Opinion MAID is Not Only Unethical, It's Murder

If he puts you on his ignore list I'm pretty sure you'll still see what he writes. You'd have to put him on your ignore list to stop seeing his posts.
I meant more along the lines of he's not a serious person if I see his name just scroll by.
So, I don't take this lightly.

Euthanasia has always been the contiguous point of human life for me. I'm against Capital Punishment, and Abortion, for similar reasons (the value of human life). This, OTHOH, has always been tricky.

Who's interest are we really considering here? If someone wants to die, for whatever reason, who is society-at-large to decide for them whether or not they should live?
I would argue society wants that person to live for their own reasons, that have NOTHING to do with the well-being or benefit of the of the person considering euthanasia.

EX: Say there is an eventual treatment ... how long should she be force to live to find a treatment that would be considered equitable? If she wished she was dead for 30 years, but a breakthrough made changed this after 29 years, is that a desired outcome? Is that "better"?
Shouldn't the person subjugated to the consequence be the decider? If not, who?
Its one thing to say we shouldn't tell someone how to live their lives, its quite another to facilitate them ending it. The most extreme answer isn't always the correct one, it seems that this is lost on our society.
I would because it's your decision.
Everyone is going to die eventually. Some in a horrifying manner.
What does a dignified death look like and why should that not be an alternative to a drawn out agony?

That's absolutely insane. You're suggesting that doctors should help people kill themselves under any circumstances? How about if a child comes to a doctor and wants to kill themselves because they don't want to do their homework?
I'm betting none of them have suggested changing diet, getting exercise, finding a different partner, etc
Why force someone to do whatever? Why the urge to tell people how and when to end THEIR OWN life?

And I'm not trying to get into a heated debate. I respect your views I'm just genuinly curious.
That's absolutely insane. You're suggesting that doctors should help people kill themselves under any circumstances? How about if a child comes to a doctor and wants to kill themselves because they don't want to do their homework?

how about you stop with these stupid questions? Obviously when I said Assisted Suicide should be a basic human I was referring to adult humans.

how about you stop with these stupid questions? Obviously when I said Assisted Suicide should be a basic human I was referring to adult humans.

Why only adults?
You have a fundamental right to assisted suicide? Are you trolling?

When did I say that? If assisted suicide become legal, Yes, The doctors in assisted suicide clinics should do their jobs.
When did I say that? If assisted suicide become legal, Yes, The doctors in assisted suicide clinics should do their jobs.
The right to die (for any reason) is as fundamental as the right to live (for any reason).

There's a pretty big difference between, I have a right to die, and doctors should help people kill themselves under any circumstances.

I was talking about assisted suicide. you need assistance from doctors to do that.
They're literally sending the message that people like me should just kill ourselves. Gee thanks guys I'm sure that's going to help a lot of people out there struggling to keep going just one more month hoping if they keep fighting it'll get better.

She said she decided to be euthanized after her doctors told her, “There’s nothing more we can do for you. It’s never gonna get any better,” according to the Free Press.
Some shitty doctors here wtf

And we were told death panels wouldn’t be an actual thing

“She said she decided to be euthanized after her doctors told her, “There’s nothing more we can do for you. It’s never gonna get any better,””

These doctors should lose their license and go to prison
Yes. Don't doctors take an oath to "do no harm" when they get into the profession?
Why only adults?

I dont know.. consent is one thing maybe? why are you still grasping at straws?
You know theres no valid argument to deny someone euthanasia. If it's not your life, then it's not your choice to make.
I dont know.. consent is one thing maybe? why are you still grasping at straws?
You know theres no valid argument to deny someone euthanasia. If it's not your life, then it's not your choice to make.

I'm not grasping at straws, I'm showing the flaws in your argument.

You don't think children should be able to make that decision because they don't have all the correct information and understanding required to make such a decision. Its the same thing here. This woman is operating off incorrect information, and is using that incorrect information to end her life. Its not my choice to make, but medical professionals sure as hell shouldn't help someone kill themselves when they're doing it for reasons that aren't true.

Here's another example that might help. Lets suppose this woman frequently gets headaches. The cause of those headaches is dehydration - she simply doesn't drink enough water. But she goes to a quack doctor who tells her she has brain cancer, and will be dead within 6 months. Not only that, but the doctor tells her the headaches are going to get much more frequent, and much, much worse. So, she decides she would rather end it sooner rather than later, and goes to a different doctor to help with suicide. You don't see any problem with the second doctor killing her?

That is exactly what is happening here. A bunch of quack doctors who know nothing about the nature of mind or how to end mental suffering have told her its hopeless. Because you are also ignorant to these things, you believe their diagnosis. But, you're wrong and so are they. Her problems have a solution.
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Assisted suicide should be for the terminally Ill.

There's nothing stopping this bitch from killing herself right now if she wants to, but doctors should not be in the business of killing young morons because their head isn't in the right place.

Your perspective is the disgusting one.
this reminds me of your one post, Chris, when you wished to resurrect that one chick who killed herself just so you could beat her back into death to teach her a lesson about valuing life
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You don't think children should be able to make that decision because they don't have all the correct information and understanding required to make such a decision. Its the same thing here. This woman is operating off incorrect information

This women wanted to end her life. how and when and why, does not matter.

and is using that incorrect information to end her life

she has the right to do that. you dont need to have a good reason to end your life.

medical professionals sure as hell shouldn't help someone kill themselves when they're doing it for reasons that aren't true.

whether they should or not thats their business, The doctors did not break any Canadian law with this case.
This women wanted to end her life. how and when and why, does not matter.

she has the right to do that. you dont need to have a good reason to end your life.

whether they should or not thats their business, The doctors did not break any Canadian law with this case.

You keep flip flopping back and forth between talking about her right to do something, and doctors being there to do it for her. They're not the same thing.

Doctors shouldn't be killing people because they believe their dehydration caused headache is terminal brain cancer.
You should be able to end your own life but it should be scrutinized carefully. The state shouldn't pay for it though. There will be doctors that will take up the job while others can abstain from doing it.

A few years back I did a rotation at a psych hospital. There are some people that are really broken. The medication they take don't help them either. You can keep dosing them with Clozapine but they slowly become a shell of themselves. They will wet the bed and drool all day. A lot of them aren't old people either. I was a young man then. My experience with that population is that they are just like you and me but something went wrong. Some of them can come back to society but some can't.
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aren't they recommending assisted suicide for every fucking thing in canada?
like, doctors informing patients that it's an option.
it's one thing to ask for it, but in this case it's literally them telling you yeah, there's also the option of killing yourself for that chronic back pain.
is this a money maker or what?

some of these stories are outrageous

"A national CTV news story recounted how “Sophia” was unable to secure affordable housing compatible with her chemical sensitivities. She chose MAiD because she could not find a healthy and affordable place to live given her meager disability support income, and prior to her death by MAiD recorded a video where she stated “the government sees me as expendable trash”"
You keep flip flopping back and forth between talking about her right to do something, and doctors being there to do it for her. They're not the same thing.

Doctors shouldn't be killing people because they believe their dehydration caused headache is terminal brain cancer.

Im not interested in "the Doctors doing it" If they did anything wrong the Canadian government
should deal with them.
the TS is a right winger who thinks "Maid is murder" and assisted suicide for healthy people is bad because god said so or some stupid shit like that, its not about the quack doctors
being incompetent.
The state shouldn't pay for it though.

Why? If im paying high taxes for high-quality services like free healthcare
I should at least have local access to euthanasia services.

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