International Taliban officially announce new government, invites world powers

I wonder how long until Biden hosts a Taliban emissary in the White House. In late 2001, the idea of that would get you laughed out of the room, at the very least. 20 years later, here we are.

Trump wanted to host them at Camp David to sign the agreement. His advisors somehow managed to stop him.
I never in my wildest dreams (or more like nightmares) expected to see people on the far right suck up to the FREAKING Taliban

I never in my wildest dreams (or more like nightmares) expected to see people on the far right suck up to the FREAKING Taliban

What's the difference between them and our strongest arab ally in middle east? I'll wait.



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people like winners. and the memes are solid.

Not just winners, Winners with no Air force, no armor, no artilary managed to beat it's third superpower into submissions. Total David and Goliath story.

Those Talichad memes are hilarious and I'm far from right wing. Never voted republican in 35 years of voting. But I recognize a strong troll game when see one. Malang is hilarious.

Edit added meme
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Those Talichad memes are hilarious and I'm far from right wing. Never voted republican in 35 years of voting. But I recognize a strong troll game when see one. Malang is hilarious.

Yeah, brutal stuff.
I never in my wildest dreams (or more like nightmares) expected to see people on the far right suck up to the FREAKING Taliban

Why not? It's funny watching ZOG look weak on the global stage against a bunch of mountain-dwelling goat herders. And it wasn't the Taliban fighting to preserve the opium (directly responsible for the opiod crisis in America over the last twenty years) trade and Bacha Bazi.
“What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”

Yeah, this really, really, really lacked historical or even contemporary perspective.
Not really a fan of this hardline govt - Not to mention no diversity. Almost entirely Pashtun one Tajik. No Haraza. No Uzbeks. No women. hope it's really temporary or they can kiss any Western Support goodbye and that's bad news for the masses who are facing food and medical insecurity not to mention crushing poverty. The West gave Afghanistan 75% of it's GDP. Granted most stayed in the Kabul Bubble and also was shipped to off shore accounts in Dubai and Switzerland. But still were fed and had medicine..

for what its worth, when the Afghan government was created something like 18 cabinet positions were held by Tajiks from the province of Panjshir alone and the vast majority of the Army officer corps were Tajiks even though basically half the rank and file recruits were Pashtuns. They only made a Pashtun president because of US mandate. Now this may seem like an ethnic domination but a lot of it also has to do with rewarding the groups and people who were with the movement the longest. You dont want to alienate someone who has been fighting with you for 20 years to check off some diversity quota. I hope they can diversify the government more in the future.
I know you didn’t make it. 99% is to high to represent a countries opinion on anything. I’ll but you couldn’t get 99% of people to agree that the sky was blue

lets say theres a 15% margin of error. 84% is still very high.
So what was the point of the 20 year occupation?
I'm convinced that whoever wrote the Sharia law was an incel,as it basically reads like a scheme to legalize rape.
I'm convinced that whoever wrote the Sharia law was an incel,as it basically reads like a scheme to legalize rape.
Sharia isn’t a written document you dipshit. Get edumacated

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