Law UPDATE w/ DEADLINE Biden to Unveil Vaccine Mandate For Federal Workforce

Just got a new job that requested my vaccination card. Had to let them know I don't have the vax but have no issue getting it done ASAP. Got my first shot a few hours ago.

Why the hell did you JUST get the vaccine a few hours ago? Couldn't find the time to go down and get the shot?

Why the hell did you JUST get the vaccine a few hours ago? Couldn't find the time to go down and get the shot?


I honestly just didn’t care either way. If I was forced to get it in some way like I was with this job fine. Kind of just lazy about the whole thing really. The funniest thing was making sure the new HR lady understood I wasn’t some weird anti vax person. I must have said it 5 times in 5 different ways that I wasn’t anti vax and had no issue getting the vaccine in my email. I didn’t want the company to turn me away over it.

I was a little annoyed the way the pharmacist told me good luck after I said it was my first shot. Seemed like an unnecessary comment but whatever went fine and no issues so far.
I honestly just didn’t care either way. If I was forced to get it in some way like I was with this job fine. Kind of just lazy about the whole thing really. The funniest thing was making sure the new HR lady understood I wasn’t some weird anti vax person. I must have said it 5 times in 5 different ways that I wasn’t anti vax and had no issue getting the vaccine in my email. I didn’t want the company to turn me away over it.

I was a little annoyed the way the pharmacist told me good luck after I said it was my first shot. Seemed like an unnecessary comment but whatever went fine and no issues so far.

I was just asking because most people that wanted the vaccine have pretty much gotten it by now.

You get Pfizer or Moderna?
A Biden administration rule that requires workers at companies with 100 or more employees to be vaccinated against Covid or undergo weekly testing is back on.

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals lifted a stay on the rule Friday evening. The rule was blocked on Nov. 6, just one day after it was formally issued by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

In dozens of lawsuits around the country, Republican-led states, businesses, religious groups and some individuals charged the Biden administration with overreach. Among their arguments: OSHA does not have the legal authority to issue a rule regarding a society-wide health concern that goes far beyond the workplace. Even if reducing the risk of Covid is compelling, it is not necessarily a "grave danger," as OSHA has declared it to be, they said. In addition, they argued that complying with the rule would be costly and could lead to worker shortages.

A three-judge panel of the 6th Circuit found these injuries asserted by the petitioners to be "entirely speculative," and the costs of delaying implementation of the rule to be comparatively high.

"Fundamentally, the [rule] is an important step in curtailing the transmission of a deadly virus that has killed over 800,000 people in the United States, brought our healthcare system to its knees, forced businesses to shut down for months on end, and cost hundreds of thousands of workers their jobs," wrote Circuit Judge Jane B. Stranch, an Obama appointee.

The harm to the government and the public interest outweighs any irreparable injury to the individual petitioners who may be subject to a vaccination policy," she said.

The White House welcomed the decision, reiterating that the rule will ensure businesses will enact measures to protect employees.

In a statement, it pointed out that the highly transmissible Omicron variant makes it "critical we move forward with vaccination requirements and protections for workers with the urgency needed in this moment."

Just before midnight, the Labor Department announced that OSHA would not issue citations for noncompliance with the testing requirement before Feb. 9, "so long as an employer is exercising reasonable, good faith efforts to come into compliance" with the rule.

OSHA had estimated that the vaccine-or-test rule could save more than 6,500 lives and prevent over 250,000 hospitalizations in the six months that it would be in effect.

In addition to the vaccine and testing requirements, the rule requires companies to determine who among their workers are vaccinated and who are not, and to enforce a mask mandate for unvaccinated workers. The new deadline for those steps is Jan. 10.

The ruling is a big victory for the Biden administration vis a vis private employers.

Earlier this year, companies that implemented vaccine mandates on their own saw a dramatic uptake of vaccinations among their workers. Tyson Food and United Airlines reached vaccination rates of more than 95%. Neither offered their employees a testing option.

The Biden administration's attempts to similarly mandate vaccines for health care workers and federal contractors are currently held up in courts. Its mandate covering health care workers at facilities that receive Medicaid or Medicare funding remains blocked in about half the states, while its mandate for federal contractors remains blocked nationwide.

Still, the 6th Circuit's decision on the OSHA rule is not expected to be the final word. Already, a motion requesting a new emergency stay has been filed with the U.S. Supreme Court.
I don't really see the issue with testing. I do it for work twice a week, it's really not a big deal.

At least they are willing to accommodate testing as an alternative to a forced injection to keep your job.
But why only test the unvaxed workers? If the concern is eliminating spreading (impossible) the vaxed workers need to be tested biweekly as well since the vaccinated are also spreading the virus.

I don't really see the issue with testing. I do it for work twice a week, it's really not a big deal.

At least they are willing to accommodate testing as an alternative to a forced injection to keep your job.
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They can test my nuts.

Tests do nothing…that’s the “science”.

Besides since the vaxxx doesn’t keep you from getting or spreading anything, logic should dictate they test everyone.

But they don’t. And that’s all you need to know that this is a big scam.
But why only test the unvaxed workers? If the concern is eliminating spreading (impossible) the vaxed workers need to be tested biweekly as well since the vaccinated are spreading the virus as well.
They don't care about stopping COVID, they only care about getting people vaccinated. It's the strangest thing..
note that the mandate includes people that are 100% remote work-from-home. you cant get more retarded than this. you literally work from home, and your employer will fire you for being unvaccinated, or simply failing to report your vaccinated status if you want to keep it to yourself.

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