Social Push to end “nice racism”

Yeah, I could do without the additional categories too. Addressing the issues is what’s important to me, the labels seem more like marketing.

But would you guys agree that it’s at least a fair generalization? There are clearly differences in our political ideologies, and what resonates. I’ll give an example. What did Obama and Trump run on that resonated with their supporters?
Obama ran on “hope and change,” which are forward-looking. Hope is essentially optimism that the future will (or can) be better than the present or past. Change is the idea that we can do something now to make the future better.
“Make America Great Again,” i.e., “like it used to be,” is backward-looking. It posits an idea that things used to be better than they are, and we need to recapture that. Liberals for better or worse are concerned with what we can do to make things change for the better (what we believe to be better, or course). Conservatives are wanting to hold on to things that they have now and like, or used to have and want back.
Would you say that is a fair or unfair assessment on my part?

I hope a catchy slogan isn't what drives people to vote, but sadly I see your point. I think simple slogans may compel the young and stupid (not mutually exclusive) but not most people.

There are so many flaws with Trump that we don't need to spend hours debating. However, deep down, ignoring his egomaniacal (perhaps megalomaniacal) disorder he does care about this country. More importantly for me and others is that he exposed the world to the powers of the liberal elite and their media arm and emerging power... BIG TECH that is threatening free speech and controlling all dialogue. It's not about living in the past or avoiding change, change is inevitable and the only thing constant in life. I believe from my many years above ground that conservatives love their fellow man and woman and wish the best for those around them. The majority don't see race and believe the words of MLK that man should be judged by their character and nothing else.

Equally I believe conservatives don't have a victim complex (excluding Trump haha) and seek accountability and personal responsibility. Its these principles that sway voters and the over-arching love for their country. I know of many people that died to make the US the greatest country on earth and it pains many to see entitled brats shit on it. Right now is the most flourishing time in human history in the west and the left (many Obama supporters) is incessant on creating issues like resegregation for no goal other than to divide or feel a sense of virtue.

Another major point is that the left fails to acknowledge several important truths: 1) You can't change everyone 2) Many people are just stupid 3) Racism will always exist to some extent 4) You can not force people to change in the right way 5) Abandoning logic and reason for feelings is wrong
Well, as the old saying goes: you are racist if you do and racist if you don't.


Says the people who have made a career out of nothing more than railing against racism that can only be cured if you read my books, attend my lectures, and give me money. Tim Weiss is worse than this dumb deangelo broad.
White people have been doing all the talking for centuries. It is time we are the ones who do the listening. Many white people still have this authoritarian complex where it just bugs us that we are no longer the ones who dictate everything. Finally having some pushback is a hard pill for many to swallow.
Most whites just want to get on with their lives without having every thing they say, don't say, do or don't do scrutinized through the lens of how it was racist despite not being racist in the vast majority of cases.
I mentioned (and linked to) issues of police discrimination, to take one example. Sheriffs are an elected position. Police chiefs are either elected, or appointed by mayors (which itself is an elected position). The people in our legislatures at city, county, state and federal levels, are elected positions. The point of the discussions we are having, and most political discussions in general, is to raise awareness and make a case for a given POV, in hopes of persuading one’s fellow citizens as to needed change so that they will join you in voting for certain things, or pressuring elected officials for certain laws or needed change. It’s been going on in America since we were English colonies, and in fact is a good part of the reason we are not English colonies currently. Open discussions among the citizenry to persuade ones fellow citizens for needed change and action, is literally the foundation of most types of Democratic-based societies. If you didn’t realize this,,you must’ve found this entire War Room forum quite confusing, and wondered what the hell we’re all doing here.

It’s a bit silly to say things like “conservatives don’t run education.” Who “runs education”? State education boards do. How do they get there? If not elected directly, they are appointed by elected governors, or by (elected) governors with consent of the (elected) senate. So in many states, conservatives do in fact “run education” (or at least have a very significant say in it). Re business, do I need to list all the Fortune 500 companies run by conservatives, or that donate significantly to conservative causes? The argument you’re trying to make just doesn’t hold up.

