What's an average training week for you look like?


Blue Belt
Aug 18, 2011
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Just curious to see the fellas in here and what you do weekly.

For me the last few years its been powerlifting. 3-5x a week...some cardio here and there based on bodyfat goals etc.

Recently I decided to start muay thai. Havent gone to a gym yet because im dealing with some other issues but ill be starting in 2 weeks ayyy

So my normal week right now looks like this

1 mile run
2 rounds jump rope
2 rounds shadow boxing
5 rounds on the heavy bag
3 rounds clinch on the bag
Core stuff

2 "feeler" sets with 1 top set per exercise. Add weight linearly. Typically 6-8 reps, 5 exercises per day. Its a pretty low volume program. Not extremely fatiguing but if i need a rest day i just take one.

How about you guys?

Sunday is off.
after walking in heat advisory weather all summer I lift 3-4x a week with a 5/3/1 variation with 3xthe top set on all 4 main lifts with a light day for each lift as well and some bodybuilding style fluff thrown in...when I feel like it I play basketball and/or do 20ish minutes lISS on a bike at least twice a week
after walking in heat advisory weather all summer I lift 3-4x a week with a 5/3/1 variation with 3xthe top set on all 4 main lifts with a light day for each lift as well and some bodybuilding style fluff thrown in...when I feel like it I play basketball and/or do 20ish minutes lISS on a bike at least twice a week
What do you do for work? Im in the trades myself...outside year round unfortunately..
I'm actually doing some for of lifting or assistance every day of the week. It's mainly working around the kids sport schedules, so I do shorter workouts. I feel much better if I get some physical activity everyday, and my work capacity is up enough to where I don't really need a rest day if some workouts are quick and easy.

Monday: chins and maybe the ab wheel (indoors - I only have about 30 minutes after work before I leave)
Tuesday: Pause Bench
Wednesday: Dumbbell stuff indoors (curls, tri ext, front/side raises, etc - again, I only have about 30 minutes)
Thursday: Squats + Front Squats
Friday: Bench Variation
Saturday: Snatch
Sunday: Deads
Mon-Thursday 1 hour of bjj and 1 hour of Muay Thai
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday I do Andy bakers hlm. Although the volume of lifting has been kicking my ass lately, I need to switch it up soon.
Sun - Squat, Bench, Weighted Chin Ups
Mon - HIC (Sprints and/or Boxing)
Tue - Deadlift, Press, Weighted Chin Ups
Wed - HIC (Sprints and/or Boxing)
Thu - Squat, Bench, Weighted Chin Ups
Fri - E (Rowing or Jogging or Rucking)
Sat - Off

Follow 3 Weeks BLOCKs
Week 1 - 3-10 x 5 @ 65%
Week 2 - 3-10 x 5 @ 75%
Week 3 - 3-10 x 3 @ 85%

Week 4 - 3-10 x 5 @ 66%
Week 5 - 3-10 x 5 @ 76%
Week 6 - 3-10 x 3 @ 86%

Etc. with +1% per BLOCK. The total volume is based current diet/sleep, etc.
BJJ 5-6x a week. Mostly gi, some no gi. Solid mix of drilling/sparring/technique.

Lifting 3x a week. One day for Squats, Bench, and Deadlifts. Assistance work like pullups, DB Incline, Leg Extensions etc.

If I can I like to get 1-2 runs a week in.
Monday: press, pull ups, landmine presses, dips, rotational stuff, arms

Tuesday: deadlift variation, 3x10 squats, weighted lunges, hamstring curls

Wednesday: core

Thursday: Squats, glute ham raise, split squats for reps.

Friday: Bench and bench varient, pull, pull, dips weighted.

Saturday: core

Foam rolling, mobility and band work as and when, maybe every other day.
Monday - Steady run (4-5 mile) + Gym (Push/Pull)
Tuesday - Easy morning run & Track pm (50-200m stuff)
Wednesday - Gym (Cleans/Snatch/Sqauts)
Thursday- Easy morning run & Track pm (400-1600 reps)
Friday - off
Saturday - Parkrun + Possible gym session depending on body
Sunday - Long run 10m+
cycling hills, calisthenics, stretching, meditation
Mon - Thurs: MT 6-9 PM
Fri: Lift
Sat: MT (am) / Lifting (pm)
Sun: off

Depending on my schedule, fri and Sun may alternate

When in in camp, Mon to Thurs, I run in the morning. Right now I run after lifting.either 5km run, or 4-6 x 2min rounds
Mon - Thurs: MT 6-9 PM
Fri: Lift
Sat: MT (am) / Lifting (pm)
Sun: off

Depending on my schedule, fri and Sun may alternate

When in in camp, Mon to Thurs, I run in the morning. Right now I run after lifting.either 5km run, or 4-6 x 2min rounds
wow, that's a lot. do you compete?
what's your lifting routine?
Mine is pretty bad, but I'm an avid hiker, so I try to focus primarily on cardio.

