Social Sanity vs. Insanity Rand Paul questions gender dysphoria

i know one think when kid is in belly there is no third option or you are a BOY or GIRL that is how it should be when you are out of a womens belly
She looks like a tranny and the way she answered the question both times not addressing the question was very weird
No it’s not.

Sure, reactionaries like Jordan Peterson and Lyndon LaRouche might claim that is the case, but only idiots take their theories seriously.

it’s just another boomer conspiracy theory for dittoheads to believe in.
What do you have against @dittohead84 ?
This should be added to the transgender megathread. The right's obsession with the incredibly small transgender population is more disconcerting everyday. I often fear violence for my daughter.
So in biology if you answer that humans, barring mutations, can have XX or XY chromosomes.. that is somehow being a bigot??

There have to be some sane moderate people on the left to stand up this wave of far left tranny insanity.
So in biology if you answer that humans, barring mutations, can have XX or XY chromosomes.. that is somehow being a bigot??

There have to be some sane moderate people on the left to stand up this wave of far left tranny insanity.
Right now the quasi sane leftists dismiss every incident like this as if it’s not common place. Like Yuri said, they won’t see what they’ve done until the military boot kicks them in their balls.

edit: can you say balls because it implies people have them?
So in biology if you answer that humans, barring mutations, can have XX or XY chromosomes.. that is somehow being a bigot??

There have to be some sane moderate people on the left to stand up this wave of far left tranny insanity.
Yep, where are they?
The hormones for children doctrine is such a minefield.
First you have the fact that people who transition after puberty looks like shrek in drag, so the advocates for trans want to transition people earlier so they can be molded before the code mother nature put in us kicks in.
This leads to so many fucked up issues because children are not allowed to control their own lives because they are not developed mentaly.
So who gets to decide if a child can transition? Parents? We wont know if the parents have an agenda or munchusen by proxy. A therapist? By the time a therapist have managed to get the full mental picture of a child the child would be to old for a child transition unless the therapist is a hack or extrmely biased. We are talking life long changes that in many cases cant be undone here, a 1 year therapy plan wont cut it as you would have to make sure 100%.
Imo transitioning children is child abuse unless we want to give children adult rights, wich in itself is such a retarded proposal we dont have to discus it.

If you are a grown ass man or woman and you want to look like shrek in drag, i say go for it. But keep the children out of this madness.
Someone plx cue the simpsons think of the children gif :D

I actually agree with you on this, but as a teacher I've been forced to really think through the details of what I believe in relation to my care and respect for the children that I teach.

Personally, I feel like hormone blockers for boys transitioning to girls (and I know I'm not saying that as sensitively as I'm probably supposed to, but I'm trying to be as clear as possible) are not such an out there treatment option. If that person changes their mind at a later date, once they are an adult, there are still some good options left for developing as a man.

But giving testosterone to girls transitioning to boys seems an exercise in potential cruelty. If that person changes their mind at a later date, once they are and adult, the options available don't have very promising results. The potential loathing that someone in that position might have for their childhood self and the adults who failed to protect them from the long term consequences of their childhood choices feels like a massive burden to me, considering the fact that waiting until adulthood does not come with the same sorts of "too lateness" of the former scenario.

The decisions to remove body parts, in either case, seems to me something far beyond the capacity that a child has for forethought and an understanding of the long term. Especially since, as above, there is no real long term advantage to doing it now versus doing it later.

I am, however, sympathetic to the idea that a parent might see the long term advantage of acting now as being the increased happiness of their child in the present leading to the greater likelihood that their child will still be around in the future. I'm not sure I've seen much in the way to suggest this is the case, but I'm certainly open to the possibility that it is, and I don't envy any parent that sense of dread, or judge them for their attempt to address it.

I'd be interested in the thoughts of more "Trans Friendly" people on the above (i.e. the situations in which waiting does not have a negative, "Shrek in drag," impact on future outcomes).

Personally, I feel that maybe the best thing to do is to treat trans issues with children and teens in a way that is in keeping with best practices for how we (should) treat sexuality in general with children and teens. That is to say, you help your trans girl feel that it's okay she has a penis for now, and empowered in the idea that when she is of age to make adult decisions she can make the decision of whether she wants to keep it or not. Likewise, to help your trans boy feel comfortable in his smooth skin for now, and empowered in the idea that when he is of age to make adult decisions he can choose to keep his smooth skin or grow a beard.

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You are welcome to convince the UN to build a wall around our whole nation to physically isolate us from the rest of the world as well. You're even welcome to enact strong travel restrictions for anyone wishing to enter or leave our country. After all, as long as even one person can come in or one of us get out we could infect the whole world.
what does this have to do with anything?
It's a tough conversation. While there's still some bigotry out there, I think most people and even Conservatives like Ben Shaprio acknowledge that gay people exist and they aren't all crazy. Years ago, most on the right (there are still some today) thought that all gay people were mentally ill and chose to be gay instead of being born that way. It seems like it's pretty well accepted now that people are simply born gay. I think years down the line, trans people will be acknowledged the same way.

I do think some people are born feeling like they were born into the wrong body. The debate is, what role should government play in that? Trans suicide rates are extremely high and the people that support helping them transition believe if they are able to live closer to how they feel, we should help them. Meanwhile, other people think it's all mental and that they'll grow out of it, need help or at the very least, the government shouldn't have anything to do with it.

I just don't know. Part of me says you should be 18 and make the decision yourself. Another part of me says that's too late and by then, the damage is done for those people. At the same time, I don't think a 5 year old should be deciding even if they show a lot of tendencies to the other sex. They might simply be gay or they just don't conform to gender stereotypes.

I guess ultimately, it's going to come down on a case by case basis. There are no easy answers on this one.

I have a 5 year old. She doesn't even get to choose her bedtime. Because she is a child.

Most gender confused children grow out of it. So mutilating their genitals or putting them on life altering hormones is not wise. They will be full of anger and regret, and resent the adults who gave them poor leadership.
Pretty funny that the " party of science" pretends soft sciences like psychology and sociology are the same as math and physics.

We should probably agree with anorexics that they are fat and feed that delusion too.

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