Economy The border is a disaster right now

It shouldnt. People are humans and pretty much want the same thing in life. The weak minded are separated by class and race, political terms such as left vs right etc.. it's actually sad .

I don't know if that's true. There are serious differences between certain cultures. For instance, the West values egalitarianism while some middle Eastern countries value Sharia law.
I don't know if that's true. There are serious differences betweem certain cultures. For instances, rhe West values egalitarianism while some middle Eastern countries value Sharia law.

The basic of all humans is to have shelter, food, safety and work . To raise a family and live with freedom.

That's what I meant . That's across all people around the world.
Funny hearing this from a Scandi as just 6 years ago my former countrymen were called Nazis and racists for building a fence by lots of people from your neck of the woods. I think it's about time EU citizens thanked them profusely.

Not aiming that comment at you, but I spent quite a bit of time arguing with Swedes and Danes about the migrants in 2015. Funny how time changes people's minds.

Europe needs another mass migration wave it is only fair. The US has gotten hit with over 1 million this year and the year isnt even over, experts estimate 2 million illegals in the US by the end of the year, I think the tally is now 1.2 million.
They are returning to their land that was stolen generations ago. Never forget what the US did to Mexico in the Mexican American war, how the US stole it, why marijauana was made illegal but not alcohol, how Mexican ranchers had their land taken by Whites
They are not Mexican. They are causing havoc in Mexico also.

News flash , the wealthy already own the top of the hills top way before .. don't blame the illegals .

Point being, they will not have to deal with the anguish this brings. Just like they don't in Mexico.
They are not Mexican. They are causing havoc in Mexico also.

well most of the 1 million illegals this year are hispanic are mestizos mainly and it is their land the southwest US anyways. But yeah this recent caravan is Haitians who should be sent to the US or deported

I dont blame Mexico for sending them to the US border and into the US, first of all Mexico doesnt have much welfare or wealth to share, 2nd of all I dont think they want to stay in Mexico. 3rd luckily for Mexico they have a government that can stand up for them to some degree regarding this, it seems Mexican police are sending the problem to the US were idiots in power will roll out the red carpet for these illegals
Completely failed "leadership" (for the citizens) but completely successful strategies for the agenda... Open your eyes! The after burners are on and the agenda is so transparent it's disgusting. They have to be sitting back in awe of the effectiveness of their schemes, or at least in awe of their ability to weaponized citizens against their own interests...
To think, the US could've prolly got a few thousand highly educated Hong Kong protestors who'd love the opportunity to migrate here.

But I guess a 100,000 new welfare recipients is better for the Country.

Many studies have shown that adult immigrants are a huge net positive for economies. Even illegal aliens are consumers, and they don't draw on resources. Immigrant crime is largely a myth, it definitely doesn't exceed per capita native citizen crime because the risks are much higher.

Republican rhetoric has been a delusional fantasy, with claims that have no bearing on reality. This is a conservative trend around the world painting immigration as the enemy.
All by design. The government could easily close the border and deport all these people but they want to displace the native white population and replace them

they can always just welcome them in and let them take the jobs from the unvaxxed who refuse the jab. theyll probably work for cheaper wages and they wont even complain either because its better than being stuck living in fucking mexico.
Many studies have shown that adult immigrants are a huge net positive for economies. Even illegal aliens are consumers, and they don't draw on resources. Immigrant crime is largely a myth, it definitely doesn't exceed per capita native citizen crime because the risks are much higher.

Republican rhetoric has been a delusional fantasy, with claims that have no bearing on reality. This is a conservative trend around the world painting immigration as the enemy.

The topic is unchecked illegal immigration. Why is that concept so difficult to grasp?
@Queen B do you have room in your apartment to let em stay??? how about open your fridge as well come on show us what libs do best
Many studies have shown that adult immigrants are a huge net positive for economies. Even illegal aliens are consumers, and they don't draw on resources. Immigrant crime is largely a myth, it definitely doesn't exceed per capita native citizen crime because the risks are much higher.

Republican rhetoric has been a delusional fantasy, with claims that have no bearing on reality. This is a conservative trend around the world painting immigration as the enemy.
How much immigration is enough? United States of America takes in millions of immigrants both legal and illegal. That many people take up resources and puts a strain on the country.

Leftists claim to care about the environment yet unlimited immigration hurts it. More people cause more pollution, more sewage, more trash and more land is needed for homes which encroaches on wildlife habitats. It’s a contradiction to say you care about the environment and support uncontrolled immigration.
It shouldnt. People are humans and pretty much want the same thing in life. The weak minded are separated by class and race, political terms such as left vs right etc.. it's actually sad .
What is sad is people like you who believe 12k un vaxxed unvetted people crossing the border illegally is not an issue. But i am sure you hate anti vaxxers, and are anti voting laws. The hypocrisy is incredible.
The basic of all humans is to have shelter, food, safety and work . To raise a family and live with freedom.

That's what I meant . That's across all people around the world.

Thanks for clarifying. I agree. I also feel horrible for these migrants but i'm not sure what the long term solution is. We obviously can't let everyone in, but I'm not comfortable with just leaving 10k plus migrants to fend for themselves either. What we're doing right now is the worst of both worlds - neither deporting nor allowing them to come in. It's a cowardly move.
What is sad is people like you who believe 12k un vaxxed unvetted people crossing the border illegally is not an issue. But i am sure you hate anti vaxxers, and are anti voting laws. The hypocrisy is incredible.

I don't care for illegal immigration when their lives are in danger. Why? Because YOU would do the same thing. Your ancestors left from where they came from for a better life as well.

Now for the vaccine argument. Again first get these immigrants in safety conditions. Vent them and vaccinate them before we deploy them to different states or country for hosting.

Stop using covid as excuse not to help them, because people like you didn't care before covid about immigrants anyways.
Lefties want free health care in America yet they also want multitudes of people to pour in, how exactly are they going to pay for all that?
Just print more money, and tax the middle class (whats left of it) into poverty.
What could Go wrong?
And as that happens we will continue to see the US on a downwards trajectory.

Sure it will . That's what you hope happens. You can't fathom that minorites can do it huh. You know their humans too right? Smh

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