Are you being forced to take the vaccine at work?

Did you get the vaccine?


Have some care.

Did you get the vaccine?



legitimate medical reason

Awww shit son! Have some care.

Did you get the vaccine?



I'm a cunt.

No care for you.

This doesn't have to expand to anything beyond COVID.


It doesn't have to, but it very likely could and will . . . THAT is the slippery slope you're choosing to ignore. Just as you're selectively bashing someone who is choosing to wait to get the vaccination for a reason you might not agree with . . . give folks some time and as you say . . . don't be a cunt.
NYC will now require you to be vaccinated to eat at restaurants, go to the gym, and participate in indoor events. I say good. Get your vaccine. It isn’t that big of a deal.

Unless you have a history of horrible reactions to vaccinations . . . I've been vaccinated, but I chose to do it.

For the life of me I don't understand those of you (not necessarily you @DaleBoca) wanting it mandated by the state or federal government.

It doesn't have to, but it very likely could and will . . . THAT is the slippery slope you're choosing to ignore. Just as you're selectively bashing someone who is choosing to wait to get the vaccination for a reason you might not agree with . . . give folks some time and as you say . . . don't be a cunt.
I'm arguing that it could be done and implemented by states under authority of the tenth amendment. I was some point...that I don't think we're there yet. (Hopefully never will be). And wr avoid the "slippery slope" by not allowing healthcare individuals to determine who gets the pass for what. Cut and dry that shit.

Your tits are a little perturbed. Not quite at the calm them stage. Close though. Just a heads up.
It should be easy for you to prove this doctor wrong then. That link is not working so please fix it.

While your at it give some evidence to your original claim that natural immunity provides less antibodies than a vaccine.

I did. The link works and you can find as much as you like if you search antibodies natural immunity Vs vaccine.
Unless you have a history of horrible reactions to vaccinations . . . I've been vaccinated, but I chose to do it.

For the life of me I don't understand those of you (not necessarily you @DaleBoca) wanting it mandated by the state or federal government.
Certain things I get. I remember going back to grad school and they required me to show my immunization card for I believe TB. I knew I had this. When my family moved from Argentina to the US, me and my siblings all got our shots. I couldn’t find the card because it was almost 30 years. The school said you can either sign a waiver or get the shot again. I signed the waiver. I didn’t see the point of getting the shot again when I already had it in my system.

With the COVID vaccine, I got it so I could just try to move on with this. It gave me a peace of mind. Pretty much everybody in my family and friends have got the vaccine.
Yeah we're right to work and there'll be no hippie protester bullshit here, I can tell you that.

People here work damn hard and a lot of us moved across the country for the chance. I'm not losing MY job to try to prove a point.
Here it's the rednecks instead of hippies.
There's no nefarious plot to inject folks with something that will negatively impact their lives. There's no way a company would take a large risk at doing so and being destroyed by litigation. Science is science still. We're trying to handle an outbreak of a disease that caught us slipping (even though that really didn't have to be the case).

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Makers of the COVID vaccines don't have to worry about litigation right now. They're currently immune to litigation under protections within the PREP act. It allows companies to roll out an investigative drug and not be liable when that drug has negative or deadly side effects unless the company engaged in "willful misconduct".

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the PREP act in February of 2020. The protections last until 2024. Who knows what will happen then.
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I'm arguing that it could be done and implemented by states under authority of the tenth amendment. I was some point...that I don't think we're there yet. (Hopefully never will be). And wr avoid the "slippery slope" by not allowing healthcare individuals to determine who gets the pass for what. Cut and dry that shit.

Your tits are a little perturbed. Not quite at the calm them stage. Close though. Just a heads up.

My tits are real . . . . and they're spectacular . . . or something.
Certain things I get. I remember going back to grad school and they required me to show my immunization card for I believe TB. I knew I had this. When my family moved from Argentina to the US, me and my siblings all got our shots. I couldn’t find the card because it was almost 30 years. The school said you can either sign a waiver or get the shot again. I signed the waiver. I didn’t see the point of getting the shot again when I already had it in my system.

With the COVID vaccine, I got it so I could just try to move on with this. It gave me a peace of mind. Pretty much everybody in my family and friends have got the vaccine.

I had to get boosters for several vaccinations over 15 years ago . . . it had been so long that I just got them (Hep A, Hep B and a few others). Vaccines are great. I hope everyone ultimately decides to get the recommended shots. I'm just not a fan of the political nature of all this crap.
It is near impossible to do my job with a mask. We were promised if we got the double jab, we could stop wearing the mask. I got the double jab, and now we are going to be forced to wear the mask again.
We've not dropped the masks at work but at least at grocery stores etc it was okay, that changed again overnight. It is getting pretty bad up here hospitisations wise though.
Here it's the rednecks instead of hippies.
I'm in the southwest so it will be rednecks with the odd Karen. I work in the city but live out in the burbs, and it's all carnie rednecks out here.
Holy crap. Dude. I'm saying this as a fully vaccinated public health professional . . . if you don't see this as a slippery slope then I've got some ocean front property in Oklahoma I can sell you.

There are some folks who have legit reasons for not getting the vaccine RIGHT NOW. There are folks who don't see the vaccine as having more immediate rewards but more risk.

Can we expect you to also start advocating against criminals who need medical care after causing a wreck while driving under the influence? Or someone who texts while drives and hits another car head on? Or a teenage driver who loses control and ends up needing months of physical therapy?
Its no good arguing with hard-core pro vaxxers pal.

In their eyes everyone is a cunt who doesn't think like they do. They suffer the same ignorant one way thinking as militant vegans.
We've not dropped the masks at work but at least at grocery stores etc it was okay, that changed again overnight. It is getting pretty bad up here hospitisations wise though.
Nevada opened everything back up for about a month, now the mask mandates are back. At my job and at pretty much every business.

I was just getting used to not wearing one again too.
Nevada opened everything back up for about a month, now the mask mandates are back. At my job and at pretty much every business.

I was just getting used to not wearing one again too.
No one was bothering while I was away for a week further down south, it was really nice.
I had to get boosters for several vaccinations over 15 years ago . . . it had been so long that I just got them (Hep A, Hep B and a few others). Vaccines are great. I hope everyone ultimately decides to get the recommended shots. I'm just not a fan of the political nature of all this crap.
Unfortunately, everything is overly politicized right now.
I'm tired of mask mandates. If you didn't get the vaccine that's on you. The people who did shouldn't have to wear masks just for your benefit.

It doesn't have to, but it very likely could and will . . . THAT is the slippery slope you're choosing to ignore. Just as you're selectively bashing someone who is choosing to wait to get the vaccination for a reason you might not agree with . . . give folks some time and as you say . . . don't be a cunt.


After 9/11 we had the Patriot Act, FISA Courts gaining immense power, Snowden, etc etc. All done to keep us "safe". The amount of government over reach here is a dangerous precedence. 9 words that should make everyone's buthole pucker, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." I firmly believe that we'll look back at this time in history like we do the post 9/11 era, asking ourselves, "What the fuck were we thinking?"

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