Crime Ahmaud Arbery Shooting v4 (autopsy report)

I get sensationalism. In a time of mass Civil Unrest (Code for violence and $3B in damages) perhaps they MSM shouldn't run headlines: innocent black jogger murdered and lynched by racist white hillbillies. Perhaps, some sort of journalistic integrity.

I know it's hard to understand that you can question the media's motives and still agree the incident is fucked up and the two guys deserve their time.

There is no sensationalism here dude. They literally hopped in their trucks and chased this guy down for over 5 minutes, using racist slurs during the chase. I'm all about the truth being told but they got this one right. These guys deserve to rot in prison for what they did.
There is no sensationalism here dude. They literally hopped in their trucks and chased this guy down for over 5 minutes, using racist slurs during the chase. I'm all about the truth being told but they got this one right. These guys deserve to rot in prison for what they did.
false. he had a candy bar in his pocket. with no receipt?! someone needs to look into this.
Well for evidence we are supposed to consider in a judicial setting, if he has a history of breaking into homes or construction sites, it could be relevant in establishing a pattern of behavior that we are supposed to consider.
Or you can consider that he frequented that site with zero reports of anything being stolen. I would consider the guy with an established pattern of using the "N" word, singling out the black guy from those seen on surveillance, and automatically thinking he's a criminal that needs to be apprehended.
“listen i know this guy doesn’t have a criminal history and was the victim of a hate crime blah blah but what we really need to talk about is people who DO do crimes”
Swiss cheese is jealous of the holes in that guy's brain. {<shrug}
A group of rednecks get in their truck and chase a black man running away in fear, hitting him with a vehicle doing the process, then getting out armed to block the black man's escape, then shoot and kill him.....and you think the media's headline is wrong in what way?
He wasn't lynched... <TheDonald>

“defended his sister” is a good one. takes some serious commitment to the bit.

17 year old white dude sucker punches a 14 year old girl and he’s defending his sister. black guy is murdered and called the n word on video and you worry about journalistic integrity.
@BIKES! Headlines are more partisan than the MSM.
There is no sensationalism here dude. They literally hopped in their trucks and chased this guy down for over 5 minutes, using racist slurs during the chase. I'm all about the truth being told but they got this one right. These guys deserve to rot in prison for what they did.
You would need convictions of the same type of crime to even begin to sniff at admissibility.

In fact, in this very case, a judge ruled that his prior run-ins with the law are not relevant to the case.

This type of case is the very reason we don't try cases in the court of public opinion. The public is too emotional, they care about all sorts of irrelevant things.
Well I had stated I hadn’t seen his criminal record. Yes, I agree with you. You would probably need multiple convictions for a related alleged crime, but since it’s not Arbury on trial, I actually believe character can be brought in, but then character can be used against the actual defendants. I think we were both talking as if Arbury was on trial. Of course he’s not. Yes I understand the judge already ruled against the defendants.
I followed this case pretty close but I forget one detail, I know the 3rd guy who was following in his truck filmed it. Do we know how the video got out? My understanding is they might have been scot free if not for that video evidence. Did that guy release it on purpose and thus fuck himself and his friends?
Yeah. His lawyer said it would further exonerate them. This is the fantasy world they live in. Hunting down people is fine. The daughter should go to jail also. She took photos of the kill and posted on social media.
Well I had stated I hadn’t seen his criminal record. Yes, I agree with you. You would probably need multiple convictions for a related alleged crime, but since it’s not Arbury on trial, I actually believe character can be brought in, but then character can be used against the actual defendants. I think we were both talking as if Arbury was on trial. Of course he’s not. Yes I understand the judge already ruled against the defendants.
just for ha-ha’s as a hypothetical. what if it turned out he was a drug addict who’d had the cops called on him for arguments with his girlfriend a few times?
just for ha-ha’s as a hypothetical. what if it turned out he was a drug addict who’d had the cops called on him for arguments with his girlfriend a few times?
That would not show a pattern of behavior, motive, or anything related to this case. There are separate rules for introducing character evidence against witnesses, and in this case the alleged victim, so to be honest I would need to spend 2 minutes looking at an updated outline, and I generally try to go off my own memory on sherdog without google thinking for me.
Yeah. His lawyer said it would further exonerate them. This is the fantasy world they live in. Hunting down people is fine. The daughter should go to jail also. She took photos of the kill and posted on social media.
Well dude did grab their gun in a really aggressive manor. If they legally had the gun and it is found they were not acting unlawfully, the video of the guy aggressively trying to rip the gun away might not hurt. Were they supposed to let him take it?
Well dude did grab their gun in a really aggressive manor. If they legally had the gun and it is found they were not acting unlawfully, the video of the guy aggressively trying to rip the gun away might not hurt. Were they supposed to let him take it?

maybe if they hadn’t of chased him for over 5 minutes doing uturns and hitting him with the truck they would have some type of stand your ground defense. Maybe don’t get out with a shotgun against an unarmed man that literally is in fight or die mode? They had a multitude of options and chose the worst one possible. Throw the daughter in jail as well for taking pictures of the body. Small town counties like that in GA have the good ol boy system. Hence the one DA coming out and literally writing a letter defending the morons, the lawyer thinking the video would somehow exonerate them, and the dad being let to keep working for the DA even though he let multiple courses lapse multiple times. Literally think they can get away with anything because they are friends with the judges, DAs, and everyone at the courthouse.
Well I had stated I hadn’t seen his criminal record. Yes, I agree with you. You would probably need multiple convictions for a related alleged crime, but since it’s not Arbury on trial, I actually believe character can be brought in, but then character can be used against the actual defendants. I think we were both talking as if Arbury was on trial. Of course he’s not. Yes I understand the judge already ruled against the defendants.

Even the defendants' character is only provable by habit evidence, not character. AFAIK, there's no relevant habit evidence out there. They're going to have to prove that they knew Arbery was engaged in a crime when they initiated their stop. Not suspected but knew. If the law is applied properly, these guys should be royally fucked. I find the case against the former prosecutor more interesting because of the window into how the prosecutor can protect wrongdoers from justice in these types of scenarios. I think this sort of thing, if true, is what undermines trust in the system.
Well dude did grab their gun in a really aggressive manor. If they legally had the gun and it is found they were not acting unlawfully, the video of the guy aggressively trying to rip the gun away might not hurt. Were they supposed to let him take it?
imagine being a black dude taking a walk through a chill suburb, then 3 white dudes come out with shotguns, you get chased around in pickup trucks and called the N word over and over, finally when they corner you to kill you, you try to grab the gun to save your life and 6 months later, @Amerikuracana is like “man that looked like self defense to me”

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