And I’m going to be blunt: I get that it’s “hot and trendy” for conservatives to pretend that they’re the real victims, and frankly they need to knock it off. You’re not being “browbeaten.” I mean, we have the persistent issues that I mentioned and linked to in my previous post, but it’s you that’s the real victim because you find the discussion inconvenient or difficult?
The fact that you think anyone is browbeating you speaks to the exact pointless defensiveness I mentioned. White people—of which I am one, and feel no guilt—have been the dominant voice in society for hundreds of years. And by and large, we’re doing just fine. You’re not oppressed. You’re not a victim.

Before I wrap this post up, a quick note about “white privilege.” In my previous post, I linked to studies which showed things like white people being less likely to be pulled over and searched, or things related to employment opportunity. That’s white privilege. White privilege does NOT mean:
-That we need to feel guilty for who we are.
-That we didn’t work hard for what we have, or that we don’t deserve it.
-That there’s no such thing as a successful black person (like your friend Oprah).
-That there is no such thing as a poor (economically disadvantaged) white person.
None of these things are contradictory to the idea of white privilege.
This post is a fine example of exactly what I'm talking about. Your version of a "discussion" is to reflexively shout "shut up, bigot, stop trying to play the victim" as soon as I point out that the people at whom you direct your ire have almost no say in any of the institutions you're bitching about. Come on, that's just having a nice discussion lol.

Which of these high crime, low literacy, heavy gang infestation cities are conservatives in charge of?

This isnt just bordering, it's the definition of insanity to keep putting the same people in charge, they keep failing, and you keep looking for someone else to blame.

What in the hell does "white people have been the dominant voice in society for hundreds of years" even mean? Which white people? How on earth does Jeff Bezos or Jack Dorsey or Harvey Weinstein being white help some random welder in Montana? Why do you think random white person gets to share Jeff Bezos'"privilege", but a black person doesn't get to share Oprah or Obama's privilege?

Oh, and this is just public schools too, and there is no way to even pretend universities aren't even worse and keep a straight face.

Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for every three Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican.

While there are slightly more Republicans among math and science teachers, among high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans.

Lol please do list the corporate donations to each party. Big pharma donated 4-1 for Biden, Wall st was 5-1, teacher's unions about 100%, tech was over 90%, media over 90%, pretty much everyone who controls public information, and you have to go all the way down to some guy who makes pillows or solo cups to find the break in that trend.
Who's "we"? You never dictated anything, it's been the rich political class the entire time, still is now, and that’s not who you're even suggesting "listen and stop dictating everything", it's directed at truck drivers, beat cops, and the rest of the middle and working class who don't control anything. Oh yeah, that plumber needs to STFU and listen to how oppressed coca cola and google are.

Don't call it a "discussion" if what you really mean is to berate people for their skin color
The problem with Robin DeAngelo and people like her is that she thinks she is here to save the world, and all these human flaws add up to a deliberate conspiracy of cruelty against those she would save.
this deranged self hating white guilt ingrate is trying to use the model of the civil rights movement, and use black people as tokens to advance their own agenda.

It looks like robin deangelo has done it again. In her new book, she tackles “nice racism” which she argues is even more harmful than overt racism. She claims that nice racism may be accidental but the racial bias has longer impacting issues.

Really? So trying to be super nice to a person because they are black is worse than driving by and screaming the n word at someone? This bitch is seriously unhinged-yet people, especially corporations and academia, listen to her.

