Why is Trump not dealing with these rioters? It's out of hand now...

Notice how most of the violence is in states held by Democratic leadership. I think Democrats are generally standing down to some degree because they sympathize with the terror group ANTIFA on some level.
Well, its happening in Texas too but the majority of it is happening in Dallas, which like Austin is becoming more left as West Coasters migrate.
Notice how most of the violence is in states held by Democratic leadership. I think Democrats are generally standing down to some degree because they sympathize with the terror group ANTIFA on some level.
No one is surprised. The Dems are being Dems. Destruction and division
Keep your guns loaded and stay safe Sherbros, these rioters are vicious fuckers from what I've seen, shoot to kill.

I think a better tip would be "Stay sober and observe trigger and muzzle discipline".

You don't wanna "accidentally" shoot your wife or kids after all.

Lights out, nobody's home.


It sure does seem that way, huh?

Honestly as an outsider looking in it's sad to see. Obama was a pussy, no backbone, you would expect this but Trump? I am surprised.

Keep your guns loaded and stay safe Sherbros, these rioters are vicious fuckers from what I've seen, shoot to kill.

Lights are off to see anyone coming better. I'd love to see the mob try and mount a white house assault.

This shit is wayyy out of hand, I hope you all are safe. Times like these people will realize how important gun ownership is.
Lights are off to see anyone coming better. I'd love to see the mob try and mount a white house assault.

This shit is wayyy out of hand, I hope you all are safe. Times like these people will realize how important gun ownership is.
Mmhmm, and I bet Donald had his boxing gloves on ready to sock a protester right in the kisser too.

Lights are off to see anyone coming better. I'd love to see the mob try and mount a white house assault.

This shit is wayyy out of hand, I hope you all are safe. Times like these people will realize how important gun ownership is.

I'm thankful the Constitution gives us the right to bare arms to overthrow tyrannical government that abuses its power.

Lights out, nobody's home.


This image is the perfect representation of the Trump presidency. 20% unemployment, our position in the world is massively weakened, a pandemic is still raging, the country is on fire, and our conman president is hiding underground with the lights off at the WH. Dude needs to resign.
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The national guard was brought in haven't you seen the videos?
Trump really doesn't have a card to play. I imagine his base is probably torn between wanting to see the cities burn and wanting to see lefties shot in the streets, but moderates, libertarians, and idependents probably won't react well to martial law and extrajudicial executions.

If it wasn't an election year, he'd probably be much quicker to escalate the violence, but his hands are a bit tied right now. His best move is probably to sit back and say "this is the America that Democrats want". It may still only speak to his base, but it makes a better story than shooting unarmed citizens for spray painting, arson, petty larceny, and breaking windows.

I mean the other option is to accept that a large block of his constituents are unhappy, then listen to their concerns and meet them part way. He could take literally any action regarding police brutality in an effort to deescalate but he's not going to do that.
The national guard was brought in haven't you seen the videos?
Yeah, and from what I saw where they were the rioters were hiding scared.

I've seen videos of police getting attacked by like 20 people it's nuts.

Flood the streets with force I say, armed with paintball guns and rubber bullets, shoot everyone rioting. Every officer has real bullets incase rioters turn up with guns in which case shoot to kill.

The people, the left, the media, the celebrities will winger and bitch but they will be forced to accept it.
Trump really doesn't have a card to play. I imagine his base is probably torn between wanting to see the cities burn and wanting to see lefties shot in the streets, but moderates, libertarians, and idependents probably won't react well to martial law and extrajudicial executions.

If it wasn't an election year, he'd probably be much quicker to escalate the violence, but his hands are a bit tied right now. His best move is probably to sit back and say "this is the America that Democrats want". It may still only speak to his base, but it makes a better story than shooting unarmed citizens for spray painting, arson, petty larceny, and breaking windows.

I mean the other option is to accept that a large block of his constituents are unhappy, then listen to their concerns and meet them part way. He could take literally any action regarding police brutality in an effort to deescalate but he's not going to do that.

Democrats want an America where extrajudicial killings don't take place in the streets while the rest of the system protects the self declared executioners.
Probably many contributing factors.

1. The GOP is probably doing their best to reign him in right now so as to not further damage their control of the Senate or further sabotage their efforts to retake the House.
2. Not stepping in allows enough damage, looting to occur that it might draw back in those conservatives that have found themselves sliding away from the Republicans during Trump's presidency.
3. Allow the ideological opposition to do as much damage to their reputations as possible to bring in moderates that want rule of law.
4. Highlight that Democratic Mayors and Governors can't protect their cities, it's businesses or its citizens and that in the end they have to bring in the Nat Guard to restore order. Goes a long way to justifying the militarization of law enforcement.

Etc, Etc, Etc.

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