173 Strickland vs DDP 137

The sport is evolving. You’re nit going to see that reflected in every current fighter in every fight, that would be ridiculous.
I'm not expecting to see it in "every fight", but I am expecting to see it in a title fight. That was awful & is becoming a bit of a pattern.
I'm not expecting to see it in "every fight", but I am expecting to see it in a title fight. That was awful & is becoming a bit of a pattern.
I agree neither of those 2 (Pennington & Bueno Silva) were worthy of a title fight. And we've definitely seen better middleweights.
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A champ losing the belt on a split decision? Let’s not pretend the truth is woke Disney and their agenda doesn’t want him as a champion….he speaks against their sick twisted beliefs……
For all the people acting like it was a robbery

“It’s a robbery based on the scoring criteria I made up god damm it”

Okay dokay.
DDP clearly lost rds 1 and 5. 2,3 and 4 were very close. I hate the scoring system. I think perhaps Dricus moving forward and throwing despite missing a lot might be why the judges thought he did better than he actually did.
It's weird to me because there is not 3 clear rds for either guys and actually there isn't even 1 single clear DDP rd. 2 clear Strickland rds tho.
I don't think it's particular clear that Sean won any of the middle rounds so it's fair that Dricus got the nod.
I don't think it's particular clear that Sean won any of the middle rounds so it's fair that Dricus got the nod.
Maybe because of how the scoring is but it is infuriating and should have changed long ago.
People really need to learn the unified rules and criteria for scoring.

I keep seeing all these fucking total strike stats and just shake my head. Thats not how it works, even if you're trying to argue for a Strickland win.
Feel free to elaborate.
To me that fight was a draw. I can accept a SD here....but it split the wrong way IMO.

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