Social What are your personal mask manners?

Well there's definitely a lot of whining, you're right. The item I'm examining is where he said that it's a matter of self control. I suppose I could be nit-picking. But I have a hard time imagining any of these situations being the result of someone just not having the willpower to put one on, where they'd agree that the right thing to do is wear a mask but just not be able to bring themselves to do it. I think it's far more likely that the issue is a combination of stubbornness/political affiliation.

OK, yeah. Not willpower as much as active resistance to the idea of even the very smallest sacrifice for the good of the country combined with a pathological level of distrust.
I live in the Bay Area of Norcal.
If you get caught not wearing a mask,
you are publicly shamed and then executed.
OK, yeah. Not willpower as much as active resistance to the idea of even the very smallest sacrifice for the good of the country combined with a pathological level of distrust.

I'll say this, even though I tend to lean right-- I think things in general (not just with masks) have become so large and autonomous that people don't really stop and think about what is happening when they tell some guy, who is just trying to do his job, "No I'm not putting on a mask, you won't infringe on my freedom."

I'm not saying that there's no case to be made about that, only that the guy who is asking them to put it on is not their Senator or House rep. It's just some guy trying to make it through life, and @Slick_36 this is probably the whole point of the majority of your post, one with which I agree.

Wearing a mask around others in public is called being EMPATHIC.
It's called being gullible. People like you think wearing a piece of paper over your mouth is saving lives. Meanwhile you say nothing about the current state of embarrassing physical health most Americans are in.

If you were so worried about public health, why aren't you advocating for the reopening of gyms, the improvement of diet, and the importance of not consuming pure garbage as most people do?
It's called being gullible. People like you think wearing a piece of paper over your mouth is saving lives. Meanwhile you say nothing about the current state of embarrassing physical health most Americans are in.

If you were so worried about public health, why aren't you advocating for the reopening of gyms, the improvement of diet, and the importance of not consuming pure garbage as most people do?

I've made many nutrition and exercise threads here.

They ALL got dumped.

Please note: I have several gyms in several houses I own, and I've been in athletics for...ever.
If any building has a mask mandate rule, then I abide or don't go in. If workers come to my house, I tell them everyone has had CV-19 living here and they can wear a mask or not, they all opt for not wearing one. Outside = No Mask... ever.
It's called being gullible. People like you think wearing a piece of paper over your mouth is saving lives. Meanwhile you say nothing about the current state of embarrassing physical health most Americans are in.

If you were so worried about public health, why aren't you advocating for the reopening of gyms, the improvement of diet, and the importance of not consuming pure garbage as most people do?
Lol buddy, your issues with the way obese people don’t eat right or are too lazy to find alternatives to how the gym they don’t go to has shut down is not a contagious disease that can be contained and reduced with something as simple a piece of paper over our mouths.
Lol buddy, your issues with the way obese people don’t eat right or are too lazy to find alternatives to how the gym they don’t go to has shut down is not a contagious disease that can be contained and reduced with something as simple a piece of paper over our mouths.
No, but it can increase the recovery time if they get covid, which puts far more people at risk than necessary. Not to mention, their fat assedness, has already strained our healthcare system. And isn't that the point of masks/covid measures, to not overload the

How much more space would we have for covid treatment if we weren't already treating all these fatasses with their related diseases/ailments?

You lazy fucks just want to feel accomplished for tying a piece of paper over your mouth, when in reality you haven't actually accomplished anything.
I wear one when I go into a building that says you have to wear one. That's called private property rights.
i would wear a mask into most places even if covid didnt exist. People in general are filthy, and its just a matter of time before someone coughs and gets you sick. plus masks are cool and make you anonymous if you wear a hat and sunglasses too.

.. never voted btw.
TS is the douche nozzle in the store without a mask. Good job. I saw one earlier this evening, mother fucker looked like ed honda mixed with a hobbit.
I wear a mask anytime I go into stores because I don’t want people to think I’m
a Trump Republican. That and I respect the people working and my fellow citizens.

there is no greater shame than having people think I’m a modern day Republican. The humiliation that comes from that is too much to handle
According to a lot of these anti-maskers, if a worker doesn't say something, the assumption is either they agree or don't really care either way. But if they were to confront a customer about not wearing a mask in the establishment, then they are a brainwashed political zealot.
I wore a mask at the dmv because my license needed renewed. I left it off after the picture to see if they’d tell me to put it back on, they didn’t.

That was my lone experience.
Since the vaccines have become widely available I stopped wearing masks where I can get away with it. Or I just wear it around my chin and people seem to think it’s fine lol.

I’ve been in bars with as many as 30 unmasked friends and still have never gotten COVID ( to my knowledge at least)

Not vaccinated

Voting history:
Since the vaccines have become widely available I stopped wearing masks where I can get away with it. Or I just wear it around my chin and people seem to think it’s fine lol.

I’ve been in bars with as many as 30 unmasked friends and still have never gotten COVID ( to my knowledge at least)

Not vaccinated

Voting history:
You just look stupid with it around your chin. Either wear it or don't, the chin thing just makes everyone judge you.
I wear a mask anytime I go into stores because I don’t want people to think I’m
a Trump Republican. That and I respect the people working and my fellow citizens.

there is no greater shame than having people think I’m a modern day Republican. The humiliation that comes from that is too much to handle

Multiple masks at all times, especially in my car and always carry at least 3 bottles of purell and make sure to get videos of anyone not wearing enough masks to get them harassed, threatened and fired.

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