Yadong Song Responds to Sean Strickland’s Controversial Comments About China

Fucking goody two shoes. Does he really think Strickland cares? Just shut up man, what's even the point other than to show everyone how nice and respectful you are? The guy will talk shit anyway, why not just enjoy it?
Country with social.credit score deserves all the roast
Everyone really should just lean into Sean's trauma every time Sean tries to be an asshole.
Song made a reasonable reply to Seans disrespectful comments about his country. The focus should always be on the athletes and not where someone is from.
C-19 was a result of animal agriculture - like virtually every viral pandemic in history. The Spanish flu came from a hog farm in Kansas. Is America responsible for the 50 million people killed by the Spanish Flu??
Yes. Also for plastic. China is responsible for Wisdom and great soup, cannibalism and ugly revolutionary hats.