Here is her example that she opens the book with. She had zero black friends when she was in her thirties and met a couple for dinner where she proceeded to tell all these stories where her family said racist things and she thought it was so wrong. She was so desperate to show she wasn’t racist that she committed the crime of nice racism and caused more harm than if she had been purposefully racist.

how is the lady that didn't have a black friend into her 30s lecturing anyone about race relations?
The problem with Robin DeAngelo and people like her is that she thinks she is here to save the world, and all these human flaws add up to a deliberate conspiracy of cruelty against those she would save.
No she doesn't, she found a lucrative hobby. She's 65 years old, didn't go to college until her 30s, then took another 15 years off, then went back for a phd in sjw when she was nearly 50 and started peddling her little diversity courses around Seattle as an elderly suburban white lady the way some bored white ladies start an etsy store, and just lucked into it becoming trendy with corporations.
jeez, this is what mainstream media is shoveling down Americas throats? A white woman who feels so much guilt about her own intrinsic flaws that she has to cast aspersions upon an entire race. Oh my lord, the propaganda is real
this deranged self hating white guilt ingrate is trying to use the model of the civil rights movement, and use black people as tokens to advance their own agenda.

Exactly. She, personally, is awkward and socially inept around black people because she has white guilt due to her sheltered life. So she wants to assume and insist all white people are like her even though most white people wouldn't consider "racist things my parents have said" to be appropriate dinner table etiquette, regardless of company.....let alone when your company are ethnic minorities.

She has terrible manners and social etiquette. It bugs her. So she projects.

and to top it all off, the media is propping her up so she can spread her message. No debates, no open forums, no counter arguments.
how is the lady that didn't have a black friend into her 30s lecturing anyone about race relations?

No shit.

Ever notice how most of these new wave racism talking points are coming from lily white folks?

White Savior complex is real. Ran out of immediate problems to solve? I know, lets solve racism again! That doesn't cost a dime...
That’s polite, yet passive aggressive racism. Nice racism is when you purposely treat black people different by being too nice because you desperately want to show you are “one of the good ones” and this somehow is worse than yelling the n word

I’ve been guilty of this…

I let the black guys do well against me in basketball games many times just because I didn’t want to humiliate them with my tremendous skills and relentless defense.
I can't imagine a scenario where trying to overcompensate could be WORSE.

I've heard some conservative arguments to that effect, like people who would argue that affirmative action is more destructive than existing racist hiring policies (or inexplicit policies that conceal bias).

It's hard to argue with the premise of her book without reading it and seeing the case she makes, but I'm almost certainly not going to read it just to decide whether or not I agree.

General rule of thumb though if you are altering your behavior due to someones race, religion, sexual orientation, etc... you should probably examine why you do that.

that’s what you got out of me saying that she says white people are
Inherently and without exceptions racist on some level? Also, I have disagreed with her assertion that nice racism is just as bad if not worse than overt racism
The most stupidest thing is this eyetie thinks she knows what goes on in white people’s heads.
Yeah, I could do without the additional categories too. Addressing the issues is what’s important to me, the labels seem more like marketing.

But would you guys agree that it’s at least a fair generalization? There are clearly differences in our political ideologies, and what resonates. I’ll give an example. What did Obama and Trump run on that resonated with their supporters?
Obama ran on “hope and change,” which are forward-looking. Hope is essentially optimism that the future will (or can) be better than the present or past. Change is the idea that we can do something now to make the future better.
“Make America Great Again,” i.e., “like it used to be,” is backward-looking. It posits an idea that things used to be better than they are, and we need to recapture that. Liberals for better or worse are concerned with what we can do to make things change for the better (what we believe to be better, or course). Conservatives are wanting to hold on to things that they have now and like, or used to have and want back.
Would you say that is a fair or unfair assessment on my part?

I am willing to agree with that. I just thought conservatives got their name from limited government. I lean conservative with some liberal ideas bouncing around in my head, but I am far from an expert in the area
I’ve been guilty of this…

I let the black guys do well against me in basketball games many times just because I didn’t want to humiliate them with my tremendous skills and relentless defense.

you wouldn’t find me near a basketball court. Hate the sport, but I am a short stalky white guy with the vertical leap skills
Of a slug

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