Are you being forced to take the vaccine at work?

No and let's hope they don't take the force stance.
Nope, I can quit and work elsewhere if I want to.
You'd quit a job over a couple of shots?

I was thinking about how young men volunteered to fight and die for their country during WWII. Now people are afraid of a fucking vaccine. Geez, we've really pussied out as a society.
Nope but hundreds of millions have already played guinea pig with the Pfizer and no-one's dropping dead, no zombie apocalypse etc so I took the first dose and number two in a couple of weeks.

I really don't see why you wouldn't at this point?

IIRC approx 200 ppl have died in Sweden in what suspects to be vaccine related.
Thats out of +6mil people vaccinated.
IIRC approx 200 ppl have died in Sweden in what suspects to be vaccine related.
Thats out of +6mil people vaccinated.
So, you're afraid of 0.0033333333333333 of a percent?

You do realize that the mortality rate of COVID is between 1.8 - 2.1% depending upon where you live. So, you're far more likely to die of COVID than you are from the vaccine.
So, you're afraid of 0.0033333333333333 of a percent?

You do realize that the mortality rate of COVID is between 1.8 - 2.1% depending upon where you live. So, you're far more likely to die of COVID than you are from the vaccine.

Where the fuck did that come from?
I got both shots already..
Way to jump to conclusions....
Where the fuck did that come from?
I got both shots already..
Way to jump to conclusions....
My bad. It's late. I mistook what you were saying for a reason not to get vaccinated.
I don't want to cuddle is all. But honestly, too much of the world is honed in on an asses in seats the more the better mentality and fuck everything else in favor of profit. We can slowly shift our focus to more important things. We don't need more millionaires and billionaires.
But my point is that it isn't the big-money people being affected. Yeah I get the whole "wage-slave" argument, working for the man and all that, but it isn't daddy warbucks taking the A-train, Jeff Bezos doesn't own the Mom & Pop dinners and corner stores. Then there is the societal side of it; movies, concerts, plays, pubs, sporting events, and block parties. I wholeheartedly agree with quality over quantity, but society needs close contact to function practically and spiritually. I'm not advocating sweat shops or fire traps, just being able to sit next to someone at the bar / on the bus / in the stands / and if I must, at a 2 hour assessment meeting in the conference room. And for god's sake, let the kids go to school and do kid stuff!
society needs close contact to function practically and spiritually

Hard disagree. We need contact. Doesn't have to be as close as we are or have been.

The business side is different, of course. That's where the slower progression away from the quantity over quality makes plenty of sense. Our values are fucked. Some outside the box thinking and planning ahead to improve the quality of life for future generations will pay huge dividends.
Hard disagree. We need contact. Doesn't have to be as close as we are or have been.
Explain. I contend in person movies, theatres, concerts, pubs, sporting events, and parties are all good things. Are you saying we can have those without close contact? Maintaining 6ft in a theatre or concert just means higher prices and squeezing out the middle class as well as the poor.
How do we have these things without coming within two meters of each other?
IIRC approx 200 ppl have died in Sweden in what suspects to be vaccine related.
Thats out of +6mil people vaccinated.

Do you have a source for this? Are you sure they are vaccine related and not just post vaccine?
You'd quit a job over a couple of shots?

I was thinking about how young men volunteered to fight and die for their country during WWII. Now people are afraid of a fucking vaccine. Geez, we've really pussied out as a society.
Indeed we have. A bunch of pussies are now happy to have the HR department at work make medical decisions for them and force them to inject unapproved chemicals because they're scared the sniffles might make its way to your cubicle.

IF THERES RISK INVOLVED THERE SHOULD BE A CHOICE. also, ivermectin is a cheap affordable treatment. I shouldnt have to get a vaccine when Im not at risk of dying. And if i get infected and it gets a little bad ill just take ivermectin. people at risk should take it if they want to.
In Denmark 112 person has died from the vaccines according to Danish news.
94 from Pfizer Modena 14 .

Again, can you post a link? Saying 'it was on Danish news' doesn't mean much. If that was really the case, there would be some online news about it as well, unless you watch nonsense conspiracy theory news outlets. So, either you're making this up, or you got it from a bullshit conspiracy theory news channel.

Edit - As expected, you're posting nonsense.
  • Like other countries, the Danish Medicines Agency has received reports of death after vaccination. The Danish Medicines Agency has so far received and assessed 48 reports describing deaths in the time around vaccination. In all 48 cases, the Danish Medicines Agency assesses it less likely that there is a connection to the vaccine, and that it seems more likely that the deaths were caused by other circumstances.
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Again, can you post a link? Saying 'it was on Danish news' doesn't mean much. If that was really the case, there would be some online news about it as well, unless you watch nonsense conspiracy theory news outlets. So, either you're making this up, or you got it from a bullshit conspiracy theory news channel.

I did...
And the figures they use are from the Danish health government.

Why would 112 people out of +5mil make international news?
Its very very few death.
Its actually very few people that suffers from severe side effects from the vaccines.

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