Opinion Why are college educated people more liberal?

People that go to college have more exposure to a variety of ideas and people. You have to think about things beyond what was in your small town/neighborhood. That exposure should make most people more liberal, at least socially. You should at the very least have a much higher social IQ. Conservatives live in a bubble and prefer their idea of self-sufficiency and personal freedom, which goes with their ideology. Not caring about what other people think, or how they live is what keeps their belief system in tact.

It's funny when rightwingers talk about "Marxist brainwashing" on college campuses.
These same people talk about how lazy these college kids, and how they just get high and drunk...but how do these kids get brainwashed when they're only going to half of their classes, and showing up hung over and high for the other half?

Not so long ago college students had to learn Greek, Latin, and a third language to be considered educated. They did complex mathematics without a calculator.

their penmanship was superb and they could actually write papers.

non of these people would be liberal today

Many people in college today do not get any real education. They just get social indoctrination and told they are smart Bc they vote Democratic. Nobody is impressed with “polls” about the “educated”
Where are all these Boomers that speak passable Spanish, let alone, Greek and Latin, plus a 3rd language?
Doing Calculus in their head as well?
lol When exactly was this age of brilliance?
It doesn't sound like you've ever stepped foot on a college campus.
Meh. I have a joke degree, it still helped me professionally at the end of the day. But I didn’t go into debt for it either.

Can't say that I completely disagree. I think college in a lot of ways is just a business. I don't understand why I spent two years doing the same curriculum that I learned in high school. I did learn some things after that because UH has a really good business school. The degree obviously matters though at the end of the day to get a career started. The biggest thing I got really was networking my frat brothers
BS in Environmental Health Science and MPH in Occupational Health and Safety Management . . . the way I lean depends on the subject most of the time.
The fuck are you talking about, 1 month old account?
Basically, he wants you to state how much you make so that he can then post a bigger number. He's scared to do it first. ;)

From my perspective, it's basically irrelevant to this discussion. The guy you're arguing with lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I could move to Fort Wayne and rent a mansion for the same price that I pay to rent a large studio in a centralized location in Cambridge, Massachusetts. But I prefer to live in an area full of intelligent and interesting people, many of whom are fellow leftists or at least liberals and not fucking chuds. But to each his own. Let him enjoy his big bank out in cow country*. :)

*There's a running joke among pro athletes that they call Indianapolis "Naptown" because the only thing to do there is to take a nap. Fort Wayne is even sleepier than that. :D
Because they spent their formative years living in a sheltered environment, and not on the ground gaining real world experience.

College is mostly people talking, discussing, studying, testing, professors giving their two cents, and putting their spin on everything. Most people don't actually DO anything in college other than the above.

It's one thing to discuss how to do something, and another thing, to actually DO something. Rarely does accomplishing any kind of task go according to the thought process that put the actual task itself into motion.

This is why architects, engineers, coordinators, managers, leaders, etc. Are always updating and modifying their projects. Once the actual work starts, they find out real quick what will and will not produce results.

Enter the liberal rejects. They want to talk and plan out how society should be, think, and act. But actually putting those ideas into action is a whole other story. Their intentions are usually good. It's just that they are too proud to admit when they are wrong, and too hateful to accept the ideas of others even if it would produce the same results the liberals want.
I’ll take a Jesus freak over a SJW lunatic any day of the week.

Both can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned. The former is slightly less annoying than the latter though, because society has kind of branded religious freaks with a stigma whereby nobody really takes them seriously. The SJWs genuinely believe they are part of a crucial, historic movement that's going to change the world for the better, and so far, society hasn't rightly branded them in the same way. It'll happen eventually. There are far more centrist and right-wing people in the world than extreme, radical leftists, which is why you'll never seen an actually radical left wing government. They'll pretend to be one to get the votes of the zealots, but once in power they will not be radical leftists - they'll move closer to the centre to appeal to everyone.
College educated in what? Also liberal /= left.

I have three degrees and I don't think any of you consider me liberal. If I'd gotten BA's in Education or Gender Studies I'm sure I would be.

Majoring in accounting/finance makes you despise the left.
Both can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned. The former is slightly less annoying than the latter though, because society has kind of branded religious freaks with a stigma whereby nobody really takes them seriously. The SJWs genuinely believe they are part of a crucial, historic movement that's going to change the world for the better, and so far, society hasn't rightly branded them in the same way. It'll happen eventually. There are far more centrist and right-wing people in the world than extreme, radical leftists, which is why you'll never seen an actually radical left wing government. They'll pretend to be one to get the votes of the zealots, but once in power they will not be radical leftists - they'll move closer to the centre to appeal to everyone.
I agree, but partisan retards like @Jackie Blue like to pretend that his side doesn’t cater to extremist zealots at a level way beyond the republicans do.
College educated in what? Also liberal /= left.

I have three degrees and I don't think any of you consider me liberal. If I'd gotten BA's in Education or Gender Studies I'm sure I would be.

Majoring in accounting/finance makes you despise the left.
Which is why most economists are Keynesian and not Hayekian, right?

College educated in what? Also liberal /= left.

I have three degrees and I don't think any of you consider me liberal. If I'd gotten BA's in Education or Gender Studies I'm sure I would be.

Majoring in accounting/finance makes you despise the left.

It's certainly funny hearing some American WR posters use the term 'liberals' for people they see as left wingers that want more government control at the expense of personal freedom.

While I can't speak for anything in the US education system it also sounds really weird to talk about college students and their education as a unified thing when there are so many fields to study. I only know that my educations in science and economics in Sweden certainly had no social commentary whatsoever.
Indoctrination. Just graduated college almost every class I ever took dealing with social issues always paints the leftist pov as the only moral one. Any right wing opinion presented is presented in a negative light.
That starts at kindergarden now.
Do you think it's due to liberal professors brainwashing students? Or that people with more knowledge tend to have more nuance and sympathy for others who are different from them?
They’re just intelligent enough to ignore common sense. Conservatives seem to be either really smart or really dumb. I should draw an IQ bell curve