatever dignity you have left. This is getting embarrassing.

He should stay put bobby traps on those doors like that gay kid in that Christmass Movie.

You got to give the man props he really believes what he is fighting for!
Fredo didn't have to quit his last job for creeping out underage girls
It's actually shockingly accurate.

Trump literally asks for the exact number of votes+1 so he can be declared the winner are "found".

He's also a whiny dick about it the whole time and is quite rude to everyone, even his own lawyer.

Well, your TDS rantings aside, he's still the President. Calling him "Former" is a bit premature.
You are literally one of the dumbest people on this board. lol I don't usually go directly to such base putdowns, but I can't take you insulting anyone's intelligence. You have a reputation here and too many stories for that, Forrest.

What did Trump move the R party to the middle on?
This is getting away from what my initial post was about, McConnell and the Republican party under Trump has been far worse than whatever bullshit you can think of with Pelosi or Adam Schiff. The Republican party moved SOOOOOO to the middle that it brought out farther right groups, farther left groups, and it forced Republicans to vote for Joe Biden?
You're talking to a man that got bamboozled into writing Sherdog fan fiction not once but TWICE, the second time being erotica.
The whole of America first was centrist, and correct. The powers that be used the Republican Party to push the idea that “the free market” was far more important than economic nationalism. The left were economic nationalists, who (of course) wanted less illegal
Immigration due to the negative effect on unions and wages. It has completely switched in an amazingly short time, because after having so much success manipulating the republican base with transference (making mild racists think the free market above all was going to help them *wink wink*) they turned their attention to manipulating the left to stop the “resistance.” They actually got the left within ONE DECADE to stop the resistance of MNCs and big finance, by turning them on the “America first” narrative.

Wanting things made here by American workers was dems thing. Wanting less illegal immigration was dems thing. Wanting less war was dems thing. Wanting less money spent around the world, and more spent here was dems thing. Trump was not far right socially, he just didn’t further the manipulation agenda the big money has used to manipulate the left away from standing up to it. He just put everybody into the “American” category, which is truly the liberal position..


All of us were right, bro.

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