Economy The border is a disaster right now

I am genuinely confused as to what people to what this disaster caravan is. Most people living illegally in the country just fly in and never leave. There are around 15 million illegal aliens in the U.S. or around 1 out of 22 people. Anyone complaining about caravan this and caravan that doesn't understand the scope of how many are already living in the country. You can drive by any Lowe's or Home Depot and see a crowd of them looking for work. Big businesses want them for field and manual labor. I live in Texas and if 10,000 crossed the border, it would be impossible for me to detect any sort of change. "They are wrecking our country." Dude, 1 out of 22 people is illegal. It would already have been wrecked long ago if that were true.

The caravan is like the world's biggest dog whistle because you can't put a picture of illegal immigration to people just flying in and never leaving and you start hounding illegal latinos, latinos get offended. If they come it, at some point the group as a whole is just going to be granted amnesty like Reagan did and republicans don't want that because of voting demographics.
Lol. All Republicans do these days is worry. They'll be fine. We're all murica.

Amnesty would be the answer. They are already here but the lack of worker protections of illegal workers undermines legal workers.
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Any day now Drumfh will be led away in cuffs. You gullible bastards are so naive.


Gullible? You mean expecting people to be held accountable for breaking the law. It’s great you think it’s ok because you enjoy your dictators ruling over you. There are still a majority 81 million believe in the rule of law.

We are the true patriots.

On a side note, I’ve noticed a number of very late responses. Coming back from self imposed exile?
Amnesty would be the answer. They are already here but the lack of worker protections of illegal workers undermines legal workers.

Bullshit the last time that was done it was a complete failure.
Good thing the former President fixed the border crises.
I am genuinely confused as to what people to what this disaster caravan is. Most people living illegally in the country just fly in and never leave. There are around 15 million illegal aliens in the U.S. or around 1 out of 22 people. Anyone complaining about caravan this and caravan that doesn't understand the scope of how many are already living in the country. You can drive by any Lowe's or Home Depot and see a crowd of them looking for work. Big businesses want them for field and manual labor. I live in Texas and if 10,000 crossed the border, it would be impossible for me to detect any sort of change. "They are wrecking our country." Dude, 1 out of 22 people is illegal. It would already have been wrecked long ago if that were true.

The caravan is like the world's biggest dog whistle because you can't put a picture of illegal immigration to people just flying in and never leaving and you start hounding illegal latinos, latinos get offended. If they come it, at some point the group as a whole is just going to be granted amnesty like Reagan did and republicans don't want that because of voting demographics.
I worked with a guy that said the same thing. The reality is that the vast majority of people deemed "illegal immigrants" entered the US on valid visas. But, they overstayed.

One particular story he mentioned to me was that shortly after 9/11 he was tasked to check the immigration status of cabbies in Chicago.

According to him, 10/11 cabbies in the area were visa overstayers. His task was changed when the mayor of Chicago complained to his bosses.
If only there were things like a wall to protect the border. And moats with sharks armed with laser beams
Yes, it was a complete failure. That is why republicans kiss their Reagan idol statues nightly.

Reagan fuck up by trusting and believing congress and the democrats as securing the border was supposed to be part of the deal. He was stupid to believe they especially the democrats would actually do it.

So yes fuck that no amnesty untill the border is secure and we fix what we need to including the bullshit catch and release with the whole application for asylum. The over stay problem and a shit ton of other problems. Which the democrats will never do.
Def take my wy wifes family's jobs and drive down labor prices while increasing insurance prices and crime. What state do you live in?
Texas. Maybe your wife should look into a trade school so she gets out of cleaning hotel rooms.
Wait, did we stop building a wall that would have solved all of this?
Late to the party here, but neither side wants to do anything real about immigration. This has been an issue since I was old enough to even pay attention to what is going on in the world.
Easy fix, make work visas easier to get, so there is a real way for immigrants to come in and work.
Currently, both parties are creating a sub-class of humans who don't get the protections afforded by those in the country legally.
I remember as a kid in rural Texas, there were tons of chicken operations, for eggs and broilers. Nasty business. The owners made their money by hiring illegals, at below minimum wage, to do the work. Living in old broken down trailers or trailer houses without running water or septic.

Immigrants are an important part of our economy, if you doubt that, then you are blind, but continuing the way things are going does nothing but create a class of people to be taken advantage of.

Texas. Maybe your wife should look into a trade school so she gets out of cleaning hotel rooms.
Wife is good and educated. Overwhelmingly majority of her family are not. I'm in Houston btw. Have some friends that think open borders is the solution but come on now. There has to be some regulation. To say there is no impact is also not true. There has to be some honesty to the conversation. Wife is 100% mexican and family are mexican. They don't support all of this for the same reason. Insurance and health costs, contractors paying pennies. There is def a cost.
Texas. Maybe your wife should look into a trade school so she gets out of cleaning hotel rooms.

Also wouldn't look down on any honest work brotha. Peeps do what they gotta do to in this life. One of wifes aunts does clean in Houston Rockets stadium though. Unless you are a youngster or trolling then you know this...
Also wouldn't look down on any honest work brotha. Peeps do what they gotta do to in this life. One of wifes aunts does clean in Houston Rockets stadium though. Unless you are a youngster or trolling then you know this...

Appreciate the response and the fact you can take a joke.
Wife is good and educated. Overwhelmingly majority of her family are not. I'm in Houston btw. Have some friends that think open borders is the solution but come on now. There has to be some regulation. To say there is no impact is also not true. There has to be some honesty to the conversation. Wife is 100% mexican and family are mexican. They don't support all of this for the same reason. Insurance and health costs, contractors paying pennies. There is def a cost.
Wtf supports open borders? I’ve never met anyone who has that position. Now, allowing migrants in to do work that Americans won’t, I’m good with. I also know that without illegals (Hispanics that can’t afford the immigration process) we’d be in serious shit when it comes to food costs. I’d prefer everyone who comes in to be regulated but our shit as politicians like to use illegals as political tools.

Remember those late night flights? Well, this is where one of those "kids" was shipped to. Where he proceeded to beat and stab a father to death.
Already been posted and commented on. Feel free to respond to my post about it.

Interesting framing by the way. Y'all are ignoring the guy he killed was the dude who picked him up at the airport, had him working for him, and was who he was living with. Called the guy uncle and said he treated him like a son. Whatever happened is a lot more complicated than "Scary illegal is allowed in to border so he can kill an innocent father". Y'all don't give one fuck about what happened, this is all a game to you.