Social Is there something wrong with Jordan Peterson?

Do you agree with his explanation?

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JP was always a weirdo even before he was a amphetamine addict.
Why right wingers always fall in love with these charlatans is beyond me..

Jordan in his younger days, on the old Sherdog...


True. I remember when he used to post here. Old man now, but still the petty adolescent pseudo-intellectual he always was.
That chick's hardly morbidly obese, although there's definitive limits to my idea of "more is more" and I don't believe being that large is actually the current ideal of beauty.
Still, I'd go with big Victorian women over early '90s waifs or androgynous 20's flappers any day of the week.
Not sure why Peterson's opinion on this would matter, although I think he's just trying to attribute his personal taste or preferences to some sort of universal values, which wouldn't be new. Not really evidence of him being off his chops again.

By definition she absolutely is morbidly obese. Guaranteed she's in the 240lbs range. That's at the very minimum 80 over her healthy weight.
Dude don’t like fat chics, what you gonna do?

While I agree with this I would add that women that look like sticks arent healthy for children to idolize either.
That's a freaking GREAT point man. These women nearly starve themselves and are not the picture of health women should aspire to and not the kind of images that young girls ought to see either. When you put it like that it shows the hypocrisy of those objecting to heavy women being featured based on health concerns.
By definition she absolutely is morbidly obese. Guaranteed she's in the 240lbs range. That's at the very minimum 80 over her healthy weight.
Lol. That woman is not even remotely close to 240 pounds man.... come on..... Unless I just goofed and you are not talking about the woman in the ts.
well if having a phd in clinical psychology does no longer qualify one as a high quality guest or connection, i don't know man. not saying all phds walk on water, or even that they are nice people (real smart people rarely are), but this drive to make Peterson into some intellectual bum is insane to me. it says more to me about the people saying it that the man himself.

Here's the thing. He is undoubtedly smart. But he also does the things he accuses others of and puts his foot in his mouth often. Being a hypocrite does not bode well with people liking you or taking you seriously.

everyone forgets about people in general. You can be spectacular in one field and an absolute moron in another.

My biggest thing is his verbal word vomits to make a simple point. That to me shows more that he's concerned with people thinking he's smart, rather than communicating a point.

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