Antifa being designated a terrorist organization're making a semantic argument while complaining about your own semantics being shown to be grossly inconsistent.
Uhhhh....I'm replying to your semantic bullshit about what maybe is or isn't a "roundup", a nebulous generality about a fantasy of imprisoning a bunch of people for political affiliation.
Terrorism vs arson is not a semantic issue, but a legal one. Jesus christ lol. Thats the whole point of why this is absurd and we have a thread about it: invoking terrorism in place of regular crimes allows for extreme imprisonment on dubious charges, which is also why I brought up hate crimes (something right wingers detest) that subjectively apply harsher sentences for criminal activities whether assault, arson etc...), but not nearly the extreme of terrorism which carries lifetime level shit.
Uhhhh....I'm replying to your semantic bullshit about what maybe is or isn't a "roundup", a nebulous generality about a fantasy of imprisoning a bunch of people for political affiliation.
Terrorism vs arson is not a semantic issue, but a legal one. Jesus christ lol. Thats the whole point of why this is absurd and we have a thread about it: invoking terrorism in place of regular crimes allows for extreme imprisonment on dubious charges, which is also why I brought up hate crimes (something right wingers detest) that subjectively apply harsher sentences for criminal activities whether assault, arson etc...), but not nearly the extreme of terrorism which carries lifetime level shit.

ffs, man. the guy said:

There's some method of organization somewhere. Find the location(s) for those that participate in any shape form or fashion, hunt them, and bring down the hammer. Once Fed judges start handing out football numbers, those limp wristed cowards will fade into obscurity.

you strawmanned that as:
all people at a protest should be arrested


but not nearly the extreme of terrorism which carries lifetime level shit.

you are just making shit up.
ffs, man. the guy said:

you strawmanned that as:


you are just making shit up.
This is absolutely retarded my man and I'll see you back in the investment thread because you keep dodging terrorism vs regular charge vs hate crime and trying to suck me back into some non-issue about how you apparently read another conversation I was having with somone who 1) wasn't you and 2)Was 100% suggesting that antifa rallies be grounds for mass longterm imprisonment.
Antifa retards actually think anyone thinks they are anti-fascist? Lol
Do they also think north Korea is a democratic republic?
The “Antifa doesn’t exist” talking point is strong ITT... despite lining up in black bloc and flying the flag..
What a fucking joke.....
Wannabe socialist rebels aren’t fooling anybody themselves.
Time to round up all the WW2 vets. About time. All hail God Emperor Trump.

The “Antifa doesn’t exist” talking point is strong ITT... despite lining up in black bloc and flying the flag..
What a fucking joke.....
black bloc are what they have always been: counterintelligence operatives leading idiots that would otherwise be homeless bums dressed in crust punk attire.
black bloc are what they have always been: counterintelligence operatives leading idiots that would otherwise be homeless bums dressed in crust punk attire.

Oops.. quoted below.
Antifa is an organization that realizes all they have to do is provide bricks and some encouragement to black people so that they destroy their own neighborhoods and businesses. That's how dumb antifa thinks that black people are. Yet liberals who supposedly care about black communities support and defend antifa. What a gas.
Antifa are the militant faction of the marxist elite. And they are hyping the black community up to riot against the whites. And the marxist elite will be the laughing victors in the end
Time to round up all the WW2 vets. About time. All hail God Emperor Trump.

If you think just calling yourself ANTIFA means you're antifascist you probably believe that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a real democracy too. How about that democratic republic of Congo? But sure, those "antifascists" who desecrated a WW2 memorial are just the same as them aren't they?

What if I called myself ANTIRA and said it stands for antiracist but then went on to commit racially motivated crimes. Would you still be saying "he can't be racist he says he's antiracist"? Actions speak louder than words and last I checked for years ANTIFA have used violence against anyone who they disagree with, which sounds far more like Hitler's brownshirts instead of the allies who risked their lives to protect the liberties of their own countries.
A young, white, angry, far left wing anarchist incel who lives in his mom's basement and thinks its cool to wear a mask and carry a back back full of spray paint, break windows and try to start fires while most Americans work real jobs or are looking for work.
Looks like a sherdog alt right (probably Canadian) was up to their old tricks...again.

White supremacists pose as Antifa online, call for violence

A Twitter account that tweeted a call to violence and claimed to be representing the position of "Antifa" was in fact created by a known white supremacist group, Twitter said Monday. The company removed the account.

The fake account, @ANTIFA_US, tweeted Sunday, "ALERT Tonight's the night, Comrades Tonight we say "F**k The City" and we move into the residential areas... the white hoods.... and we take what's ours #BlacklivesMaters #F**kAmerica."
Twitter said that the account was in fact linked to Identity Evropa, a white power fraternity.
In this video you see white people covered in black gear getting called out while they attack a Starbucks.

I'd disagree with you there. I feel like "ruining stores" is a bit of a hand wavey way to describe what they do. They're using violence and destruction to draw attention to/further a political agenda. That's terrorism.

Its my belief that those breaking in aren't the same as those protesting peacefully.
You seem to think it is one group out on the streets.

The first group is protesting "to draw attention to/further a political agenda" for police reform and accountability to the citzenry.

The second group is" using violence and destruction" for no political purpose. They want free shit.

Yes, there is a third group. They are 1-5%? (totally bullshitting a number here, feel free to change it out with one you think is more appropriate.) out there looting to further the agenda of anarchist revolution.

How do we seperate the three groups? They are operating in the same space but they arent one group.

Only that____% of them qualify for Terrorist status. How do we separate the three.
I kinda got the same feeling. Esp after the trump election. I watched their behavior and tried to figure out what they are as persons

they’re like the joker type, throw rocks and hide their hands. Always sneaky, cover their faces and never brave by themselves. They always attack in group. A big contrast with the right wing guys who tend to be big and confrontational. One thing about the right wing guys is that they’re not sneaky. It’s like a pride thing to them

They tend to be on the small size 150-160lbs most likely computer/tech savvy. There’s a video of the umbrella man, he fits the mold. There was another little guy wearing all black going around smashing cop cars, he was barely taller than the cars. When caught he flipped you off with a joker smile.

these protestors should have just tackled and beat the hell out of them because they destroyed their cause

Watch it to the end, you'll like part of it.

But the two groups you describe "right wing guys who tend to be big and confrontational. One thing about the right wing guys is that they’re not sneaky. It’s like a pride thing to them" and "sneaky, cover their faces and never brave by themselves. They always attack in group" are just examples of two groups of piece of shit people. Neither group makes up a real percentage of our population. They are the outlier examples of trash. They aren't opposites.
It was a decent enough ideology originally for the largely rural, peasant-class farmers who were mostly responsible for putting it forth.

Never understood why a bunch of city rats accustomed to living in a hive, where practically everything is handed to them, would think that there's any sense in being an "anarchist" though. Obviously they'll be the first ones eating dirt in an anarchic situation, considering they lack any of the skills that are required to survive on your own, without society's constant aid.

What most of these people want is Communism anyway. "Anarchy" is just about bringing down the current social order so that it can be replaced with the one that they desire.

Can we have a happy medium here.
Something like laissez-faire/anarchy/capitalism/libertarian hell-holes out in the country
And the cities can be commie/hippy/socialist scum-dens.

But we still stay one country. Im not in on this civil war shit.

This post started as joke. Now I'm in on the idea.
Lol the 'tough right' shaking in their boots over a bunch of soy boys in masks.