Overrated movie you've ever seen?

Us. Us will be an extremely over rated movie. Movie was tagged as a horror, it was more like a comedy/psychological thriller, and a bad one at that.

I love Jordan Peele as much as the next guy, but people needs to stop acting like he is any good at making movies. People will no doubt praise him for this, call it a thrilling ride, next generation of horror movies, the whole nine, but my god, do not pay to see this pile of garbage. I will write a long drawn out review tomorrow and either make a post about it or dig through to find an official thread.

Only bright spots were sound track and cast. 1 + 1 = 2, so I give this a 2/10.


Honestly, I found Goodfellas to be a pretty shit movie. I'm not just saying that because I know it is loved by most either. I didn't see it until a few months ago but it was just one boring cliché after another. It isn't because I don't like that type of movie either because Casino, The Godfather I and II, and Scarface are among my all time favorite movies. I put off watching it because i'm not a fan of Ray Liotta and there was no way it was ever going to live up to the hype for me but even considering that I found it to be a chore to watch.

Can't like those other movies and not like the movie that bests all of them.

Goodfellas might be the greatest movie of all time, and what seems cliche?
The movies is based on a real story and I know some people that were around the actual real life guys of that movie and said they got most of the stuff right besides a couple things here and there.
Black panther.
Black panther.
Black panther.
Black panther.

Just simply an awful awful film that has been voted up purely based on the fact it uses lots of black actors.
Yet the ludicrous idea that this super technical race exists in secret, keeping all that wealth and technology for themselves, while the rest of Africa starves, and are seen as heroes?
Hated that film. And the bad guy was just AWFUL. Yet still a load of people saying he needs a fucking Oscar

Starting to hate all marvel films tbh. All overrated sacks of shit now, just following the same theme. Good guy finds himself, has to beat a bad guy who is just a bad version of the good guy. Usually the bad guy has a chip on his/her shoulder over daddy not giving enough cuddles or something.

The movie was meh. @CyberRubberDuck


Avatar, I left halfway through. Just watched aquaman and I was so bored I ended up going on my laptop and leaving the movie on in the background.
2001 A Space Odyssey, pretentious artsy mumbo jumbo. Although visually stunning and well ahead of its time, much of it was just too weird for me, especially the ending.
Black Panther had good leads(and Serkis of course) to it but it was a mid level Marvel film at best and honestly I think showed Ryan Coogler to be quite a limited director. Visually I felt it looked very mundane despite the setting, some scenes like the fights on the waterfall were really amateurishly lit making it look like a much cheaper film than it was.

Avatar. If was Dances with Wolves with CGI and awful acting.