Every single day - 100 wide grip pullups on my iron gym. Usually 3 sets of 20 in the morning, 2 sets of 20 later on in the day.

100 situps everyday. Various stretches because my flexibility is rather lackluster.

1 hour in an infrared sauna every single day, except some Sundays.

MWF - 30 minutes on the stairmaster, 30 minutes on the treadmill. Light leg workouts, 4 sets of 10 leg presses, and 4 sets of 10 leg extension.

Either Tuesday or Thursday, sometimes both days, I hike. Usually 6+ miles RT with 2000ft of elevation gain, sometimes 12 miles RT with 4-5k elevation gain.

I live in Colorado and love to hike the 14,000ft peaks, so most of my workouts are tailored for that. I have a high metabolism, and I've always been pretty lean. The pullups keep my chest somewhat defined so I don't look THAT scrawny, but I don't have a huge upper body by any means, nor do I care to.
wow, that's a lot. do you compete?
what's your lifting routine?
Yes I do compete.

Lifting routine depends on my state, but these days its usually 5x5, 5/3/1, or some variant. I'm redoing WS4SB again just because its something new
When I'm going full speed?
Squats mon & fri, deadlifts wedn, bench & ohp alternating every day (mon bench, tue ohp, wedn bench and so on).

8 to 10 sets x 5 reps during hypertrophy block, 6x4 during strength block (usually cut back some on the pressing frequency during this block).

This is not something I do under less than optimal circumstances though (low stress job, low stress private life, No caloric restrictions, highly motivated to train etc.)

Currently my life is the opposite of the above, so I train much lighter.
My son is 3 months old, daughter is 3 years old. Demanding job....recovery or time to train isn’t exactly optimal or even a priority atm:

Mon: squats and bench 3 sets of 5, last set AMRAP, but not to failure; finish with facepulls. Usually get this done in less than 45 minutes

Tuesday: pull-ups and dips supersets, followed by single leg work and ab super sets. Intensity will depend on how I’m feeling.

Wednesday: conditioning....whatever I can fit in depending on schedule and energy levels

Thursday: deadlift and press, basically the same as Monday, but holding back on the deads.

Friday: same as Tuesday

Saturday: conditioning and some light lifting

Sunday: off

It’s all pretty whatever atm. Basically I’m just trying not to lose strength and muscle while running on constant sleep deprivation.
When I'm going full speed?
Squats mon & fri, deadlifts wedn, bench & ohp alternating every day (mon bench, tue ohp, wedn bench and so on).

8 to 10 sets x 5 reps during hypertrophy block, 6x4 during strength block (usually cut back some on the pressing frequency during this block).

This is not something I do under less than optimal circumstances though (low stress job, low stress private life, No caloric restrictions, highly motivated to train etc.)

Currently my life is the opposite of the above, so I train much lighter.
why do you press every day? no rows or pull ups?
why do you press every day?

Because I can, basically. And because it has had great effect compared to when I was pressing three times per week.
Neither the bench nor the ohp is particularly taxing (physically or mentally), at least not while I'm using the lighter weights in the hypertrophy block. And I have equipment set up at home to do the exercises, so I don't have to waste time and effort going to the gym in order to do them. I'm still pretty weak in the pressing department relative to my squat and deadlift, so pressing every day might get untenable in the future once the weights go up.

no rows or pull ups?

Nope. Simply wasn't part of the template I originally copied for my training (I've made lots of changes to said template since, but I've still stuck to the same excercises).
I'm sure rows and pull ups would be great to do (especially pull ups). But assuming I don't cut down on the other excercises I just can't bring myself to add neither rows nor pull ups consistently. Even if I can handle it physically, I'd get burnt out mentally pretty quickly.
I am mostly interested in bringing up the "big four" (bench, deadlift, squat, shoulder press), and I'm a believer in specificity, so I think overall it's a pretty sensible prioritization.
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Currently hypertrophy work 3-4 times per week going trough different rep ranges every week. My main goal is to find a way to train to reduce taxation and still get strength and muscle gainz. Soccer 1-3 times per week. Planning on dropping soccer for some kick boxing.