Law 54% of Republican respondents say the January 6 riot was "led by violent left-wing protesters"

Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.
Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) contacted him about a tweet he made about "civil war" he never said anything close to that. They offered to make it go away if he would help them and even offered money if he would work with their department. The main problem is they didn't have the tweet they referenced and it was sent to them...."the way it works facebook and twitter are directly pushing stuff to them, the federal government law enforcement agencies and terrorism task forces and they follow up on them"
Straight from the horses mouth facebook and twitter are doing work on behalf of one side of the government. They just happened to have taken control of everything now.
@13:20 if it doesn't timestamp correctly

I know this is way past the mental capacity of most of you guys, but to the people that actually think for themselves put these dots together. The next clip they reference no one getting hurt over the outcome in January. This interview took place on Saturday December 9th, Trump didn't announce the rally until December 19th. At the very least this clears Trump of planning anything, at the worst with the additional information about the 20 plus provocateurs that were seen inside the capital causing havoc... that haven't been arrested because this was a set up aimed at disabling Trump and is now being used to take down anyone that dare speak out against this agenda.

starts @20:30

Not to get lost in the above post, twitter and facebook send the feds a list of people they think should be investigated and they follow up with visits
Not to get lost in the above post, twitter and facebook send the feds a list of people they think should be investigated and they follow up with visits
It’s so fucking criminal.

theybheld that Alaskan family at gunpoint and put them all in cuffs Bc some fuckin fscebook “informant” said that this family was guilty.

it’s all it took. And the Feds were wrong. The Feds believed lies. Bc they want to believe lies. The enemy has always been the Native American public. It’s undeniable

the illegal government needs to go.

It’s so fucking criminal.

theybheld that Alaskan family at gunpoint and put them all in cuffs Bc some fuckin fscebook “informant” said that this family was guilty.

it’s all it took. And the Feds were wrong. The Feds believed lies. Bc they want to believe lies. The enemy has always been the Native American public. It’s undeniable

the illegal government needs to go.

That video I just posted is worth the watch, that guy is no fool
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Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.
Security (DHS) and FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) contacted him about a tweet he made about "civil war" he never said anything close to that. They offered to make it go away if he would help them and even offered money if he would work with their department. The main problem is they didn't have the tweet they referenced and it was sent to them...."the way it works facebook and twitter are directly pushing stuff to them, the federal government law enforcement agencies and terrorism task forces and they follow up on them"
Straight from the horses mouth facebook and twitter are doing work on behalf of one side of the government. They just happened to have taken control of everything now.
@13:20 if it doesn't timestamp correctly

I know this is way past the mental capacity of most of you guys, but to the people that actually think for themselves put these dots together. The next clip they reference no one getting hurt over the outcome in January. This interview took place on Saturday December 9th, Trump didn't announce the rally until December 19th. At the very least this clears Trump of planning anything, at the worst with the additional information about the 20 plus provocateurs that were seen inside the capital causing havoc... that haven't been arrested because this was a set up aimed at disabling Trump and is now being used to take down anyone that dare speak out against this agenda.

starts @20:30

Yep, just connect their dots. It's so obvious!

Where the heck was this "poll" taken?? I have not met ONE person here in Indiana that agreed with that shit. We ALL think they should fry.

edit: Oh wait... was there left left wingers involved? Well I think they caught a couple but still..., no excuse. Fry em all.
Excuse me?

Are you carrying water for FEDS trying to talk people into perpetrating actions that they can then be arrested for?

that’s what these informants and undercover agents do.

You are making accusations you can’t back up here. The only thing you have is that you hate the FBI because they are bad sometimes. That’s the basis of your accusations.
You are making accusations you can’t back up here. The only thing you have is that you hate the FBI because they are bad sometimes. That’s the basis of your accusations.
The Feds have always been bad. Always

free Americans should alway loathe the Feds

but the left loves them for being outright leftist fascists now
Lefties riot it's just and should be encouraged for social justice. Righties riot and they are white supremacist terrorist and literally Hitler
My favorite thing is watching Trump Lickspittles lose their ever loving mind when the insurrection is brought up.
The reason they get so bent out of shape, is because they lost the moral high ground when it comes to riots.
Face it, there are some Lickspittles that wear Camp Auschwitz T-shirts and those idiots are the type to not be able to take loses very well, even though typically a guy wearing a T-shirt like that, life has been a series of L's.
Trump lost get over it. There is no fraud other than some minor shit like dudes voting for their dead parents. Cyber Ninjas has been at it for like 3 months and you are 1-65 in court cases.
Trump is the first President in like 80 years that lost the election, house and SEnate in his one term. One Term Trump is what the GOP should be moving from, because based on his performance he is a loser AKA not able to win elections. The GOP should focus on moving their party away from Loser thinking, but they are doubling down. its crazy
Trump and moral is an oxymoron. The only way we move on from Trump, with his grip on the fears of so many, is for all his candidates to be voted out. Unfortunately in some areas he is King and it will allow his grift to continue at least locally for a long time to come.
This is virtue signaling. The truth no longer matters to these nuts. Any thinking person knows that this was not an elaborate left wing false flag operation.
My favorite thing is watching Trump Lickspittles lose their ever loving mind when the insurrection is brought up.
The reason they get so bent out of shape, is because they lost the moral high ground when it comes to riots.
Face it, there are some Lickspittles that wear Camp Auschwitz T-shirts and those idiots are the type to not be able to take loses very well, even though typically a guy wearing a T-shirt like that, life has been a series of L's.
Trump lost get over it. There is no fraud other than some minor shit like dudes voting for their dead parents. Cyber Ninjas has been at it for like 3 months and you are 1-65 in court cases.
Trump is the first President in like 80 years that lost the election, house and SEnate in his one term. One Term Trump is what the GOP should be moving from, because based on his performance he is a loser AKA not able to win elections. The GOP should focus on moving their party away from Loser thinking, but they are doubling down. its crazy

2 scoops 1 term.

Probably will be elected speaker of the House next year though.

I cannot believe so many people think this attack on the capital was entirely by left wingers. That Trump or the right wing is NOT to blame in any capacity. I dont even know where to start! I wonder what Trump´s thought was, to his credit he didnt encourage breaking in, but what did his fans there think they would accomplish? At most delay the voting by 1 day? The only way they would of stopped this is if they convinced members of Congress to vote for Trump and not certify Biden´s win.
It’s so fucking criminal.

theybheld that Alaskan family at gunpoint and put them all in cuffs Bc some fuckin fscebook “informant” said that this family was guilty.

it’s all it took. And the Feds were wrong. The Feds believed lies. Bc they want to believe lies. The enemy has always been the Native American public. It’s undeniable

the illegal government needs to go.


What states will you see seceeding? It will happen but how do you see it?

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